5 letter Words with L in the middle

Welcome to the playful world of five-letter words where the letter "L" takes center stage! Dive into this linguistic adventure and uncover a treasure trove of words that are sure to dazzle your vocabulary. Whether you're a word game enthusiast or just curious, let's explore these delightful gems together!

would 9
could 8
hello 8
place 9
world 9
alone 5
whole 11
while 11
sleep 7
close 7
child 11
blood 8
black 13
uncle 7
clear 7
alive 8
along 6
class 7
fault 8
clean 7
early 8
relax 12
floor 8
table 7
miles 7
rules 5
plane 7
smile 7
glass 6
clock 13
field 9
silly 8
allow 8
balls 7
blame 9
blind 8
built 7
build 8
stole 5
folks 12
style 8
older 6
color 7
truly 8
slept 7
split 7
billy 10
bless 7
block 13
pills 7
badly 11
alarm 7
plant 7
below 10
solve 8
falls 8
plate 7
talks 9
value 8
false 8
climb 11
bible 9
pilot 7
flesh 11
apple 9
glory 9
claim 9
fully 11
kelly 12
title 5
daily 9
slave 8
belly 10
adult 6
alien 5
flash 11
solid 6
flies 8
apply 12
alert 5
album 9
noble 7
molly 10
cloud 8
plain 7
sally 8
blast 7
sales 5
salad 6
fella 8
blown 10
blade 8
hills 8
scale 7
elder 6
guilt 6
angle 6
clown 10
cable 9
cliff 13
pulse 7
slide 6
eagle 6
delay 9
tyler 8
holly 11
alike 9
rifle 8
flame 10
alley 8
alpha 10
solar 5
whale 11
cycle 12
blank 11
colin 7
bloke 11
click 13
cloth 10
bleed 8
reply 10
slice 7
fleet 8
ralph 10
vault 8
willy 11
flood 9
glove 9
tales 5
kilos 9
dolly 9
blond 8
bloom 9
ankle 9
flush 11
float 8
bully 10
alibi 7
rally 8
villa 8
dealt 6
delta 6
blues 7
ruled 6
salon 5
olive 8
elite 5
clerk 11
shelf 11
jelly 15
riley 8
tails 5
globe 8
polly 10
jolly 15
altar 5
wells 8
fluid 9
blink 11
bliss 7
sadly 9
chili 10
newly 11
flirt 8
filth 11
polar 7
paolo 7
curly 10
plead 8
realm 7
salty 8
slack 11
flown 11
flour 8
valid 9
flock 14
ruler 5
scold 8
telly 8
exile 12
elbow 10
elves 8
hallo 8
clone 7
chile 10
belle 7
aisle 5
alter 5
wally 11
flute 8
blunt 7
blend 8
waltz 17
flags 9
madly 11
milky 14
slash 8
slick 11
ultra 5
bowls 10
flint 8
chalk 14
pluto 7
bluff 13
plaza 16
shalt 8
valve 11
yield 9
flare 8
bleep 9
salsa 5
aloha 8
flats 8
manly 10
alias 5
flora 8
fling 9
mills 7
pilar 7
slate 5
flick 14
bling 8
cloak 11
pluck 13
slope 7
tesla 5
viola 8
melon 7
malik 11
pools 7
slimy 10
ahold 9
piles 7
glued 7
clash 10
flank 12
floss 8
aloud 6
blaze 16
slain 5
stale 5
voila 8
flyer 11
blush 10
relay 8
tally 8
merle 7
cling 8
elect 7
golly 9
valet 8
maple 9
ollie 5
cello 7
clips 9
polls 7
colon 7
sully 8
ulcer 7
clams 9
colby 12
relic 7
dildo 7
wales 8
algae 6
slime 7
guild 7
clamp 11
stalk 9
baldy 11
scalp 9
silva 8
sling 6
welsh 11
fleur 8
nelly 8
imply 12
oddly 10
milos 7
atlas 5
plank 11
flask 12
glide 7
bleak 11
rails 5
slang 6
wills 8
folly 11
girly 9
cholo 10
sloan 5
smelt 7
elope 7
plump 11
felon 8
kylie 12
polka 11
piled 8
tulip 7
flaps 10
flake 12
clint 7
flair 8
fluke 12
gland 7
aline 5
clink 11
spilt 7
quilt 14
salts 5
anglo 6
tolly 8
gloom 8
bugle 8
glare 6
bland 8
silky 12
talon 5
wield 9
gloss 6
slump 9
flunk 12
guile 6
holla 8
blitz 16
welch 13
bilbo 9
flack 14
foley 11
mould 8
ample 9
flier 8
dolce 8
clang 8
riled 6
gilly 9
fluff 14
flung 9
gable 8
gills 6
klutz 18
alamo 7
slush 8
dilly 9
filet 8
bulge 8
clank 11
align 6
slant 5
fleck 14
polio 7
alloy 8
agile 6
plait 7
playa 10
sable 7
sloth 8
nylon 8
slade 6
koala 9
plume 9
splat 7
surly 8
salvo 8
oiled 6
oldie 6
fable 10
cluck 13
clout 7
zloty 17
zilch 19
gully 9
clack 13
valor 8
filly 11
plush 10
pleas 7
psalm 9
knelt 9
dally 9
coles 7
sleek 9
flaky 15
moldy 11
blurt 7
clung 8
clasp 9
plaid 8
bluey 10
gleam 8
salve 8
godly 10
tilly 8
walla 8
gloat 6
bulky 14
cleft 10
claro 7
wilco 10
fouls 8
belay 10
belch 12
aloof 8
spelt 7
olden 6
igloo 6
alway 11
scaly 10
bilge 8
palsy 10
elude 6
hoyle 11
jello 12
clunk 11
solon 5
belie 7
aloft 8
plumb 11
sidle 6
haole 8
gulag 7
inlet 5
molar 7
blare 7
delve 9
glean 6
melee 7
colic 9
culpa 9
allot 5
clump 11
glaze 15
burly 10
ruble 7
tilde 6
glint 6
helix 15
blimp 11
bloat 7
silks 9
sulky 12
vulva 11
clove 10
balmy 12
aleck 11
pally 10
pales 7
molto 7
bleat 7
plebe 9
pylon 10
slurp 7
sleet 5
paler 7
marly 10
cline 7
pilaf 10
reals 5
tilak 9
whelp 13
dulce 8
filch 13
glade 7
hullo 8
toils 5
wooly 11
dimly 11
shyly 14
elide 6
hilly 11
aptly 10
phlox 17
tiled 6
alvar 8
julep 14
delft 9
aglow 9
solus 5
slink 9
telex 12
tulle 5
idler 6
bluer 7
alack 11
skulk 13
slops 7
slung 6
sylva 11
exalt 12
filmy 13
flied 9
halve 11
clift 10
cleve 10
polyp 12
scald 8
slyly 11
nobly 10
delos 6
blurb 9

