13-letter words with P in the middle

Delve into the fascinating world of words where the letter P is nestled in the middle. This section highlights the unique placement of P in various words, illustrating how it contributes to their sound and meaning. From everyday language to more unusual terms, discover how P in the middle shapes the essence of these words.

approximately 29
sophisticated 21
irresponsible 17
inappropriate 19
disappearance 20
unpredictable 20
disappointing 19
superstitious 15
unprecedented 19
disrespectful 21
compassionate 19
schizophrenia 32
schizophrenic 34
inexperienced 25
exceptionally 27
correspondent 18
choreographer 24
eavesdropping 22
independently 20
comprehension 22
contemplating 20
spontaneously 18
indispensable 18
irreplaceable 19
comprehensive 25
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appropriately 22
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corresponding 19
impersonating 18
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impossibility 22
contraception 19
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decomposition 20
retrospective 20
incapacitated 20
reprehensible 20
temperamental 19
uncomplicated 22
magnetosphere 21
contemplation 19
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compatibility 24
transcription 17
hypochondriac 29
inconspicuous 19
uninterrupted 16
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exponentially 25
opportunistic 19
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contraceptive 22
developmental 21
redevelopment 21
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hermaphrodite 24
impressionist 17
impersonation 17
comparatively 25
accompaniment 23
uncooperative 20
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complementary 24
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supplementary 22
undisciplined 19
stereotypical 20
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groundskeeper 21
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interpersonal 15
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oceanographic 23
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imperceptibly 26
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appropriation 19
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archaeopteryx 30
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competitively 25
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transparently 18
morphological 23
alphabetizing 30
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dispositional 16
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chromatograph 26
computational 19
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ophthalmology 27
hydrocephalic 29
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daguerreotype 20
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spectroscopic 23
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superfluously 21
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herpetologist 19
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hypercritical 25
hypothesizing 34
inopportunely 20
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lymphosarcoma 27
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amitriptyline 20
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cerebrospinal 19
compositional 19
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corporateness 17
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decompressing 21
astrophysical 23
macropinacoid 22
lollapaloosas 15
lymphangiomas 26
karyomappings 27
leukodepleted 21
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microplastics 21
manipulatives 20
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manspreadings 19
mesotherapies 20
hippocrepians 24
haemoproteins 20
heteropterans 18
hyperbolaeons 23
hypnobirthing 27
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interpluvials 18
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hypocalcaemic 29
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overequipping 30
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ceraunographs 21
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specificatory 25
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spaghettified 23
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ripsnortingly 19
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hyperlordosis 22
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hysteroscopic 25
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multipictures 19
nanocomposite 19
multicampuses 21
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intercoupling 18
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ombudspersons 20
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trochospheres 23
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unapologising 17
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unpressurized 25
unpracticable 21
unpolarizable 26
unperpetrated 18
unpersuadable 18
unphilosophic 25
unpicturesque 26
unpitifulness 18
unpleasurable 17
unpleasurably 20

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