5-letter words ending with VE

Dive into the specific realm of 5-letter words that conclude with the letter VE. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with VE, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.

leave 8
alive 8
drive 9
above 10
prove 10
serve 8
brave 10
solve 8
grave 9
drove 9
slave 8
nerve 8
shave 11
naive 8
shove 11
glove 9
olive 8
stove 8
curve 10
grove 9
valve 11
weave 11
carve 10
heave 11
crave 10
waive 11
suave 8
knave 12
salve 8
sieve 8
trove 8
mauve 10
reeve 8
delve 9
clove 10
stave 8
halve 11
cleve 10
verve 11
skive 12
soave 8
trave 8
peeve 10
breve 10
agave 9
reave 8
nieve 8
emove 10
fauve 11
greve 9
helve 11
hoove 11
knive 12
keeve 12
kieve 12
kerve 12
lieve 8
loave 8
lurve 8
mieve 10
naeve 8
neive 8
moove 10
deeve 9
deave 9
drave 9
blive 10
calve 10
clave 10
chave 13
chive 13
cruve 10
awave 11
amove 10
poove 10
perve 10
preve 10
reive 8
rieve 8
shive 11
slove 8
slive 8
stive 8
swive 11
volve 11
varve 11
ogive 9
parve 10
wolve 11
cezve 19

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