5 letter words starting with be

Ready to dive into the world of five-letter words that kick off with "BE"? Whether you're a Scrabble enthusiast, a crossword puzzle lover, or just someone who's curious about the English language, this list is here to spark your creativity and boost your vocabulary. Let's explore!

being 8
begin 8
beach 12
began 8
below 10
beast 7
belly 10
beats 7
betty 10
begun 8
benny 10
beard 8
beers 7
bench 12
berry 10
belle 7
beads 8
bends 8
beige 8
betel 7
berth 10
beret 7
beaut 7
beget 8
beech 12
belay 10
belch 12
benni 7
beefy 13
belie 7
begat 8
beady 11
beset 7
betta 7
beaux 14
beryl 10
bebop 11
begot 8
benes 7
beals 7
beedi 8
begum 10
bendy 11
befit 10
bevvy 16
benet 7
bever 10
bezel 16
beaky 14
beano 7
beaus 7
berks 11
beery 10
bevel 10
beaks 11
beams 9
beamy 12
beans 7
beany 10
beare 7
bears 7
beath 10
beaty 10
becap 11
becke 13
becks 13
bedad 9
bedel 8
bedes 8
bedew 11
bedim 10
bedye 11
beefs 10
beeps 9
beets 7
befog 11
begad 9
begar 8
begem 10
beigy 11
beins 7
bekah 14
belah 10
belar 7
belee 7
belga 8
bells 7
belon 7
belts 7
bemad 10
bemas 9
bemix 16
bemud 10
benga 8
benis 7
benne 7
bento 7
bents 7
benty 10
bepat 9
beray 10
beres 7
bergs 8
berko 11
berme 9
berms 9
berob 9
besat 7
besaw 10
besee 7
beses 7
besit 7
besom 9
besot 7
besti 7
bests 7
betas 7
beted 8
betes 7
beths 10
betid 8
beton 7
bevor 10
bevue 10
bewet 10
bewig 11
bezes 16
bezil 16
bezzy 28

Dive into the enchanting world of five-letter words starting with "BE" and discover how these combinations create an intriguing tapestry of language. These words offer a delightful mix of sounds, meanings, and cultural references that make them not only useful but also endlessly fascinating. From their unique pronunciations to their diverse applications in games and communication, there’s something undeniably captivating about these words. Let's explore some examples that highlight why they are so much fun!

About 5-letter words starting with BE

The letter combination "BE" often suggests beginnings or existence, a theme that resonates across many languages. In English, these two letters initiate a host of words that are commonly used, making them both practical and significant. The "B" sound is bilabial, produced with both lips, which gives the words a bold start. Pair that with the vowel sound "E," and you have an inviting entrance to a word that can take on numerous meanings and tones. Think of words like "beach" or "beast," where the "BE" sets the stage for vivid imagery and strong emotions.

Phonetically, "BE" leads words into a dance between the soft "e" and whatever follows, creating a rhythm that's pleasing to the ear. This combination often conveys action, description, or identity, making it foundational in English vocabulary. For instance, "begin" denotes the start of something, while "belly" describes a part of the body. These examples show how the letters "B" and "E," when combined, wield power in shaping meaning and context.

Popular word examples

Explore some popular examples of five-letter words beginning with "BE" and see how they shape our language and communication.


  • Definition: A sandy or pebbly shore by the ocean or lake.
  • Example in a Sentence: "We spent the afternoon lounging on the sun-drenched beach."
  • Fun Fact: The word "beach" comes from the Old English "bæce," meaning "stream."


  • Definition: A large, dangerous, or unusual animal.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The legend spoke of a mythical beast lurking in the forest."
  • Fun Fact: "Beast" has been used metaphorically since the Middle Ages to describe a person’s base instincts.


  • Definition: A long seat for several people, typically made of wood or metal.
  • Example in a Sentence: "She waited on the park bench as the sun set over the city."
  • Fun Fact: In legal terms, a "bench" refers to the office of a judge.


  • Definition: A small, pulpy, and often edible fruit.
  • Example in a Sentence: "He picked a ripe berry from the bush and popped it into his mouth."
  • Fun Fact: Botanically, bananas are considered berries!


  • Definition: To start or commence.
  • Example in a Sentence: "Let's begin the meeting promptly at noon."
  • Fun Fact: "Begin" has roots in the Old English word "beginnan."

High-scoring Scrabble examples

For those who love word games, these high-scoring Scrabble words beginning with "BE" can give you an edge.

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Bezel 16 A rim that holds the crystal of a watch or the stone of a gem.
Beech 12 A type of tree known for its smooth, gray bark.
Befog 11 To make unclear or difficult to understand.
Begum 10 A title used for a Muslim woman of high rank.
Betas 7 Plural of beta, the second letter of the Greek alphabet.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

Wordle enthusiasts will appreciate these five-letter words starting with "BE" that could help crack the day's puzzle.

Word Definition
Belch Emit gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth.
Belie Fail to give a true notion or impression of something.
Below At a lower level or layer.
Beset Trouble or threaten persistently.
Berry A small, pulpy, and often edible fruit.

Unusual and rare word examples

Discover some rare or unusual five-letter words beginning with "BE" that add flair to our vocabulary.


  • Definition: To furnish with a wig.
  • Interesting Fact: This whimsical word paints a vivid picture of historical fashion trends.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The actor was bewigged to portray the 18th-century nobleman authentically."


  • Definition: To be appropriate for or suitable to.
  • Interesting Fact: "Befit" is often used in formal contexts to describe propriety.
  • Example in a Sentence: "Her elegant attire befits the occasion."


  • Definition: To confuse or obscure.
  • Interesting Fact: Associated with literal fog, this word offers a metaphor for unclear thinking.
  • Example in a Sentence: "Complex instructions can easily befog new employees."


  • Definition: Past tense of beget; to father or produce.
  • Interesting Fact: "Begot" is frequently found in historical and biblical texts.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The ancient king begot many heirs."


  • Definition: To provide with a wig.
  • Interesting Fact: Though rarely used today, it reflects a bygone era's fashion.
  • Example in a Sentence: "The bewigged judges presided over the court session."

Final words

Whether you're a language enthusiast, a word game aficionado, or someone who simply enjoys the quirks of English, five-letter words starting with "BE" offer endless amusement and utility. Next time you encounter one, take a moment to appreciate the blend of sounds and meanings that make these words truly special.

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