Words Starting With BE

Welcome to a world where every word begins with a burst of brilliance! From "believe" to "bewilder," this page promises to bewitch your curiosity. Dive in to discover words that beckon you towards new meanings, and let’s embark on a journey brimming with wordy wonders and endless excitement!

2 letter words

be 4

3 letter words

View all
bed 6
bet 5
ben 5
beg 6
bee 5
bey 8
bel 5
bes 5
bez 14

4 letter words

View all
been 6
best 6
beat 6
beer 6
bear 6
bell 6
belt 6
beef 9
bend 7
beth 9
beep 8
bent 6
bean 6
beds 7
beam 8
beta 6
beck 12
beau 6
beak 10
berg 7
bead 7

5 letter words

View all
being 8
begin 8
beach 12
began 8
below 10
beast 7
belly 10
beats 7
betty 10
begun 8
benny 10
beard 8
beers 7
bench 12
berry 10
belle 7
beads 8
bends 8
beige 8
betel 7
berth 10

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6 letter words

View all
before 11
better 8
become 12
behind 12
became 12
beauty 11
beyond 12
belong 9
behave 14
beaten 8
berlin 8
beside 9
behalf 14
betray 11
belief 11
beware 11
behold 12
beggar 10
beaver 11
beetle 8
beacon 10

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7 letter words

View all
because 11
believe 12
between 12
besides 10
beating 10
bedroom 12
beloved 13
begging 12
benefit 12
beneath 12
betting 10
bearing 10
bedtime 12
behaved 16
bending 11
berserk 13
bearded 11
bedside 11
beseech 14
beaming 12
bedding 12

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8 letter words

View all
believed 14
becoming 15
behavior 16
benjamin 19
betrayal 13
believer 13
benedict 13
beginner 11
beverage 14
betrayer 13
beheaded 15
bearings 11
befriend 14
bearable 12
bequeath 22
besieged 12
begotten 11
bereaved 14
belittle 10
benedick 17
belching 16

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9 letter words

View all
beautiful 14
beginning 13
believing 15
behaviour 17
belonging 13
bewitched 20
benefited 15
betrothed 15
bellowing 15
bedspread 15
bedridden 14
betrothal 14
befitting 15
belvedere 15
beheading 16
beekeeper 17
beanstalk 15
beefsteak 18
befuddled 17
bellyache 19
belittled 12

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10 letter words

View all
belongings 14
beforehand 19
believable 17
beneficial 17
benefactor 17
behavioral 18
benevolent 15
bewildered 17
bestseller 12
beautician 14
bewitching 21
bestiality 15
betterment 14
beachfront 20
belittling 13
beaujolais 19
bellwether 18
bedchamber 22
beneficent 17
beautified 16
benedictus 15

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Have you ever noticed how certain combinations of letters can create a delightful sense of harmony and rhythm in language? Words starting with "be" are a perfect example. These two simple letters, when placed at the beginning of a word, can completely change its tone, meaning, and even the way it rolls off your tongue. From the everyday to the exotic, the world of words that begin with "be" is as rich and varied as the stories they help to tell. Get ready to explore some captivating examples and find out why these words are so beloved.

About words starting with BE

The English language is a fascinating tapestry woven from countless threads, and words starting with "be" are some of the most intriguing threads of all. The prefix "be-" often serves to add an element of completeness or intensity to a word. Consider "beloved," which conveys a depth of affection that surpasses mere liking. This prefix can also imply transformation, as in "become," suggesting a change or development into something new. Such versatility makes "be" a valuable linguistic tool.

Moreover, the pronunciation of "be" gives it a soft yet assertive quality. When spoken, it begins with a gentle 'b' sound, followed by the open and inviting 'e.' This combination fosters a smooth transition to the rest of the word, allowing these terms to glide effortlessly off the tongue. Words starting with "be" often carry a sense of intimacy or personal connection, such as "befriend," which evokes a sense of companionship and support. Whether adding emphasis, creating transformation, or fostering closeness, these words have a unique power in communication.

Popular word examples

Ready to dive into some popular words that start with "be"? Let's explore ten engaging examples that demonstrate just how versatile and fun these words can be.


  • Definition: Dearly loved or cherished.
  • Example in a Sentence: The old teddy bear was her most beloved childhood possession.
  • Fun Fact: The word "beloved" has been used in English literature since the 14th century, often to describe romantic or familial affection.


