4-letter words ending with T
Dive into the specific realm of 4-letter words that conclude with the letter T. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with T, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.
Word | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
that | 7 | As a demonstrative pronoun, that usually points out, or refers to, a person or thing previously mentioned, or supposed to be understood. That, as a demonstrative, may precede the noun to which it refers. | that which he has said is true |
what | 10 | Something; thing; stuff. | - |
just | 11 | (used for emphasis) absolutely | I just can't take it anymore |
want | 7 | have need of | This piano wants the attention of a competent tuner |
wait | 7 | the act of waiting (remaining inactive in one place while expecting something) | the wait was an ordeal for him |
must | 6 | the quality of smelling or tasting old or stale or mouldy | - |
last | 4 | persist for a specified period of time | The bad weather lasted for three days |
shit | 7 | obscene terms for feces | - |
left | 7 | the hand that is on the left side of the body | jab with your left |
next | 11 | immediately following in time or order | next in line |
went | 7 | - | - |
best | 6 | Canadian physiologist (born in the United States) who assisted F. G. Banting in research leading to the discovery of insulin (1899-1978) | - |
most | 6 | (of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished; all but | the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded |
meet | 6 | contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle | - |
lost | 4 | deeply absorbed in thought | lost in thought |
shut | 7 | move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut | shut the window |
part | 6 | the effort contributed by a person in bringing about a result | - |
hurt | 7 | the act of damaging something or someone | - |
rest | 4 | sit, as on a branch | - |
shot | 7 | an estimate based on little or no information | - |
fact | 9 | a concept whose truth can be proved | scientific hypotheses are not facts |
fast | 7 | unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause | fast friends |
beat | 6 | a regular route for a sentry or policeman | in the old days a policeman walked a beat and knew all his people by name |
sent | 4 | 100 senti equal 1 kroon in Estonia | - |
sort | 4 | an operation that segregates items into groups according to a specified criterion | the bottleneck in mail delivery is the process of sorting |
past | 6 | a verb tense that expresses actions or states in the past | - |
felt | 7 | change texture so as to become matted and felt-like | The fabric felted up after several washes |
feet | 7 | - | - |
kept | 10 | (especially of promises or contracts) not violated or disregarded | promises kept |
boat | 6 | a dish (often boat-shaped) for serving gravy or sauce | - |
quit | 13 | put an end to a state or an activity | - |
test | 4 | trying something to find out about it | - |
seat | 4 | show to a seat; assign a seat for | The host seated me next to Mrs. Smith |
gift | 8 | natural abilities or qualities | - |
list | 4 | give or make a list of; name individually; give the names of | - |
foot | 7 | lowest support of a structure | he stood at the foot of the tower |
aunt | 4 | the sister of your father or mother; the wife of your uncle | - |
suit | 4 | enhance the appearance of | This behavior doesn't suit you! |
meat | 6 | the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience | - |
cost | 6 | be priced at | These shoes cost $100 |
spot | 6 | a job in an organization | - |
east | 4 | the countries of Asia | - |
west | 7 | United States film actress (1892-1980) | - |
lift | 7 | lifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building | - |
heat | 7 | gain heat or get hot | The room heated up quickly |
rent | 4 | grant use or occupation of under a term of contract | - |
flat | 7 | a deflated pneumatic tire | - |
soft | 7 | not brilliant or glaring | the moon cast soft shadows |