Have you ever found yourself enchanted by the enigmatic world of five-letter words where an 'L' holds the center stage? These words, with their balanced structure, possess a certain rhythm and charm that can influence the way we express ourselves. Whether they roll off the tongue with ease, add a dash of sophistication to conversation, or simply bring a smile to your face, these words are a linguistic delight. From the everyday to the exotic, let us journey through this captivating collection of words that, with an 'L' right in the middle, make language fun, engaging, and occasionally mischievous.

About 5-letter words in the middle L

The letter 'L' is an intriguing player in the English language. It often lends words a sense of fluidity and softness, making them more pleasant to utter and easy on the ears. Its placement in the middle of a five-letter word often serves as a pivot around which the rest of the word revolves, influencing both pronunciation and meaning. Take "apple" for example; the 'L' provides a gentle bridge between the vowels, giving the word a melodic quality.

Interestingly, this strategic position of 'L' can transform the semantics of a word, sometimes changing its entire context. Consider "table" versus "cable." Both have 'L' nestled in the third position, yet they conjure entirely different images and uses. This central 'L' acts like a hinge, linking and yet distinguishing parts of the word, demonstrating how a simple letter can wield significant power in shaping meaning and sound.

Popular word examples

Five-letter words with an 'L' right in the middle are a delightful bunch, and here are some favorites worth exploring:


  • Definition: A round fruit with red or green skin and a whitish interior.
  • Example in a Sentence: She plucked a juicy apple from the tree.
  • Fun Fact: Apples are part of the rose family, Rosaceae!


