13-letter words with V in the middle

Delve into the fascinating world of words where the letter V is nestled in the middle. This section highlights the unique placement of V in various words, illustrating how it contributes to their sound and meaning. From everyday language to more unusual terms, discover how V in the middle shapes the essence of these words.

investigation 17
investigating 18
revolutionary 19
environmental 18
inconvenience 20
controversial 18
advertisement 19
gravitational 17
investigative 20
eavesdropping 22
instinctively 21
comprehensive 25
inconceivable 22
improvisation 20
individuality 21
inadvertently 20
radioactivity 22
progressively 22
retrospective 20
effectiveness 24
privatization 27
revolutionize 25
overconfident 22
overestimated 19
revolutionist 16
commemorative 24
contraceptive 22
developmental 21
redevelopment 21
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involuntarily 19
argumentative 19
disadvantaged 20
overqualified 29
comparatively 25
uncooperative 20
alternatively 19
collaborative 20
unimaginative 19
consecutively 23
introspective 20
unequivocally 30
conservatoire 18
authoritative 19
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communicative 24
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demonstrative 19
underachiever 22
revolutionise 16
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oversensitive 19
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machiavellian 23
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interrogative 17
affirmatively 27
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provisionally 21
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overpopulated 21
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unobtrusively 21
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postoperative 20
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televangelist 17
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radioactively 22
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reinvestigate 17
overattentive 19
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aerodigestive 18
atorvastatins 16
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governessiest 17
dataveillance 19
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yesterevening 20
whithersoever 25
whereinsoever 22
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reproductives 21
reprivatising 19
reprivatizing 28
reprobatively 23
removednesses 19
renostervelds 17

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