10-letter words ending with UM
Dive into the specific realm of 10-letter words that conclude with the letter UM. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with UM, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.
Word | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
millennium | 14 | the 1000th anniversary (or the celebration of it) | - |
auditorium | 13 | the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits | - |
curriculum | 16 | an integrated course of academic studies | - |
sanatorium | 12 | pejorative terms for an insane asylum | - |
sanitarium | 12 | a hospital for recuperation or for the treatment of chronic diseases | - |
memorandum | 17 | a written proposal or reminder | - |
consortium | 14 | an association of companies for some definite purpose | - |
referendum | 16 | a legislative act is referred for final approval to a popular vote by the electorate | - |
moratorium | 14 | a legally authorized postponement before some obligation must be discharged | - |
cerebellum | 16 | a major division of the vertebrate brain; situated above the medulla oblongata and beneath the cerebrum in humans | - |
postpartum | 16 | occurring immediately after birth | - |
molybdenum | 20 | a polyvalent metallic element that resembles chromium and tungsten in its properties; used to strengthen and harden steel | - |
compendium | 19 | a publication containing a variety of works | - |
honorarium | 15 | a fee paid for a nominally free service | - |
proscenium | 16 | the wall that separates the stage from the auditorium in a modern theater | - |
simulacrum | 16 | a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture) | - |
paramecium | 18 | any member of the genus Paramecium | - |
colloquium | 23 | an academic meeting or seminar usually led by a different lecturer and on a different topic at each meeting | - |
antebellum | 14 | belonging to a period before a war especially the American Civil War | - |
stumblebum | 18 | an awkward stupid person | - |
nasturtium | 12 | aquatic herbs | - |
diammonium | 17 | - | - |
subminimum | 18 | - | - |
capitellum | 16 | - | - |
cafetorium | 17 | - | - |
charmonium | 19 | - | - |
cinerarium | 14 | a niche for a funeral urn containing the ashes of the cremated dead | - |
chromidium | 20 | - | - |
cockalorum | 20 | - | - |
coenosteum | 14 | - | - |
compluvium | 21 | - | - |
corniculum | 16 | - | - |
dendrobium | 16 | a plant of the genus Dendrobium having stems like cane and usually showy racemose flowers | - |
delphinium | 18 | any plant of the genus Delphinium having palmately divided leaves and showy spikes of variously colored spurred flowers; some contain extremely poisonous substances | - |
atracurium | 14 | - | - |
apothecium | 19 | a cuplike ascocarp in many lichens and ascomycetous fungi | - |
ascogonium | 15 | - | - |
argumentum | 15 | - | - |
androecium | 15 | a male gametoecium | - |
ammoniacum | 18 | - | - |
ambulacrum | 18 | one of the five areas on the undersurface of an echinoderm on which the tube feet are located | - |
anaerobium | 14 | - | - |
anacardium | 15 | type genus of the Anacardiaceae: cashew | - |
acroterium | 14 | - | - |
acetabulum | 16 | the cup-shaped hollow in the hipbone into which the head of the femur fits to form a ball-and-socket joint | - |
hemelytrum | 20 | - | - |
haustellum | 15 | - | - |
haustorium | 15 | a root-like attachment in parasitic plants that penetrates and obtains food from the host | - |
horologium | 16 | - | - |
hypanthium | 23 | the cuplike or ringlike or tubular structure of a flower which bears the sepals and stamens and calyx (as in Rosaceae) | - |
indumentum | 15 | a covering of fine hairs (or sometimes scales) as on a leaf or insect | - |
individuum | 17 | - | - |
iridosmium | 15 | - | - |
involucrum | 17 | - | - |
kettledrum | 17 | a large hemispherical brass or copper percussion instrument with a drumhead that can be tuned by adjusting the tension on it | - |
lawrencium | 17 | a radioactive transuranic element synthesized from californium | - |
lebensraum | 14 | space sought for occupation by a nation whose population is expanding | - |
lenocinium | 14 | - | - |
glochidium | 19 | a barbed spine or bristle (often tufted on cacti) | - |
gnaphalium | 18 | large widely distributed genus of coarse hairy herbs with whitish involucres | - |
tirocinium | 14 | - | - |
triclinium | 14 | a dining room (especially a dining room containing a dining table with couches along three sides) | - |
triquetrum | 21 | - | - |
tepidarium | 15 | - | - |
tentaculum | 14 | - | - |
technetium | 17 | a crystalline metallic element not found in nature; occurs as one of the fission products of uranium | - |
thalictrum | 17 | widely distributed genus of perennial herbs: meadow rue | - |
vestibulum | 17 | - | - |
vibraculum | 19 | - | - |
vomitorium | 17 | - | - |
umbraculum | 18 | - | - |
tuberculum | 16 | - | - |
tropaeolum | 14 | a tropical American genus of dicotyledonous climbing or diffuse pungent herbs constituting the family Tropaeolaceae | - |
zoothecium | 26 | - | - |
petrolatum | 14 | a semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum; used in medicinal ointments and for lubrication | - |
plasmodium | 17 | parasitic protozoan of the genus Plasmodium that causes malaria in humans | - |
phyllodium | 21 | - | - |
polemonium | 16 | any plant of the genus Polemonium; most are low-growing often foul-smelling plants of temperate to Arctic regions | - |
