5 letter words ending with z

Welcome to the zany world of five-letter words that end with a zingy Z! Dive into this quirky collection and discover a treasure trove of vocabulary gems that are as fun to say as they are to use. Perfect for word games or simply expanding your linguistic repertoire, let's explore these snazzy words together!

waltz 17
fritz 17
blitz 16
klutz 18
topaz 16
hertz 17
spitz 16
whizz 29
abuzz 25
grosz 15
glitz 15
frizz 26
hafiz 20
soyuz 17
grenz 15
kranz 18
miltz 16
nertz 14
bortz 16
capiz 18
chizz 28
assez 14
plotz 16
pzazz 34
scuzz 25
spazz 25
squiz 23
swizz 26
trooz 14
warez 17
wootz 17
arroz 14
phizz 28

Welcome to the quirky and delightful world of five-letter words that end with the letter "Z." These words are a fascinating blend of linguistic charm and phonetic excitement. The "Z" at the end of a word adds a zesty twist, influencing how we pronounce and perceive these unique terms. Get ready to explore some intriguing examples that showcase the impact of this letter combination in English!

About 5 letter words ending with Z

The letter "Z" is one of the least frequently used letters in the English alphabet, which makes its appearance, especially at the end of a word, all the more striking. These words tend to stand out due to their uncommon structure and the bold sound of the "Z." This placement affects pronunciation, often adding an abrupt, buzzing finish that can make these words feel lively and energetic.

For example, the word "blitz" is not only fun to say but also embodies the quick, dynamic action it describes. The "Z" sound brings an element of speed and intensity to the word, enhancing its meaning. Similarly, words like "topaz" benefit from this letter, as the sharp ending mirrors the precious stone’s clarity and brilliance. The unique structure of these words, coupled with the powerful finale, makes them memorable and enjoyable to use.

Popular word examples

Let's dive into some popular examples of five-letter words ending with "Z," each bringing a splash of character and intrigue.


  • Definition: A sudden, intense military attack.
  • Example in a Sentence: The team executed a blitz that left their opponents reeling.
  • Fun Fact: Originating from the German word "Blitzkrieg," it became popular during World War II.


  • Definition: A precious stone, typically yellow, used as a gemstone.
  • Example in a Sentence: She wore a necklace adorned with a gleaming topaz.
  • Fun Fact: The name "topaz" is derived from the Greek word "Topazios," an ancient island in the Red Sea.


  • Definition: A type of ceramic material used in glazing.
  • Example in a Sentence: The artisans used frits for their pottery glazes.
  • Fun Fact: "Frit" refers to partially fused materials that form a glassy substance.


  • Definition: A hard, crystalline mineral composed of silicon and oxygen atoms.
  • Example in a Sentence: The watch had a quartz movement for accurate timekeeping.
  • Fun Fact: Quartz is the second most abundant mineral in Earth's continental crust.


  • Definition: To lose physical or emotional control (informal).
  • Example in a Sentence: He began to spazz out when he found out the surprise.
  • Fun Fact: "Spazz" became widely used in the 1960s, particularly in American slang.


  • Definition: Extravagant showiness or glamour.
  • Example in a Sentence: The party was full of Hollywood glitz and glamor.
  • Fun Fact: The term "glitz" often describes the flashy style of Las Vegas.


  • Definition: A cheat or swindle (British informal).
  • Example in a Sentence: It felt like a real swizz when the concert was canceled.
  • Fun Fact: Swizz is derived from British slang, often used to describe a disappointing trick.


  • Definition: To move quickly through the air with a whistling or buzzing sound.
  • Example in a Sentence: The ball whizzed past the goalkeeper into the net.
  • Fun Fact: "Whizz" imitates the sound something makes when moving quickly.


  • Definition: A clumsy person.
  • Example in a Sentence: I'm such a klutz; I tripped over my own feet.
  • Fun Fact: The word "klutz" comes from Yiddish, meaning a block of wood.


  • Definition: A low-quality diamond used for industrial purposes.
  • Example in a Sentence: The bortz was used in drilling equipment.
  • Fun Fact: "Bortz" is a less glamorous but equally important cousin to gem-quality diamonds.

High-scoring scrabble examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, these words not only enrich your vocabulary but can score you big points on the board!

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Blitz 16 A sudden, intense military attack.
Quartz 24 A hard, crystalline mineral.
Glitz 15 Extravagant showiness or glamour.
Klutz 18 A clumsy person.
Whizz 27 To move quickly with a whistling sound.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

Wordle players can enjoy the challenge and excitement these words bring to the game.

Word Definition
Blitz A sudden, intense military attack.
Topaz A precious stone used as a gemstone.
Glitz Extravagant showiness or glamour.
Klutz A clumsy person.
Whizz To move quickly with a whistling sound.

Unusual and rare word examples

Some words are less common, offering a touch of rarity and curiosity.


  • Definition: To form into small, tight curls or tufts.
  • Interesting Fact: Often used in hairstyling, frizz can be both a style choice and a weather-induced phenomenon.
  • Example in a Sentence: Her hair began to frizz in the humid weather.


  • Definition: To collapse or faint from surprise or exhaustion (informal).
  • Interesting Fact: Originating from Yiddish, "plotz" reflects dramatic reactions.
  • Example in a Sentence: I could just plotz with excitement over the news!


  • Definition: A slang term for a beer brand.
  • Interesting Fact: Blatz was one of the first Milwaukee beer brands to become nationally recognized.
  • Example in a Sentence: He ordered a Blatz at the corner tavern.


  • Definition: A dialect term for slush or mud.
  • Interesting Fact: Mostly used in regional dialects, slooz adds flavor to local language.
  • Example in a Sentence: After the rain, the roads were covered in slooz.


  • Definition: To sprinkle or spray.
  • Interesting Fact: "Spruz" is an informal variant, likely derived from the word spray.
  • Example in a Sentence: She decided to spruz the garden lightly every morning.

Final words

Exploring the world of five-letter words ending in "Z" not only enriches our vocabulary but also highlights the playful and dynamic aspects of language. Whether you're a language enthusiast, a Scrabble champion, or a Wordle wizard, these words add zest and zeal to your linguistic adventures!

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