post | 6 | a job in an organization | he occupied a post in the treasury |
unit | 4 | an organization regarded as part of a larger social group | the coach said the offensive unit did a good job |
butt | 6 | a victim of ridicule or pranks | - |
coat | 6 | put a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface | coat the cake with chocolate |
debt | 7 | an obligation to pay or do something | - |
matt | 6 | not reflecting light; not glossy | a photograph with a matte finish |
hunt | 7 | an association of huntsmen who hunt for sport | - |
dust | 5 | the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up | - |
cast | 6 | the act of throwing a fishing line out over the water by means of a rod and reel | - |
chat | 9 | talk socially without exchanging too much information | - |
belt | 6 | a vigorous blow | - |
salt | 4 | the taste experience when common salt is taken into the mouth | - |
slut | 4 | a woman adulterer | - |
spit | 6 | expel or eject (saliva or phlegm or sputum) from the mouth | - |
dirt | 5 | obscene terms for feces | - |
exit | 11 | move out of or depart from | - |
cunt | 6 | a person (usually but not necessarily a woman) who is thoroughly disliked | - |
bust | 6 | an occasion for excessive eating or drinking | they went on a bust that lasted three days |
diet | 5 | the act of restricting your food intake (or your intake of particular foods) | - |
text | 11 | a book prepared for use in schools or colleges | his economics textbook is in its tenth edition |
port | 6 | (computer science) computer circuit consisting of the hardware and associated circuitry that links one device with another (especially a computer and a hard disk drive or other peripherals) | - |
poet | 6 | a writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry) | - |
host | 7 | a person who acts as host at formal occasions (makes an introductory speech and introduces other speakers) | - |
goat | 5 | a victim of ridicule or pranks | - |
tent | 4 | a portable shelter (usually of canvas stretched over supporting poles and fastened to the ground with ropes and pegs) | he pitched his tent near the creek |
bout | 6 | an occasion for excessive eating or drinking | - |
nest | 4 | move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position | - |
plot | 6 | make a plat of | - |
fist | 7 | a hand with the fingers clenched in the palm (as for hitting) | - |
vast | 7 | unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope | at vast (or immense) expense |
root | 4 | a simple form inferred as the common basis from which related words in several languages can be derived by linguistic processes | - |
brat | 6 | a small pork sausage | - |
fart | 7 | a reflex that expels intestinal gas through the anus | - |
boot | 6 | the act of delivering a blow with the foot | - |
bait | 6 | anything that serves as an enticement | - |
cart | 6 | draw slowly or heavily | - |
cent | 6 | a coin worth one-hundredth of the value of the basic unit | - |
bent | 6 | fixed in your purpose | bent on going to the theater |
fort | 7 | a fortified defensive structure | - |
neat | 4 | free from clumsiness; precisely or deftly executed | the neat exactness of the surgeon's knife |
cant | 6 | a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves) | - |
wont | 7 | an established custom | - |
halt | 7 | an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement | a halt in the arms race |
melt | 6 | the process whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquid | the power failure caused a refrigerator melt that was a disaster |
riot | 4 | a joke that seems extremely funny | - |
lust | 4 | have a craving, appetite, or great desire for | - |
knot | 8 | soft lump or unevenness in a yarn; either an imperfection or created by design | - |
lent | 4 | a period of 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday | - |
slit | 4 | a depression scratched or carved into a surface | - |
hint | 7 | a slight indication | - |
