12-letter words starting with A

Embark on a linguistic journey with words that begin with the letter A. This section showcases how A at the start shapes the identity and sound of various words. From commonly used terms to rare finds, explore the diverse range of words that start with A, enriching your vocabulary and appreciation for language.

announcement 16
accomplished 24
accidentally 20
architecture 19
acquaintance 25
appreciation 18
assassinated 13
anticipation 16
affectionate 20
agricultural 15
acknowledged 24
accompanying 24
astronomical 16
accelerating 17
annihilation 15
aggressively 20
authenticity 20
acceleration 16
anthropology 21
astrological 15
alphabetical 21
artificially 20
aristocratic 16
anticipating 17
archeologist 18
appreciative 21
asphyxiation 27
appendicitis 19
appreciating 19
apprehension 19
apprehensive 22
astonishment 17
advantageous 17
accumulating 19
accommodated 22
availability 20
aerodynamics 20
accumulation 18
additionally 17
authenticate 17
artistically 17
anaphylactic 24
asymmetrical 21
antagonistic 15
abbreviation 19
anatomically 19
aromatherapy 22
academically 22
amphitheater 22
astrophysics 22
assimilation 14
anaesthetics 17
appropriated 19
augmentation 15
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appendectomy 24
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adaptability 20
anesthetized 25
annunciation 14
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amalgamation 17
alliteration 12
amphitheatre 22
anaesthetist 15
approachable 23
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ambidextrous 24
artilleryman 17
aeronautical 14
annihilating 16
antediluvian 16
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antiaircraft 17
attractively 20
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absentminded 18
abolitionist 14
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aforethought 22
accordionist 17
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alphanumeric 21
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anticlerical 16
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administrate 15
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agribusiness 15
accumulative 21
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axisymmetric 28
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automaticity 19
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automatizing 24
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aspheterized 27
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anencephalic 21
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answerphones 20
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ambassadress 17
ambiophonies 21
ambitionless 16
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amateurishly 20
amalgamators 17
altimetrical 16
altitudinous 13
alveolations 15
alveolitises 15
alycompaines 21
amalgamating 18
amalgamative 20

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