5-letter words with OR in the middle

Delve into the fascinating world of words where the letter OR is nestled in the middle. This section highlights the unique placement of OR in various words, illustrating how it contributes to their sound and meaning. From everyday language to more unusual terms, discover how OR in the middle shapes the essence of these words.

sorry 8
world 9
worry 11
story 8
words 9
works 12
worth 11
worse 8
short 8
force 10
horse 8
store 5
north 8
worst 8
whore 11
sword 9
storm 7
bored 8
score 7
moron 7
glory 9
shore 8
forty 11
sport 7
forth 11
moral 7
horny 11
adore 6
swore 8
worms 10
porno 7
sworn 8
torch 10
porch 12
corps 9
doris 6
abort 7
lords 6
coral 7
flora 8
corny 10
norma 7
thorn 8
corky 14
forum 10
forge 9
torah 8
ivory 11
lorry 8
snore 5
chord 11
horst 8
borne 7
torso 5
morse 7
snort 5
cords 8
gorge 7
corey 10
scorn 7
crore 7
acorn 7
stork 9
chore 10
forte 8
adorn 6
horde 9
lordy 9
mores 7
porky 14
morph 12
aorta 5
morel 7
porta 7
forme 10
fjord 16
horsy 11
spore 7
forgo 9
moray 10
foray 11
morro 7
wormy 13
korma 11
shorn 8
gorse 6
sorel 5
torte 5
afore 8
spork 11
agora 6
wordy 12
borax 14
corby 12
borer 7
aport 7
porgy 11
thorp 10
foram 10
goral 6
doric 8
boron 7
boric 9
corse 7
cornu 7
torii 5
torus 5
whorl 11
eorls 5
enorm 7
fiord 9
flors 8
flory 11
forza 17
forze 17
forts 8
forex 15
forks 12
forky 15
forms 10
fores 8
forel 8
forbs 10
forby 13
fordo 9
fords 9
frore 8
frorn 8
frory 11
goors 6
goory 9
gorps 8
gorsy 9
gormy 11
gorms 8
goras 6
gored 7
gores 6
goris 6
horis 8
horme 10
horns 8
horas 8
horah 11
hoord 9
horal 8
joram 14
jorum 14
inorb 7
ixora 12
koori 9
korai 9
koras 9
korat 9
kores 9
korun 9
korus 9
kiore 9
khors 12
loord 6
loral 5
loran 5
lorel 5
lores 5
loric 7
loris 5
mhorr 10
morts 7
moors 7
moory 10
moria 7
morne 7
morns 7
morra 7
morae 7
moras 7
morat 7
doorn 6
doors 6
dorks 10
dorky 13
dorms 8
dormy 11
dorps 8
dorrs 6
dorsa 6
doree 6
dorad 7
dorba 8
dorbs 8
dorse 6
dorts 6
dorty 9
borms 9
borna 7
borts 7
borty 10
bortz 16
borks 11
blore 7
boord 8
boors 7
borde 8
bords 8
boree 7
borel 7
bores 7
borgo 8
boras 7
borak 11
boral 7
ceorl 7
coram 9
corbe 9
cored 8
corer 7
cores 7
corso 7
corns 7
corgi 8
coria 7
corks 11
corms 9
corni 7
corno 7
awork 12
abord 8
abore 7
amort 7
poori 7
pored 8
porer 7
pores 7
porge 8
porks 11
poral 7
porae 7
poort 7
qorma 16
porns 7
porny 10
ports 7
porty 10
prore 7
psora 7
rores 5
roric 7
rorid 6
rorie 5
rorts 5
rorty 8
roral 5
skort 9
shorl 8
sorbo 7
sorbs 7
sorda 6
sordo 6
sords 6
sored 6
soree 5
soras 5
soral 5
sorer 5
sores 5
sorex 12
sorgo 6
sorns 5
sorra 5
sorta 5
sorts 5
sorus 5
slorm 7
smore 7
toran 5
toras 5
torcs 7
tores 5
toric 7
toros 5
torot 5
torrs 5
torse 5
torsi 5
torsk 9
torta 5
torts 5
thoro 8
odors 6
oorie 5
norks 9
norms 7
noris 5
noria 5
whort 11
yores 8
yorks 12
yorps 10
worts 8
ybore 10
zoril 14
zoris 14
zorro 14
zorch 19
koros 9
reorg 6
porin 7
dores 6
hoors 8
horks 12
smorg 8

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