bolt | 6 | a discharge of lightning accompanied by thunder | - |
cult | 6 | an interest followed with exaggerated zeal | - |
mint | 6 | a candy that is flavored with a mint oil | - |
kent | 8 | United States painter noted for his woodcuts (1882-1971) | - |
swat | 7 | a sharp blow | - |
mart | 6 | an area in a town where a public mercantile establishment is set up | - |
vest | 7 | provide with power and authority | They vested the council with special rights |
mutt | 6 | an inferior dog or one of mixed breed | - |
pint | 6 | a United States dry unit equal to 0.5 quart or 33.6 cubic inches | - |
tart | 4 | a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money | - |
pact | 8 | a written agreement between two states or sovereigns | - |
twat | 7 | a man who is a stupid incompetent fool | - |
baht | 9 | the basic unit of money in Thailand | - |
vent | 7 | activity that frees or expresses creative energy or emotion | he gave vent to his anger |
edit | 5 | prepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting | she edited the letters of the politician so as to omit the most personal passages |
loot | 4 | goods or money obtained illegally | - |
raft | 7 | (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent | - |
slot | 4 | a slot machine that is used for gambling | they spend hours and hours just playing the slots |
dent | 5 | a depression scratched or carved into a surface | - |
hart | 7 | United States playwright who collaborated with George S. Kaufman (1904-1961) | - |
loft | 7 | a raised shelter in which pigeons are kept | - |
pest | 6 | any epidemic disease with a high death rate | - |
mist | 6 | become covered with mist | The windshield misted over |
rust | 4 | the formation of reddish-brown ferric oxides on iron by low-temperature oxidation in the presence of water | - |
colt | 6 | a kind of revolver | - |
psst | 6 | - | - |
knit | 8 | needlework created by interlacing yarn in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or by machine | - |
mort | 6 | - | - |
duct | 7 | a bodily passage or tube lined with epithelial cells and conveying a secretion or other substance | the tear duct was obstructed |
spat | 6 | a quarrel about petty points | - |
scot | 6 | a native or inhabitant of Scotland | - |
rift | 7 | a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions) | - |
chit | 9 | the bill in a restaurant | - |
daft | 8 | informal or slang terms for mentally irregular | - |
wept | 9 | - | - |
snot | 4 | a person regarded as arrogant and annoying | - |
frat | 7 | a social club for male undergraduates | - |
runt | 4 | disparaging terms for small people | - |
sect | 6 | a subdivision of a larger religious group | - |
tilt | 4 | a combat between two mounted knights tilting against each other with blunted lances | - |
fest | 7 | - | - |
lest | 4 | - | - |
mast | 6 | any sturdy upright pole | - |
malt | 6 | a lager of high alcohol content; by law it is considered too alcoholic to be sold as lager or beer | - |
pant | 6 | a short labored intake of breath with the mouth open | - |
trot | 4 | run at a moderately swift pace | - |
hoot | 7 | something of little value | - |
fret | 7 | gnaw into; make resentful or angry | - |
dart | 5 | run or move very quickly or hastily | - |
hast | 7 | - | - |
holt | 7 | - | - |
clot | 6 | a lump of material formed from the content of a liquid | - |
feat | 7 | a notable achievement | he performed a great feat |
brit | 6 | a native or inhabitant of Great Britain | - |
stat | 4 | - | - |
wilt | 7 | become limp | The flowers wilted |
gent | 5 | port city in northwestern Belgium and industrial center; famous for cloth industry | - |
tout | 4 | one who sells advice about gambling or speculation (especially at the racetrack) | - |
toot | 4 | make a loud noise | - |
duet | 5 | two performers or singers who perform together | - |
clit | 6 | a female sexual organ homologous to the penis | - |
jest | 11 | activity characterized by good humor | - |
fiat | 7 | a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge) | - |