polyparium | 19 | - | - |
postulatum | 14 | - | - |
praeludium | 15 | - | - |
praesidium | 15 | a permanent executive committee in socialist countries that has all the powers of some larger legislative body and that acts for it when it is not in session | - |
praetorium | 14 | the tent of an ancient Roman general | - |
postbellum | 16 | - | - |
presternum | 14 | - | - |
prometheum | 19 | - | - |
promethium | 19 | a soft silvery metallic element of the rare earth group having no stable isotope; was discovered in radioactive form as a fission product of uranium | - |
propagulum | 17 | - | - |
primordium | 17 | an organ in its earliest stage of development; the foundation for subsequent development | - |
principium | 18 | - | - |
proctodeum | 17 | - | - |
procambium | 20 | - | - |
puerperium | 16 | time period following childbirth when the mother's uterus shrinks and the other functional and anatomic changes of pregnancy are resolved | a perinatologist cared for her during the puerperium |
prostomium | 16 | - | - |
prosternum | 14 | - | - |
propylaeum | 19 | - | - |
psalterium | 14 | the third compartment of the stomach of a ruminant | - |
quadrivium | 25 | (Middle Ages) a higher division of the curriculum in a medieval university involving arithmetic and music and geometry and astronomy | - |
parapodium | 17 | one of a pair of fleshy appendages of a polychete annelid that functions in locomotion and breathing | - |
peritoneum | 14 | a transparent membrane that lines the abdominal cavity in mammals and covers most of the viscera | - |
perigonium | 15 | collective term for the outer parts of a flower consisting of the calyx and corolla and enclosing the stamens and pistils | - |
peridinium | 15 | type genus of the family Peridiniidae | - |
periosteum | 14 | a dense fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones (except at their extremities) and serving as an attachment for tendons and muscles; contains nerves and blood vessels that nourish the enclosed bone | - |
perimysium | 19 | the sheath of connective tissue that covers a bundle of muscle fibers | - |
pentathlum | 17 | - | - |
sanitorium | 12 | - | - |
seaquarium | 21 | - | - |
seaborgium | 15 | a transuranic element | - |
sclerotium | 14 | form genus of sterile imperfect fungi; many form sclerotia; some cause sclerotium disease in plants | - |
sestertium | 12 | - | - |
septennium | 14 | - | - |
sequestrum | 21 | - | - |
simillimum | 16 | - | - |
sparganium | 15 | type and sole genus of Sparganiaceae; marsh or aquatic herbs of temperate regions | - |
sporangium | 15 | organ containing or producing spores | - |
spermarium | 16 | - | - |
spermatium | 16 | - | - |
spiraculum | 16 | - | - |
stichidium | 18 | - | - |
stomodaeum | 15 | - | - |
stramonium | 14 | - | - |
sulphonium | 17 | - | - |
sudatorium | 13 | a bathhouse for hot air baths or steam baths | - |
subsellium | 14 | - | - |
substratum | 14 | any stratum or layer lying underneath another | - |
suboptimum | 18 | - | - |
surrogatum | 13 | - | - |
synandrium | 16 | - | - |
meitnerium | 14 | a radioactive transuranic element | - |
meerschaum | 19 | a white clayey mineral | - |
miracidium | 17 | - | - |
monopodium | 17 | - | - |
monosodium | 15 | - | - |
myocardium | 20 | the middle muscular layer of the heart wall | - |
nephridium | 18 | - | - |
nidamentum | 15 | - | - |
natatorium | 12 | pool that provides a facility for swimming | - |
oceanarium | 14 | - | - |
osmeterium | 14 | - | - |
osmiridium | 15 | a hard and corrosion resistant mineral that is a natural alloy of osmium and iridium (usually containing small amounts of rhodium and platinum); used in needles and pen nibs etc. | - |
ommatidium | 17 | any of the numerous small cone-shaped eyes that make up the compound eyes of some arthropods | - |
opprobrium | 18 | state of disgrace resulting from public abuse | - |
panaritium | 14 | - | - |
pancratium | 16 | - | - |
panjandrum | 22 | an important or influential (and often overbearing) person | - |
lycopodium | 20 | type and sole genus of the Lycopodiaceae; erect or creeping evergreen plants often used for Christmas decorations | - |
dysprosium | 18 | a trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group; forms compounds that are highly magnetic | - |
embothrium | 19 | small genus of South American evergreen shrubs or small trees with long willowy branches and flowers in flamboyant terminal clusters | - |
emplastrum | 16 | - | - |
eriophorum | 17 | cotton grass | - |
epidendrum | 16 | large and variable genus of terrestrial or epiphytic or lithophytic orchids of tropical and subtropical Americas; some native to United States | - |
epicentrum | 16 | - | - |
epicranium | 16 | the muscle and aponeurosis and skin covering the cranium | - |
epicardium | 17 | the innermost of the two layers of the pericardium | - |
episternum | 14 | - | - |
epithelium | 17 | membranous tissue covering internal organs and other internal surfaces of the body | - |
eponychium | 22 | - | - |
epineurium | 14 | - | - |
eupatorium | 14 | large genus of chiefly tropical herbs having heads of white or purplish flowers | - |
euphorbium | 19 | an acrid brown gum resin now used mainly in veterinary medicine | - |
exosporium | 21 | - | - |
filopodium | 18 | - | - |
fumatorium | 17 | - | - |
gadolinium | 14 | a ductile silvery-white ductile ferromagnetic trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group | - |
desiderium | 14 | - | - |
digitorium | 14 | - | - |