Words Starting With BU

Welcome to a world of buzzwords and bubbly expressions! Whether you're building a brilliant vocabulary or just curious about the beauty of words beginning with "BU," you've come to the right place. Dive in and discover a bunch of bold, breathtaking terms that bring your language to life!

3 letter words

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but 5
buy 8
bus 5
bug 6
bum 7
bud 6
bun 5
bub 7
bur 5

4 letter words

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busy 9
burn 6
butt 6
bull 6
bush 9
bury 9
buck 12
bust 6
bugs 7
bump 10
buzz 24
bunk 10
bulb 8
buns 6
buff 12
bulk 10
buoy 9
burp 8
bunt 6
bura 6
burg 7

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5 letter words

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buddy 12
build 8
built 7
bunch 12
bucks 13
burnt 7
burns 7
bunny 10
burst 7
bully 10
buses 7
buyer 10
butch 12
burke 11
budge 9
bubba 11
buggy 12
bumpy 14
bugle 8
bulge 8
bushy 13

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6 letter words

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bullet 8
buried 9
buying 12
burned 9
button 8
butter 8
busted 9
budget 10
burden 9
bucket 14
buddha 13
bureau 8
bubble 12
burger 9
bugger 10
burial 8
buster 8
butler 8
bunker 12
buckle 14
bundle 9

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7 letter words

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burning 10
butcher 14
buffalo 15
buzzing 28
buttons 9
bullied 10
builder 10
burying 13
burglar 10
bulldog 11
burrito 9
bullock 15
burgess 10
buffoon 15
bumpkin 17
buttock 15
busiest 9
budding 12
butting 10
bulging 11
buzzard 28

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8 letter words

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business 10
building 12
bullshit 13
bungalow 14
burgundy 15
bursting 11
bullying 14
bulletin 10
buttocks 16
burglary 14
bubbling 15
burdened 12
bulkhead 18
busybody 19
buttoned 11
bustling 11
bullhorn 13
buckshot 19
bumbling 15
buoyancy 18
butchery 18

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9 letter words

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butterfly 17
buttercup 15
bulldozer 21
bumblebee 17
buckwheat 23
bullfight 18
buccaneer 15
burlesque 20
bullfinch 19
bucktooth 20
budgetary 16
bulldozed 22
bunkhouse 18
bushwhack 26
bucketful 20
bumptious 15
butcherer 16
butternut 11
buckboard 20
burnished 15
bubalises 13

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10 letter words

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buttermilk 18
bureaucrat 14
butchering 18
butterball 14
buffoonery 21
bullheaded 17
bulldozing 23
burdensome 15
buttonhook 19
busybodies 18
buttonhole 15
bushmaster 17
budgerigar 15
buttonless 12
burglarize 22
bubblegums 19
bubblehead 20
bubonocele 16
buccaneers 16
buccaniers 16
buccinator 16

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The English language is a whimsical wonderland, bustling with words that surprise and delight at every turn. Among these linguistic gems, those beginning with the letters "BU" hold a special charm. Their unique combination offers a playful dance of sounds that roll off the tongue with a certain buoyancy and vitality. From everyday staples to peculiar rarities, these words are as diverse as they are delightful. Dive in as we explore the influence of these words on our language, teasing out their quirks with examples that are sure to tickle your linguistic fancy.

About words starting with BU

The combination of "B" and "U" at the beginning of a word often sets the stage for an intriguing linguistic journey. The letter "B" starts off with a bang—a voiced bilabial stop that exudes confidence and clarity. Paired with "U", which can take on a variety of sounds from a short, crisp "uh" to a smooth "oo", this duo opens up a world of phonetic possibilities. This dynamic duo is frequently found at the start of words that are not only fun to say but also vital in everyday communication.

Words starting with "BU" aren't just phonetically appealing; they also carry a wide array of meanings and uses. For instance, "bubble" instantly conjures images of delicate spheres, while "bustle" suggests lively activity. This versatility makes them indispensable in crafting vivid imagery and conveying nuanced concepts. In many cases, these words have fascinating origins, tracing back centuries to roots that hint at their current meanings and charming us with their rich histories.

Popular word examples

Words starting with "BU" are prevalent and beloved, populating both casual conversation and more formal discourse. Here are ten popular examples:


  • Definition: A thin sphere of liquid enclosing air or another gas.
  • Example in a Sentence: The children ran through the garden, chasing after floating bubbles.
  • Fun Fact: The word "bubble" has been used in the English language since at least the 14th century.