grit | 5 | a hard coarse-grained siliceous sandstone | - |
newt | 7 | small usually bright-colored semiaquatic salamanders of North America and Europe and northern Asia | - |
twit | 7 | aggravation by deriding or mocking or criticizing | - |
knut | 8 | king of Denmark and Norway who forced Edmund II to divide England with him; on the death of Edmund II, Canute became king of all England (994-1035) | - |
jolt | 11 | a sudden jarring impact | the door closed with a jolt |
writ | 7 | (law) a legal document issued by a court or judicial officer | - |
whit | 10 | a tiny or scarcely detectable amount | - |
curt | 6 | marked by rude or peremptory shortness | a curt reply |
tact | 6 | consideration in dealing with others and avoiding giving offense | - |
moat | 6 | ditch dug as a fortification and usually filled with water | - |
dost | 5 | - | - |
gust | 5 | a strong current of air | the tree was bent almost double by the gust |
font | 7 | a specific size and style of type within a type family | - |
wart | 7 | (pathology) a firm abnormal elevated blemish on the skin; caused by a virus | - |
putt | 6 | hitting a golf ball that is on the green using a putter | his putting let him down today; he didn't sink a single putt over three feet |
pelt | 6 | attack and bombard with or as if with missiles | pelt the speaker with questions |
prat | 6 | the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on | - |
mitt | 6 | the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb | he extended his mitt |
scat | 6 | singing jazz; the singer substitutes nonsense syllables for the words of the song and tries to sound like a musical instrument | - |
silt | 4 | become chocked with silt | The river silted up |
gait | 5 | the rate of moving (especially walking or running) | - |
soot | 4 | a black colloidal substance consisting wholly or principally of amorphous carbon and used to make pigments and ink | - |
rant | 4 | talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner | - |
emit | 6 | expel (gases or odors) | - |
bunt | 6 | hit a ball in such a way so as to make it go a short distance | - |
beet | 6 | round red root vegetable | - |
moot | 6 | think about carefully; weigh | - |
zest | 13 | a tart spicy quality | - |
pout | 6 | a disdainful grimace | - |
pent | 6 | closely confined | - |
gist | 5 | the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work | - |
sept | 6 | the month following August and preceding October | - |
lout | 4 | an awkward stupid person | - |
pont | 6 | - | - |
blot | 6 | an act that brings discredit to the person who does it | he made a huge blot on his copybook |
piet | 6 | - | - |
kant | 8 | influential German idealist philosopher (1724-1804) | - |
lint | 4 | cotton or linen fabric with the nap raised on one side; used to dress wounds | - |
punt | 6 | (football) a kick in which the football is dropped from the hands and kicked before it touches the ground | the punt traveled 50 yards |
cyst | 9 | a small anatomically normal sac or bladderlike structure (especially one containing fluid) | - |
dolt | 5 | a person who is not very bright | - |
hilt | 7 | the handle of a sword or dagger | - |
wast | 7 | - | - |
smut | 6 | an offensive or indecent word or phrase | - |
kilt | 8 | a knee-length pleated tartan skirt worn by men as part of the traditional dress in the Highlands of northern Scotland | - |
kart | 8 | - | - |
watt | 7 | a unit of power equal to 1 joule per second; the power dissipated by a current of 1 ampere flowing across a resistance of 1 ohm | - |
volt | 7 | a unit of potential equal to the potential difference between two points on a conductor carrying a current of 1 ampere when the power dissipated between the two points is 1 watt; equivalent to the potential difference across a resistance of 1 ohm when 1 ampere of current flows through it | - |
skit | 8 | a short theatrical episode | - |
peat | 6 | partially carbonized vegetable matter saturated with water; can be used as a fuel when dried | - |
