4 letter words starting with c

Welcome to the world of four-letter wonders starting with "C"! Whether you're crafting a clever crossword or embarking on a word game adventure, these snappy words will spark your curiosity. Dive in and explore this charming collection that's sure to captivate your inner wordsmith and bring creativity to life!

come 8
call 6
came 8
care 6
case 6
cool 6
city 9
calm 8
cold 7
club 8
cute 6
card 7
cell 6
crap 8
cash 9
cook 10
cost 6
code 7
camp 10
cake 10
copy 11
crew 9
coat 6
carl 6
cast 6
cock 12
cure 6
chat 9
clue 6
coke 10
cunt 6
cave 9
chop 11
chef 12
chip 11
cage 7
core 6
corn 6
cows 9
coma 8
coin 6
clan 6
cole 6
cuts 6
chin 9
cafe 9
cart 6
cent 6
chew 12
cant 6
clay 9
coal 6
ciao 6
cope 8
crab 8
cans 6
chow 12
cane 6
cape 8
crow 9
chad 10
chap 11
cord 7
clap 8
clip 8
cola 6
coco 8
cult 6
coup 8
crib 8
claw 9
comb 10
crop 8
calf 9
cozy 18
cone 6
coca 8
cube 8
cuff 12
coop 8
curb 8
cain 6
colt 6
cork 10
caps 8
chic 11
casa 6
clam 8
chit 9
curl 6
cons 6
cosy 9
cove 9
chug 10
clem 8
chum 11
cher 9
clot 6
cram 8
coil 6
croc 8
char 9
carp 8
cuss 6
chou 9
conn 6
comm 10
clit 6
comp 10
curd 7
coon 6
cobb 10
curt 6
cade 7
clad 7
clog 7
coho 9
capa 8
cate 6
cite 6
coos 6
carr 6
chon 9
chez 18
cree 6
chem 11
cusp 8
coax 13
czar 15
cyst 9
carb 8
crud 7
cray 9
cine 6
coot 6
coed 7
cadi 7
clod 7
crux 13
cham 11
caca 8
cang 7
conk 10
capo 8
coda 7
cred 7
ceil 6
clop 8
camo 8
choc 11
cede 7
cond 7
chub 11
caff 12
conf 9
cote 6
chaw 12
cull 6
craw 9
chut 9
coll 6
cush 9
cowl 9
cert 6
crim 8
crit 6
celt 6
cack 12
cose 6
cosh 9
cyan 9
cero 6
clef 9
clew 9
cran 6
caph 11
cask 10
cist 6
cess 6
chur 9
cloy 9
cuke 10
curs 6
chid 10
coly 9
coff 12
crag 7
crus 6
cark 10
cere 6
chay 12
cazh 18
cami 8
cals 6
cafs 9
cinq 15
cums 8
cron 6
cria 6
coni 6
cony 9
coof 9
coms 8
cols 6
coom 8
corm 8
cors 6
cory 9
coss 6
corf 9
cops 8
clow 9
clou 6
cleg 7
clon 6
cobs 8
coch 11
coif 9
coir 6
coit 6
coky 13
cogs 7
cods 7
coft 9
cubs 8
cups 8
curf 9
curn 6
culm 8
cuds 7
cued 7
cues 6
cuif 9
cuit 6
curr 6
cyte 9
cyme 11
cyma 11
cusk 10
cwms 11
cowy 12
coxa 13
coxy 16
coys 9
coze 15
cowp 11
coth 9
cots 6
cott 6
cour 6
cowk 13
crog 7
crue 6
cris 6
crem 8
calx 13
cany 9
capi 8
cama 8
cams 8
cann 6
cats 6
cauf 9
cauk 10
caul 6
caum 8
caup 8
carn 6
cars 6
cava 9
calp 8
caas 6
caba 8
caid 7
caky 13
calk 10
cagy 10
cags 7
cabs 8
cads 7
calo 6
chog 10
chik 13
chis 9
chiv 12
chiz 18
cide 7
cids 7
ciel 6
cive 9
clag 7
clat 6
cits 6
cito 6
cigs 7
cill 6
cion 6
cire 6
cirl 6
cels 6
cens 6
cepe 8
ceps 8
cees 6
cavy 12
cawk 13
caws 9
cays 9
ceas 6
ceca 8
cedi 7
chav 12
chia 9
chas 9
cete 6
chai 9
chal 9
chao 9
chib 11

Welcome to the captivating world of 4-letter words starting with C! These small yet mighty combos can pack a punch in language, often bringing flair and function to our daily conversations. From casual chatter to competitive word games, these words are linguistic gems. With fascinating origins and unique pronunciations, they often serve as the backbone of playful banter or serious scrabble strategies. Get ready to explore some intriguing examples that showcase the charm and versatility of these words.