  • Definition: To confuse or perplex.
  • Example in a Sentence: The complicated instructions would befuddle anyone unfamiliar with the software.
  • Fun Fact: "Befuddle" was first recorded in the early 20th century and originally referred to the confusion caused by alcohol consumption.


  • Definition: To cause someone to become perplexed and confused.
  • Example in a Sentence: The magician's tricks never failed to bewilder the audience.
  • Fun Fact: The word "bewilder" comes from the 17th century and originally meant "to lead astray."


  • Definition: Well-meaning and kindly.
  • Example in a Sentence: Her benevolent nature made her a favorite among the volunteers.
  • Fun Fact: The term "benevolent" has Latin roots, with "bene" meaning "well" and "volens" meaning "wishing."


  • Definition: To leave property to a person through a will.
  • Example in a Sentence: She decided to bequeath her grandmother’s jewelry to her niece.
  • Fun Fact: "Bequeath" comes from Old English and has been used in legal contexts for centuries.


  • Definition: Made to order, custom-made.
  • Example in a Sentence: He ordered a bespoke suit for his wedding day.
  • Fun Fact: The term "bespoke" originally referred to spoken-for goods in the tailoring trade.


  • Definition: To envy someone the possession or enjoyment of something.
  • Example in a Sentence: She couldn’t help but begrudge her colleague’s promotion.
  • Fun Fact: "Begrudge" evolved from the Middle English word "grucchen," which means to murmur or grumble.


  • Definition: To act as a friend to someone.
  • Example in a Sentence: She tried to befriend the new student who seemed lonely.
  • Fun Fact: "Befriend" has been used since the late Middle Ages, reflecting the timeless importance of friendship.


  • Definition: To charm or enchant someone, often deceptively.
  • Example in a Sentence: The con artist used his skills to beguile his victims.
  • Fun Fact: Historically, "beguile" could mean both positive and negative forms of enchantment.


  • Definition: To greatly impress someone with outstanding ability or striking appearance.
  • Example in a Sentence: The fireworks display will bedazzle everyone watching.
  • Fun Fact: "Bedazzle" gained popularity in the 19th century, conveying the idea of dazzling brilliance.

High-scoring scrabble examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, words starting with "be" offer some high-scoring opportunities. Here are some to keep in mind for your next game:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Bequest 18 A legacy; something left to someone.
Bewitch 18 To cast a spell on and gain control.
Begrime 12 To make dirty or grimy.
Behoove 15 To be necessary or proper.
Benzene 18 A chemical compound; aromatic hydrocarbon.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

Wordle fans know the value of a good five-letter word. Here are some favorites to consider:

Word Definition
Begin To start; commence.
Bench A long seat for multiple people.
Berry A small, pulpy, and often edible fruit.
Below At a lower level or layer.
Betel A type of leaf chewed for its stimulant effects.

Unusual and rare word examples

Let's uncover some unusual or rare words starting with "be" that are sure to pique your curiosity.


  • Definition: Demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight.
  • Interesting Fact: Derived from the Latin "bellum," meaning war, "bellicose" conjures images of fiery debates and heated confrontations.
  • Example in a Sentence: His bellicose attitude often got him into trouble during meetings.


  • Definition: Having whiskers; often used to describe men with facial hair.
  • Interesting Fact: "Bewhiskered" is a playful term that paints a vivid picture of a person or animal sporting distinct facial hair.
  • Example in a Sentence: The bewhiskered gentleman looked like he belonged in another era.


  • Definition: To damage the reputation of someone or something.
  • Interesting Fact: This word’s origins trace back to the 16th century, emphasizing the idea of staining someone's honor.
  • Example in a Sentence: The scandal served to besmirch his otherwise spotless record.


  • Definition: Relating to the bottom of a sea or lake.
  • Interesting Fact: "Benthic" is a scientific term that helps scientists categorize aquatic life based on habitat zones.
  • Example in a Sentence: Researchers studied benthic organisms to understand the ecosystem’s health.


  • Definition: An archaic word for "between."
  • Interesting Fact: "Betwixt" has a charming, old-fashioned ring to it and is sometimes used for stylistic flair in literature.
  • Example in a Sentence: She found herself betwixt two difficult choices.

Final words

And there you have it—a whirlwind tour through the lively and intriguing world of words starting with "be." Whether you're a wordsmith, a Scrabble aficionado, or simply someone who delights in the quirks of language, these words offer a treasure trove of possibilities. So next time you encounter a "be" word, take a moment to appreciate its unique contribution to our communication landscape.