gert | 5 | - | - |
sant | 4 | - | - |
gout | 5 | a painful inflammation of the big toe and foot caused by defects in uric acid metabolism resulting in deposits of the acid and its salts in the blood and joints | - |
drat | 5 | - | - |
dint | 5 | interchangeable with `means' in the expression `by means of' | - |
sift | 7 | distinguish and separate out | sift through the job candidates |
nowt | 7 | - | - |
flit | 7 | move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart | The hummingbird flitted among the branches |
tint | 4 | a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color | - |
mott | 6 | United States feminist and suffragist (1793-1880) | - |
coot | 6 | slate-black slow-flying birds somewhat resembling ducks | - |
abut | 6 | lie adjacent to another or share a boundary | - |
teat | 4 | the small projection of a mammary gland | - |
taut | 4 | pulled or drawn tight | taut sails |
wort | 7 | unfermented or fermenting malt | - |
rout | 4 | defeat disastrously | - |
suet | 4 | hard fat around the kidneys and loins in beef and sheep | - |
milt | 6 | fish sperm or sperm-filled reproductive gland; having a creamy texture | - |
pert | 6 | characterized by a lightly pert and exuberant quality | - |
omit | 6 | leave undone or leave out | - |
vert | 7 | - | - |
waft | 10 | a long flag; often tapering | - |
whet | 10 | make keen or more acute | whet my appetite |
adit | 5 | a nearly horizontal passage from the surface into a mine | - |
yurt | 7 | a circular domed dwelling that is portable and self-supporting; originally used by nomadic Mongol and Turkic people of central Asia but now used as inexpensive alternative or temporary housing | - |
dort | 5 | - | - |
bast | 6 | (botany) tissue that conducts synthesized food substances (e.g., from leaves) to parts where needed; consists primarily of sieve tubes | - |
tuft | 7 | a bunch of hair or feathers or growing grass | - |
gnat | 5 | any of various small biting flies: midges; biting midges; black flies; sand flies | - |
welt | 7 | beat severely with a whip or rod | - |
deft | 8 | skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands | a deft waiter |
plat | 6 | make a plat of | - |
brut | 6 | (of champagne) extremely dry | - |
bist | 6 | - | - |
gilt | 5 | a coating of gold or of something that looks like gold | - |
pott | 6 | - | - |
ghat | 8 | stairway in India leading down to a landing on the water | - |
chut | 9 | - | - |
wert | 7 | - | - |
oust | 4 | remove from a position or office | The chairman was ousted after he misappropriated funds |
glut | 5 | overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself | - |
grot | 5 | a small cave (usually with attractive features) | - |
cert | 6 | an absolute certainty | it's a dead cert |
swot | 7 | study intensively, as before an exam | - |
sket | 8 | - | - |
molt | 6 | cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers | - |
slat | 4 | a thin strip (wood or metal) | - |
smit | 6 | - | - |
obit | 6 | a notice of someone's death; usually includes a short biography | - |
heft | 10 | the property of being large in mass | - |
hist | 7 | - | - |
crit | 6 | a bicycle race held on a short course (usually less than 5 km or 3 miles) | - |
celt | 6 | a member of a European people who once occupied Britain and Spain and Gaul prior to Roman times | - |
abet | 6 | assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing | - |
tret | 4 | - | - |
tort | 4 | (law) any wrongdoing for which an action for damages may be brought | - |
snit | 4 | a state of agitated irritation | he was in a snit |
rapt | 6 | feeling great rapture or delight | - |
gest | 5 | - | - |
lunt | 4 | United States actor who performed with his wife Lynn Fontanne in many stage productions (1893-1977) | - |
phut | 9 | - | - |
empt | 8 | - | - |
leat | 4 | - | - |
lilt | 4 | a jaunty rhythm in music | - |
cist | 6 | - | - |
daut | 5 | - | - |
bott | 6 | - | - |
batt | 6 | - | - |
jilt | 11 | a woman who jilts a lover | - |
