12-letter words ending with T

Dive into the specific realm of 12-letter words that conclude with the letter T. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with T, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.

announcement 16
psychiatrist 22
psychologist 23
unemployment 21
imprisonment 18
inconvenient 17
receptionist 16
disagreement 16
gynecologist 19
insufficient 20
cardiologist 16
inconsistent 14
disinfectant 18
embezzlement 36
displacement 19
archeologist 18
intermittent 14
astonishment 17
straitjacket 25
orthodontist 16
infringement 18
resettlement 14
middleweight 23
commencement 22
nutritionist 12
postponement 18
entomologist 15
counterpoint 16
misinterpret 16
endangerment 16
spiritualist 14
transcendent 15
proctologist 17
incandescent 17
mistreatment 16
effervescent 23
southernmost 17
subcontinent 16
reassignment 15
undercurrent 15
convalescent 19
entanglement 15
welterweight 22
northernmost 17
extortionist 19
presentiment 16
anaesthetist 15
disbursement 17
recalcitrant 16
motorcyclist 21
encroachment 21
isolationist 12
bewilderment 20
afterthought 22
undergarment 16
antiaircraft 17
physiologist 21
prepubescent 20
commissariat 18
denouncement 17
abolitionist 14
misrepresent 16
musicologist 17
propagandist 18
aforethought 22
accordionist 17
toxicologist 22
monofilament 19
estrangement 15
geophysicist 23
seismologist 15
maltreatment 16
expansionist 21
gemeinschaft 23
intransigent 13
redeployment 20
reductionist 15
somnambulist 18
periodontist 15
encirclement 18
immunologist 17
infotainment 17
interconnect 16
blackcurrant 22
chastisement 19
caricaturist 16
troubleshoot 17
reassessment 14
readjustment 22
universalist 15
obscurantist 16
outplacement 18
disinterment 15
bantamweight 23
behaviourist 20
crosscurrent 16
decongestant 16
discriminant 17
accoutrement 18
retrenchment 19
unconstraint 14
reattachment 19
noncompliant 18
entrenchment 19
entrainement 14
entrancement 16
envisagement 18
enzymologist 27
escapologist 17
erythroblast 20
enfeeblement 19
endosymbiont 20
encipherment 21
encumberment 20
endamagement 18
enteropneust 14
enswathement 20
enthrallment 17
enthronement 17
engenderment 16
enshrinement 17
excursionist 21
exobiologist 22
extensionist 19
essentialist 12
evolutionist 15
exclusionist 21
euthanasiast 15
financialist 17
finicketiest 21
fluidextract 25
factionalist 17
featherlight 22
febrifacient 22
fruitfullest 18
futurologist 16
forebodement 20
forejudgment 26
foolhardiest 19
fortepianist 17
forestalment 17
goddamnedest 18
glossolalist 13
glossologist 14
gramophonist 20
graphologist 19
gracefullest 18
gastrologist 14
gastronomist 15
gesellschaft 21
glaciologist 16
geomagnetist 16
geratologist 14
geoscientist 15
harmoniumist 19
hematologist 18
headforemost 21
gratefullest 16
haematoblast 19
gymnosophist 23
homeopathist 22
hindforemost 21
histochemist 22
hippophagist 25
hierogrammat 20
hermeneutist 17
hereditament 18
hepatologist 18
heortologist 16
heterosexist 22
hyperrealist 20
hypercorrect 24
hypsometrist 22
iatrochemist 19
hydropathist 24
incapacitant 18
iconomachist 21
iconophilist 19
impercipient 20
impersistent 16
immersionist 16
inflationist 15
inflorescent 17
ingravescent 18
inspiritment 16
incunabulist 16
inconsequent 23
inconversant 17
inequipotent 23
intersegment 15
interpellant 14
intrenchment 19
interwrought 19
intervenient 15
intercipient 16
intercurrent 14
interconvert 17
jurisconsult 21
jurisprudent 22
intrusionist 12
intuitionist 12
intromittent 14
inveiglement 18
intussuscept 16
diversionist 16
distrainment 15
dithyrambist 23
dispiritment 17
disinfestant 16
dislodgement 17
disseverment 18
elocutionist 14
electronvolt 17
emotionalist 14
empoisonment 18
empressement 18
embitterment 18
emblazonment 27
embattlement 18
embarquement 27
embryologist 20
embranchment 23
dramaturgist 16
educationist 15
efflorescent 20
editorialist 13
econometrist 16
ecoterrorist 14
automobilist 16
aviculturist 17
balneologist 15
ballottement 16
bacteriostat 16
astacologist 15
astrotourist 12
assemblagist 17
autodestruct 15
attemperment 18
audiometrist 15
biophysicist 24
bipropellant 18
bioscientist 16
bioecologist 17
birefringent 18
blandishment 20
bedazzlement 35