  • Definition: A piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs.
  • Example in a Sentence: The dinner was served on a beautifully set table.
  • Fun Fact: The word "table" comes from the Latin word "tabula," meaning a board or plank.


  • Definition: Coming at the end; last in place, order, or time.
  • Example in a Sentence: The final chapter of the book was thrilling.
  • Fun Fact: In sports, a final is the last match or round in a series of contests.


  • Definition: A person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft.
  • Example in a Sentence: The pilot safely landed the plane despite the storm.
  • Fun Fact: The term "pilot" also refers to the first episode of a television series.


  • Definition: A large, long-necked ungulate mammal with one or two humps on its back.
  • Example in a Sentence: Camels are well adapted to life in the desert.
  • Fun Fact: Known as "ships of the desert," camels can drink 40 gallons of water in one go.


  • Definition: To show something to be false or not real.
  • Example in a Sentence: His calm manner belies the anger he feels.
  • Fun Fact: "Belie" has its origins in Old English, from "beleogan" meaning "to deceive or mislead."


  • Definition: To come together again to renew an effort.
  • Example in a Sentence: The team managed to rally after their initial defeat.
  • Fun Fact: In motorsport, a rally is a competition over public or private roads with modified production or specially built road-legal cars.


  • Definition: Lack of good sense; foolishness.
  • Example in a Sentence: Investing in that scheme was sheer folly.
  • Fun Fact: The term can also refer to a costly ornamental building with no practical purpose.


  • Definition: Firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid.
  • Example in a Sentence: Ice is water in its solid state.
  • Fun Fact: In geometry, solids are three-dimensional figures, unlike lines or circles.


  • Definition: A sound or device that warns of danger.
  • Example in a Sentence: The alarm woke everyone in the building.
  • Fun Fact: The word "alarm" comes from the Italian phrase "all'arme" meaning "to arms."

High-scoring scrabble examples

Scrabble enthusiasts know that a well-placed 'L' can spell victory. Here are some high-scoring words with 'L' in the middle:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Fable 10 A short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral.
Blear 7 To make something dim, blurred, or indistinct.
Flail 8 To wave or swing wildly.
Churl 10 A rude and mean-spirited person.
Knell 9 The sound of a bell, especially when rung solemnly for a death or funeral.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

For Wordle players seeking to maximize their guesses, here are some popular five-letter words with an 'L' in the middle:

Word Definition
Climb Go or come up a slope, incline, or staircase.
Blind Unable to see; sightless.
Fault An unattractive or unsatisfactory feature.
Block A large solid piece of hard material.
Quilt A warm bed covering made of padding enclosed between fabrics.

Unusual and rare word examples

For those who love the uncommon and the peculiar, these five-letter words with an 'L' in the middle are sure to intrigue:


  • Definition: In Jewish folklore, a clay figure brought to life through magical means.
  • Interesting Fact: The word "golem" first appeared in the Bible and later in the Talmud, referring to an unformed substance.
  • Example in a Sentence: Legends say the golem was created to protect the Jewish community.


  • Definition: A person who runs races over a mile in length.
  • Interesting Fact: This term is commonly used in athletics to describe middle-distance runners.
  • Example in a Sentence: The miler broke the record with his outstanding performance.


  • Definition: A three-dimensional shape like that of a coiled spring or spiral staircase.
  • Interesting Fact: DNA strands are structured in a double helix formation.
  • Example in a Sentence: The staircase wound upwards in a perfect helix.


  • Definition: An archaic term for eclipse or clipping.
  • Interesting Fact: Though rarely used today, "eclip" was once common in Middle English.
  • Example in a Sentence: The eclip of the sun was a magnificent sight for the villagers.


  • Definition: In a wild state, especially after escape from captivity or domestication.
  • Interesting Fact: The etymology traces back to the Latin "fera" meaning wild beast.
  • Example in a Sentence: After years in the wild, the cat became feral.


  • Definition: To make dim or indistinct; to blur.
  • Interesting Fact: This word dates back to the late Middle English period.
  • Example in a Sentence: Tears began to blear his vision as he read the letter.

Final words

Five-letter words featuring an 'L' right in the middle offer a delightful exploration into the versatility and beauty of the English language. They reveal how a single letter can transform meaning and evoke imagery, making communication not just a necessity but an art form. As you navigate the sea of words, remember that each has its own story, waiting to be discovered and shared.

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