4-letter words with V in the middle

Delve into the fascinating world of words where the letter V is nestled in the middle. This section highlights the unique placement of V in various words, illustrating how it contributes to their sound and meaning. From everyday language to more unusual terms, discover how V in the middle shapes the essence of these words.

have 10
love 7
give 8
over 7
even 7
ever 7
live 7
move 9
five 10
gave 8
save 7
evil 7
wave 10
cave 9
dive 8
navy 10
envy 10
oven 7
dove 8
lava 7
nova 7
davy 11
rave 7
devi 8
cove 9
hive 10
diva 8
deva 8
jive 14
oval 7
levy 10
java 14
wavy 13
pave 9
nave 7
avid 8
arvo 7
ovum 9
wove 10
lave 7
bevy 12
rove 7
aver 7
hove 10
levo 7
neve 7
rive 7
leva 7
divi 8
uvea 7
kvas 11
eave 7
avow 10
wive 10
ravs 7
navs 7
obvs 9
sevs 7
divo 8
devo 8
levs 7
kiva 11
jivy 17
kava 11
juve 14
fava 10
fave 10
eevn 7
evos 7
evoe 7
eves 7
evet 7
govs 8
guvs 8
gyve 11
luvs 7
leve 7
lavs 7
nevi 7
meve 9
cava 9
cive 9
cavy 12
divs 8
devs 8
avel 7
avas 7
aval 7
aves 7
avos 7
yeve 10
ulva 7
tava 7
tavs 7
tivy 10
uvae 7
uvas 7
urva 7
savs 7
riva 7
rivo 7
revs 7
sovs 7
ovel 7
pavs 9

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