10-letter words starting with A

Embark on a linguistic journey with words that begin with the letter A. This section showcases how A at the start shapes the identity and sound of various words. From commonly used terms to rare finds, explore the diverse range of words that start with A, enriching your vocabulary and appreciation for language.

absolutely 15
appreciate 16
apparently 17
afterwards 17
attractive 15
atmosphere 17
appearance 16
aggressive 15
assignment 13
assistance 12
ambassador 15
accountant 14
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artificial 15
altogether 14
accomplish 21
acceptable 18
additional 12
authorized 23
ammunition 14
accomplice 20
associated 13
aggression 12
adrenaline 11
acquainted 22
apprentice 16
accounting 15
automobile 14
auspicious 14
apologized 23
accustomed 17
acceptance 18
assessment 12
attendance 13
allegiance 13
astronauts 10
accusation 14
accidental 15
apocalypse 19
assumption 14
admiration 13
announcing 13
adaptation 13
adjustment 20
accurately 17
anticipate 14
accelerate 14
accordance 17
adolescent 13
auditorium 13
afternoons 13
abstinence 14
accessible 16
archbishop 22
addressing 13
astonished 14
anesthesia 13
astrologer 11
articulate 12
anesthetic 15
antichrist 15
attachment 17
astounding 12
abominable 16
administer 13
aggravated 16
annihilate 13
affordable 19
advertised 15
adventurer 14
apparition 14
aristocrat 12
accumulate 16
attributed 13
arithmetic 17
affliction 18
activation 15
astronomer 12
alcoholism 17
archeology 19
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activating 16
authorised 14
affiliated 17
admittedly 17
autonomous 12
aberration 12
amputation 14
applicable 18
antibiotic 14
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antiseptic 14
antisocial 12
anatomical 14
aboriginal 13
aesthetics 15
adequately 23
aspiration 12
aftershave 19
apologised 14
antibodies 13
automotive 15
assimilate 12
alternator 10
alteration 10
adjustable 20
antimatter 12
allegation 11
altruistic 12
apostrophe 17
antiquated 20
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arrhythmia 21
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analytical 15
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admissible 15
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answerable 15
aquamarine 21
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appetizing 24
accentuate 14
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apolitical 14
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archetypal 20
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arrogantly 14
alienating 11
aftershock 22
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annoyingly 17
apothecary 20
aftertaste 13
aficionado 16
advertiser 14
autoimmune 14
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afterworld 17
abdication 15
attainable 12
alarmingly 16
acclimated 17
autocratic 14
avaricious 15
authorship 18
antifreeze 22
asphyxiate 25
accredited 16
acrophobia 19
attenuated 11
asymmetric 19
auctioneer 12
appositive 17
apocryphal 22
appetising 15
antagonist 11
astringent 11
arbitrator 12
alchemical 19
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abstracted 15
aboveboard 18
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alleviated 14
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afterbirth 18
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alimentary 15
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abdicating 16
applicator 16
antecedent 13
allocating 13
alternated 11
ambulatory 17
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acoustical 14
adjudicate 21
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anxiolytic 22
asceticism 16
archerfish 21
alphabetic 19
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annotation 10
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accusatory 17
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affability 21
automating 13
astronomic 14
attractant 12
anticlimax 21
antebellum 14
allopathic 17
aggrandize 22
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anglophile 16
amiability 17
analogical 13
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advocation 16
acquitting 22
activewear 18
autologous 11
atrophying 19
atypically 20
aphrodisia 16
anticancer 14
alkalinity 17
amanuensis 12
anglophone 16
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academical 17
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advantaged 16
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aerobatics 14
adulticide 14
archeparch 22
archivally 21
arenavirus 13
arousingly 14
arrabbiata 14
audibilize 22
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antlerless 10
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ahuruhurus 16
agnolottis 11
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actorliest 12
acidically 18
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allweather 16
almightier 16
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acesulfame 17
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autoptical 14
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axenically 22
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ayahuascos 18
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azeotropic 23
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axiologist 18
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axiomatize 28
azobenzene 30
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avisements 15
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atomically 17
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atrabiliar 12
atracurium 14
atramental 12
atrocities 12
attempters 14
attempting 15
attestants 10
attestator 10
atticising 13
atticizing 22
attirement 12
attolasers 10
attollents 10

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