belittlement 16
befuddlement 21
bibliologist 17
bicameralist 18
bibliopolist 18
bibliopegist 19
bequeathment 28
cerographist 20
causationist 14
cartophilist 19
carriwitchet 22
circumfluent 21
circumjacent 27
chronologist 18
clarinettist 14
classicalist 16
clairaudient 15
cheerfullest 20
chondroblast 20
choreologist 18
chorizontist 26
chocolatiest 19
commentariat 18
comanagement 19
coccidiostat 19
coalitionist 14
coleopterist 16
collectivist 19
conglutinant 15
congratulant 15
contabescent 18
contagionist 15
constringent 15
concelebrant 18
concertinist 16
conchologist 20
confrontment 19
concupiscent 20
cosmochemist 23
cosurfactant 19
corespondent 17
corporealist 16
counterlight 18
countershaft 20
counteragent 15
counterblast 16
contranatant 14
contrivement 19
conterminant 16
coprophagist 22
convivialist 20
convincement 21
darraignment 16
cyclopaedist 22
craniologist 15
cremationist 16
crotchetiest 19
cryptogamist 22
cryptanalyst 22
cryptologist 20
deliquescent 24
deflocculant 20
deflationist 16
demolishment 20
demonologist 16
demographist 21
deltiologist 14
decentralist 15
decipherment 22
defectionist 18
dethronement 18
deviationist 16
dendrologist 15
deontologist 14
discolorment 17
disciplinant 17
dishevelment 21
disgorgement 17
disguisement 16
disendowment 19
diminishment 20
diffusionist 19
disaccordant 18
disannulment 15
dipropellant 17
angelologist 14
anecdotalist 15
anticatalyst 17
animalculist 16
amortisement 16
amortizement 25
appercipient 20
appetisement 18
appraisement 18
ascensionist 14
arctophilist 19
antinovelist 15
antifeminist 17
apocalyptist 21
apiculturist 16
antiroyalist 15
aestheticist 17
affrightment 24
adularescent 15
airworthiest 18
aggrievement 19
accompanyist 23
accouterment 18
accouchement 23
accouplement 20
accustrement 18
administrant 15
admonishment 20
relativitist 15
reinstalment 14
reinvestment 17
rejectionist 21
renversement 17
renouncement 16
reenlistment 14
reemployment 21
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redoublement 17
rehabilitant 17
reindictment 17
retromingent 15
retentionist 12
retrievement 17
representant 14
ressentiment 14
sanguinolent 13
schmaltziest 28
scholarliest 17
saltationist 12
salvationist 15
seropurulent 14
sensationist 12
secessionist 14
seclusionist 14
seaworthiest 18
scratchbuilt 21
scribblement 20
semeiologist 15
semiabstract 18
selenologist 13
semifinalist 17
semidominant 17
semideponent 17
selectionist 14
sectionalist 14
somatologist 15
snowmobilist 19
sociometrist 16
silhouettist 15
slaphappiest 21
spongioblast 17
spongologist 16
sprightliest 18
spinulescent 16
splinteriest 14
spitefullest 17
stablishment 19
somnolescent 16
somniloquist 23
somnambulant 18
somnifacient 19
sousaphonist 17
sorbefacient 19
speleologist 15
stranglement 15
subcomponent 20
stupefacient 19
subalternant 14
stercoranist 14
stereotypist 17
stegophilist 18
stockpunisht 23
storiologist 13
supereminent 16
supererogant 15
superevident 18
superconduct 19
supercurrent 16
supercabinet 18
summerweight 23
supervenient 17
superrealist 14
superpatriot 16
subjectivist 26
submergement 19
tambourinist 16
synecologist 18
telegraphist 18
technologist 18
therapeutist 17
thereagainst 16
theorematist 17
timbrologist 17
thoroughwort 22
teratologist 13
tergiversant 16
thalassocrat 17
thankfullest 22
transvestist 15
transmigrant 15
trinomialist 14
trichologist 18
traducianist 15
traditionist 13
transformist 17
transhipment 19
trampolinist 16
transcurrent 14
transductant 15
tranquillest 21
ultrarealist 12
ultraviolent 15
unambivalent 19
uncomplacent 20
unconversant 17
uncleanliest 14
triumphalist 19
typographist 23
ultraleftist 15
ultradistant 13
ultracompact 20
putrefacient 19
quadrivalent 25
quantivalent 24
pyrotechnist 22
psephologist 20
reassortment 14
recrudescent 17
recommitment 20
radiochemist 20
radioelement 15
quarterlight 25
quindecaplet 26
radiophonist 18
unearthliest 15
unflamboyant 22
unhealthiest 18
underlayment 18
underpayment 20
underblanket 19
underwrought 20
undiscordant 16
unsufficient 20
unsaintliest 12
unshapeliest 17
unsightliest 16
unsettlement 14
unworldliest 16
unwomanliest 17

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