Words Starting With BLU

Dive into a vibrant world of words that begin with "blu"! From the serene blues of the ocean to the playful blush of a blueberry, this collection is bursting with colorful and refreshing vocabulary. Whether you’re a logophile or just curious, discover the beauty and charm these words have to offer!

4 letter words

blue 6
blur 6
blub 8
blud 7

5 letter words

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blues 7
blunt 7
bluff 13
blush 10
blurt 7
bluey 10
bluer 7
blurb 9
blubs 9
blude 8
bluds 8
bludy 11
blued 8
bluet 7
bluid 8
blume 9
blunk 11
blurs 7

6 letter words

View all
blurry 11
bluish 11
bluest 8
bludes 9
bludge 10
bludie 9
bluely 11
bluesy 11
bluets 8
blueys 11
bluffs 14
bluggy 13
bluids 9
bluidy 12
bluier 8
bluing 9
blumed 11
blumes 10
blunge 9
blunks 12
blunts 8

7 letter words

View all
blurred 10
blunder 10
bluntly 12
blubber 13
blunted 10
bludger 11
bluffer 15
blusher 12
bluster 9
bluefin 12
blubbed 14
blucher 14
bludged 12
bludges 11
bludier 10
bluecap 13
bluegum 12
blueing 10
blueish 12
bluejay 19
bluetit 9

8 letter words

View all
blushing 14
bluebird 13
blurring 11
blueness 10
bluebell 12
bludgeon 12
bluefish 16
blustery 13
blubbers 14
blubbery 17
blubbing 15
bluchers 15
bludgers 12
bludging 13
bludiest 11
blueback 18
blueball 12
bluebeat 12
bluebill 12
bluebook 16
bluebuck 18

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9 letter words

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blueberry 16
blueprint 13
bluebeard 14
bluegrass 12
bluntness 11
bluestone 11
blubbered 16
blubberer 15
bludgeons 13
bluebacks 19
blueballs 13
bluebeats 13
bluebells 13
bluebills 13
bluebirds 14
blueblood 14
bluebooks 17
bluebucks 19
bluecoats 13
bluecurls 13
bluegills 12

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10 letter words

View all
bluebottle 14
blubberers 16
blubberier 16
blubbering 17
bludgeoned 15
bludgeoner 14
bluebeards 15
bluebloods 15
bluebonnet 14
bluebreast 14
bluebushes 17
bluefishes 18
bluejacket 25
blueliners 12
bluemouths 17
bluenesses 12
bluepoints 14
blueprints 14
blueshifts 18
bluestones 12
bluethroat 15

Prepare to dive into the whimsical world of words that start with "blu," where language takes on a unique twist. These words often evoke imagery and sounds that are playful, intriguing, and occasionally profound. Think about the way "blu" rolls off the tongue—a smooth blend of consonants and vowels that creates a distinct pronunciation. Words adorned with "blu" often hint at colors, moods, or actions, drawing us into their vibrant tapestry. From common expressions to rarer gems, this exploration of "blu" words promises to be both enlightening and entertaining.

About words starting with BLU

Words starting with "blu" hold a special place in the English lexicon. The combination of "b," "l," and "u" at the beginning of a word is not just a phonetic choice; it often implies a thematic element. The "b" offers a firm and bold start, while the "l" follows with a liquid-like flow, and the "u" rounds it off with a sound that can be either short and snappy or long and drawn out. This triad influences pronunciation, providing a smooth yet dynamic soundscape.

The "blu" beginning often suggests concepts related to color or sound, such as "blue" or "blues." These initial letters set the stage for words that are rich in meaning and have a variety of uses across different contexts. For instance, "blur" suggests something indistinct, while "blunt" conveys directness. The versatility and depth of words starting with "blu" make them an indispensable part of our vocabulary.

Popular word examples

Here's a tour of some well-loved words starting with "blu," each with its own charm and story.


  • Definition: A color often associated with the sky or sea.
  • Example in a Sentence: The sky was a clear, brilliant blue.
  • Fun Fact: In many cultures, blue symbolizes trust and loyalty.


  • Definition: To make something less distinct.
  • Example in a Sentence: Everything became a blur as the train sped by.
  • Fun Fact: The term "blur" can also refer to a style of art that emphasizes indistinctness.


  • Definition: A reddening of the face due to embarrassment or shyness.
  • Example in a Sentence: She felt her cheeks blush when he complimented her.
  • Fun Fact: Blushing is an involuntary response controlled by the sympathetic nervous system.


  • Definition: To deceive someone into believing you can do something.
  • Example in a Sentence: He tried to bluff his way through the poker game.
  • Fun Fact: "Bluff" also refers to a steep cliff or bank.


  • Definition: A detailed plan or outline.
  • Example in a Sentence: The architect showed us the blueprint for the new building.
  • Fun Fact: The term originated from the blue-tinted prints used by architects.

High-scoring scrabble examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, these words beginning with "blu" can earn you impressive points.

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Bludgeon 12 A heavy club used as a weapon.
Bluetick 14 A breed of dog known for its blue-ticked coat.
Bluster 9 To speak loudly and aggressively.
Bluings 10 Substances used to whiten laundry.
Blunder 10 A careless mistake.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

Wordle fans will find these five-letter "blu" words handy for daily puzzles.

Word Definition
Blurb A short description or promotion.
Blunt Having a dull edge or point.
Blues A genre of music with roots in African American history.
Blush To become red in the face.
Blurt To say something suddenly.

Unusual and rare word examples

Explore these rare "blu" words that might surprise even seasoned linguists:


  • Definition: The process of mixing clay with water to make a slip.
  • Interesting Fact: This term is primarily used in the pottery industry.
  • Example in a Sentence: The potter spent hours blunging the clay to the perfect consistency.


  • Definition: An old-fashioned type of gun with a broad muzzle.
  • Interesting Fact: The blunderbuss was used in the 17th century and is considered a precursor to the shotgun.
  • Example in a Sentence: The pirate wielded a blunderbuss with a menacing grin.


  • Definition: A German word for flower, occasionally used in English poetry.
  • Interesting Fact: The word "blume" stems from the Old High German "bluoama."
  • Example in a Sentence: The poet described the meadow's blume with vivid imagery.


  • Definition: A type of shoe with open lacing.
  • Interesting Fact: Named after Prussian General Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher, who helped defeat Napoleon at Waterloo.
  • Example in a Sentence: He polished his bluchers until they shone.

Final words

The world of words beginning with "blu" is as colorful and varied as the meanings they convey. Whether you're a language enthusiast, a game player, or simply curious, these words offer a delightful peek into the nuances of English vocabulary. Their distinctive sounds and connotations continue to enrich our conversations, adding a splash of intrigue to our linguistic landscape.