  • Definition: A collection of things, or a quantity of material, tied or wrapped up together.
  • Example in a Sentence: She carried a bundle of old letters tied with a ribbon.
  • Fun Fact: This word can be traced back to Middle Dutch and is often used metaphorically, like a "bundle of joy" for a newborn baby.


  • Definition: An estimate of income and expenditure for a set period.
  • Example in a Sentence: They planned their vacation carefully to stay within budget.
  • Fun Fact: "Budget" originates from the Latin word 'bulga', meaning a leather bag or wallet.


  • Definition: A large, hairy bee known for its loud buzzing.
  • Example in a Sentence: The bumblebee hovered over the flowers in the garden.
  • Fun Fact: Despite their size, bumblebees are important pollinators and have a cultural presence in tales and folklore.


  • Definition: A meal consisting of several dishes from which guests serve themselves.
  • Example in a Sentence: The hotel offered an extensive breakfast buffet.
  • Fun Fact: The term comes from the French word for a sideboard where food is served.


  • Definition: A brief official statement or broadcast summary of news.
  • Example in a Sentence: The school issued a bulletin about the upcoming events.
  • Fun Fact: Derived from the Italian 'bulletino', it was first used in the context of a short report in the 18th century.


  • Definition: A powerful tractor with a broad upright blade for clearing ground.
  • Example in a Sentence: The bulldozer rumbled across the land, preparing it for construction.
  • Fun Fact: The term emerged in the early 20th century from the word "bull" (as in forceful) and "dose" (as in a dose of medicine).


  • Definition: A hole or tunnel dug by a small animal as a dwelling.
  • Example in a Sentence: Rabbits darted into their burrows as the sun began to set.
  • Fun Fact: "Burrow" can also refer to a snug or cozy place, often used metaphorically in literature.


  • Definition: A person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.
  • Example in a Sentence: She's in the business of selling handmade crafts online.
  • Fun Fact: The word has been part of the English lexicon since the late Old English period, evolving from 'bisignis'.


  • Definition: A continuous humming or murmuring sound.
  • Example in a Sentence: There was a buzz of excitement in the room before the awards were announced.
  • Fun Fact: "Buzz" is an example of onomatopoeia, where the word mimics the sound it describes.

High-scoring scrabble examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, words starting with "BU" are not just fun—they're strategic goldmines for scoring big points. Here's a table of some high-scoring options:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Buzzard 28 A large bird of prey known for scavenging.
Bumper 16 Something unusually large, like a bumper crop.
Buckle 14 A clasp or fastener.
Bubbly 15 Full of bubbles or effervescent in nature.
Buffoon 15 A ridiculous but amusing person; a clown.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

Wordle players, take note! Five-letter words starting with "BU" can be crucial for success. Here’s a handy list:

Word Definition
Buzzy Full of excitement or activity.
Build To construct by putting parts together.
Bulky Large and difficult to handle.
Burly Strongly and heavily built.
Buddy A close friend or companion.

Unusual and rare word examples

The English language is peppered with unusual and rare words that start with "BU". Here are some that add a sprinkle of the extraordinary:


  • Definition: An informal term for an umbrella.
  • Interesting Fact: This whimsical word is believed to be a blend of "umbrella" and "parachute".
  • Example in a Sentence: She grabbed her bumbershoot before heading out into the rain.


  • Definition: To confuse or fluster.
  • Interesting Fact: This delightful term hails from Southern American English and has an uncertain origin.
  • Example in a Sentence: The tricky puzzle seemed to bumfuzzle everyone who tried it.


  • Definition: A small, tart berry native to North America.
  • Interesting Fact: Used traditionally by Native Americans, these berries are packed with nutrients.
  • Example in a Sentence: The bush was laden with bright red buffaloberries.


  • Definition: Relating to bubonic plague, characterized by swollen lymph nodes.
  • Interesting Fact: The term "bubonic" comes from the Greek word for groin, referring to the lymph nodes affected.
  • Example in a Sentence: The bubonic plague devastated medieval Europe.


  • Definition: Relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life.
  • Interesting Fact: It originates from the Greek word "boukolos", meaning cowherd.
  • Example in a Sentence: The painting depicted a bucolic scene of rolling hills and grazing sheep.

Final words

Words starting with "BU" are a testament to the playful and multifaceted nature of language. Whether they're adding heft to your vocabulary, boosting your Scrabble score, or providing the perfect five-letter guess in Wordle, these words are as charming as they are useful. So next time you're searching for the right word, consider the buoyant world of "BU" words—they might just give your expression the boost it needs!