bint | 6 | - | - |
quat | 13 | the leaves of the shrub Catha edulis which are chewed like tobacco or used to make tea; has the effect of a euphoric stimulant | - |
haft | 10 | the handle of a weapon or tool | - |
khat | 11 | the leaves of the shrub Catha edulis which are chewed like tobacco or used to make tea; has the effect of a euphoric stimulant | - |
girt | 5 | - | - |
bitt | 6 | a strong post (as on a wharf or quay or ship for attaching mooring lines) | - |
tost | 4 | - | - |
scut | 6 | a short erect tail | - |
saut | 4 | - | - |
skat | 8 | - | - |
blit | 6 | - | - |
hout | 7 | - | - |
isit | 4 | - | - |
ikat | 8 | - | - |
haut | 7 | - | - |
haet | 7 | - | - |
hant | 7 | - | - |
hest | 7 | - | - |
hent | 7 | - | - |
hept | 9 | - | - |
hipt | 9 | - | - |
kist | 8 | - | - |
kest | 8 | - | - |
kelt | 8 | a member of a European people who once occupied Britain and Spain and Gaul prior to Roman times | - |
khet | 11 | - | - |
kyat | 11 | the basic unit of money in Myanmar | - |
jeat | 11 | - | - |
keet | 8 | - | - |
fett | 7 | - | - |
fent | 7 | - | - |
faut | 7 | - | - |
fixt | 14 | - | - |
fitt | 7 | - | - |
echt | 9 | not fake or counterfeit | - |
eyot | 7 | - | - |
etat | 4 | - | - |
erst | 4 | at a previous time | her erstwhile writing |
evet | 7 | - | - |
glit | 5 | - | - |
grat | 5 | - | - |
fust | 7 | - | - |
frit | 7 | - | - |
geit | 5 | - | - |
gelt | 5 | informal terms for money | - |
gart | 5 | - | - |
gast | 5 | - | - |
gant | 5 | - | - |
geat | 5 | - | - |
luit | 4 | - | - |
lowt | 7 | - | - |
maut | 6 | - | - |
leet | 4 | - | - |
lept | 6 | - | - |
lant | 4 | - | - |
munt | 6 | - | - |
nett | 4 | catch with a net | - |
ment | 6 | - | - |
mixt | 13 | - | - |
moit | 6 | - | - |
coit | 6 | - | - |
coft | 9 | - | - |
cuit | 6 | - | - |
cott | 6 | - | - |
clat | 6 | - | - |
dout | 5 | - | - |
dowt | 8 | - | - |
doit | 5 | - | - |
duit | 5 | - | - |
dunt | 5 | - | - |
dawt | 8 | - | - |
deet | 5 | - | - |
delt | 5 | - | - |
dalt | 5 | - | - |
dant | 5 | - | - |
dipt | 7 | - | - |
doat | 5 | - | - |
ditt | 5 | - | - |
dict | 7 | - | - |
aret | 4 | - | - |
alit | 4 | - | - |
airt | 4 | channel into a new direction | - |
bort | 6 | - | - |
blet | 6 | - | - |
blat | 6 | cry plaintively | - |
boet | 6 | - | - |
buat | 6 | - | - |
bant | 6 | - | - |
bayt | 9 | - | - |
baft | 9 | - | - |
bhat | 9 | - | - |
bhut | 9 | - | - |
yuft | 10 | - | - |
ympt | 11 | - | - |
yont | 7 | - | - |
zoot | 13 | - | - |
xyst | 14 | - | - |
woot | 7 | - | - |
wost | 7 | - | - |
yest | 7 | - | - |
yelt | 7 | - | - |
yett | 7 | - | - |
ybet | 9 | - | - |
towt | 7 | - | - |
trat | 4 | - | - |
tolt | 4 | - | - |
toit | 4 | - | - |
telt | 4 | - | - |
tawt | 7 | - | - |
tatt | 4 | - | - |
tipt | 6 | - | - |
toft | 7 | - | - |
tift | 7 | - | - |
weft | 10 | the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving | - |
weet | 7 | - | - |
wist | 7 | - | - |
whot | 10 | - | - |
vant | 7 | - | - |
vaut | 7 | - | - |
wadt | 8 | - | - |
vrot | 7 | - | - |
vext | 14 | - | - |
vint | 7 | - | - |
shat | 7 | - | - |
shet | 7 | - | - |
sekt | 8 | - | - |
sext | 11 | the fourth of the seven canonical hours; about noon | - |
sett | 4 | rectangular paving stone with curved top; once used to make roads | - |
ritt | 4 | - | - |
ront | 4 | - | - |
ript | 6 | - | - |
saft | 7 | - | - |
ryot | 7 | - | - |
rost | 4 | - | - |
rort | 4 | - | - |
rowt | 7 | - | - |
stet | 4 | printing: cancel, as of a correction or deletion | - |
stot | 4 | - | - |
sout | 4 | - | - |
spet | 6 | - | - |
tait | 4 | - | - |
sist | 4 | - | - |
pfft | 12 | - | - |
phat | 9 | - | - |
phot | 9 | a unit of illumination equal to 1 lumen per square centimeter; 10,000 phots equal 1 lux | - |
oast | 4 | a kiln for drying hops | - |
nott | 4 | - | - |
nout | 4 | - | - |
oont | 4 | - | - |
oint | 4 | - | - |
onst | 4 | - | - |
pyat | 9 | - | - |
pyet | 9 | - | - |
pyot | 9 | - | - |
reft | 7 | - | - |
rait | 4 | - | - |
rast | 4 | - | - |
polt | 6 | - | - |
poot | 6 | - | - |