About 4-letter words starting with C

The letter 'C' holds a special place in the alphabet, often representing sounds such as /k/ (as in "cat") or /s/ (as in "cent"). This versatility makes it an exciting starter for many 4-letter words. These words frequently appear in everyday language due to their simplicity and utility. For instance, words like "cake" or "cold" evoke immediate imagery and emotion, making them essential tools for effective communication.

Furthermore, the position of 'C' at the beginning of these words can influence their meaning and pronunciation in subtle ways. Take "clap" and "chat" for example; the initial 'C' followed by different vowels and consonants creates distinct sounds and meanings. This variety adds depth to the English language, allowing speakers to express nuanced ideas and emotions with just a few letters.

Popular word examples

Let's dive into some popular examples that highlight the charm of 4-letter words starting with C.


  • Definition: A sweet baked food made from flour, sugar, and other ingredients.
  • Example in a Sentence: "She baked a chocolate cake for her birthday."
  • Fun Fact: The word "cake" originates from Old Norse "kaka," and cakes were once more like bread than the sweet desserts we know today.


  • Definition: Having a low temperature, especially when compared to the human body.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The wind felt cold against his skin."
  • Fun Fact: "Cold" is one of the oldest words in the English language, dating back to before the 12th century.


  • Definition: A piece of thick, stiff paper or thin pasteboard, in particular one used for writing or printing on.
  • Example in a Sentence: "He gave her a card for her birthday."
  • Fun Fact: The concept of greeting cards dates back to ancient China, where people exchanged messages of goodwill to celebrate the New Year.


  • Definition: A small, flat, round piece of metal used as money.
  • Example in a Sentence: "He flipped a coin to make the decision."
  • Fun Fact: The first coins were believed to have been made by the Lydians, an ancient civilization in modern-day Turkey, around 600 BC.


  • Definition: A group of people who work on and operate a ship, aircraft, etc.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The crew prepared the ship for departure."
  • Fun Fact: The term "crew" can also apply to a rowing team, particularly in sports like competitive rowing.

High-scoring scrabble examples

Word game enthusiasts know the power of 4-letter words starting with C in Scrabble. Here's a look at high-scoring options:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Czar 15 An emperor or king, historically used in Russia.
Quad 14 A four-sided polygon; short for quadrangle.
Chef 12 A professional cook.
Chin 9 The lower part of the face below the mouth.
Claw 9 A sharp, curved nail on the foot of an animal.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

Wordle enthusiasts would do well to remember these 5-letter words starting with C, perfect for adding challenge and excitement to the game.

Word Definition
Chase To pursue in order to catch or catch up with.
Crave To feel a powerful desire for something.
Chunk A thick, solid piece of something.
Craft An activity involving skill in making things.
Climb To go or come up a slope or staircase.

Unusual and rare word examples

Explore these rare and unusual gems among 4-letter words starting with C.


  • Definition: A small, sheltered bay.
  • Interesting Fact: The term "cove" has its origins in Old English and has been used to describe small coastal inlets for centuries.
  • Example in a Sentence: "They found a secluded cove to set up their picnic."


  • Definition: A membranous sac containing fluid or semisolid material.
  • Interesting Fact: The word "cyst" comes from the Greek "kystis," meaning bladder or pouch.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The doctor examined the cyst to determine if it required removal."


  • Definition: A freshwater fish, typically found in rivers.
  • Interesting Fact: The name "chub" is thought to be related to "chubby," likely referring to the fish's plump shape.
  • Example in a Sentence: "They caught a chub while fishing in the river."


  • Definition: Rudely brief in speech or manner.
  • Interesting Fact: "Curt" comes from the Latin "curtus," meaning shortened.
  • Example in a Sentence: "His curt reply left her feeling unimportant."


  • Definition: A large container made of wood, metal, or plastic, used for storing liquids.
  • Interesting Fact: The word "cask" is derived from the Spanish "casco," meaning helmet or vessel.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The winery stored its finest wines in oak casks."

Final words

Exploring the world of 4-letter words starting with C offers a unique glimpse into the dynamic nature of language. Whether you're crafting sentences, playing word games, or simply expanding your vocabulary, these words provide endless opportunities for fun and learning. So, next time you're faced with a choice of words, consider the curious 'C' and its capacity to add character to your conversation.

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