Words Ending With RIA
Explore the intriguing collection of words that conclude with the letter RIA. This section emphasizes how the final placement of RIA influences the tone and character of each word. Whether it's common vocabulary or less familiar terms, uncover the unique impact of ending with RIA in the world of words.
3 letter words
Word | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
ria | 3 | - | - |
4 letter words
Word | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
aria | 4 | an elaborate song for solo voice | - |
cria | 6 | - | - |
5 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
maria | 7 | a dark region of considerable extent on the surface of the moon | - |
curia | 7 | (Roman Catholic Church) the central administration governing the Roman Catholic Church | - |
stria | 5 | a stripe or stripes of contrasting color | - |
atria | 5 | - | - |
feria | 8 | a weekday on which no festival or holiday is celebrated | in the middle ages feria was used with a prefixed ordinal number to designate the day of the week, so `secunda feria' meant Monday, but Sunday and Saturday were always called by their names, Dominicus and Sabbatum, and so feria came to mean an ordinary weekday |
noria | 5 | a water wheel with buckets attached to the rim; used to raise water for transfer to an irrigation channel | - |
varia | 8 | - | - |
agria | 6 | - | - |
coria | 7 | - | - |
ceria | 7 | - | - |
moria | 7 | - | - |
6 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
gloria | 7 | - | - |
sharia | 9 | the code of law derived from the Koran and from the teachings and example of Mohammed | sharia is only applicable to Muslims |
choria | 11 | - | - |
aporia | 8 | - | - |
anuria | 6 | inability to urinate | - |
hydria | 13 | - | - |
oraria | 6 | - | - |
nutria | 6 | aquatic South American rodent resembling a small beaver; bred for its fur | - |
latria | 6 | the worship given to God alone | - |
kerria | 10 | - | - |
yttria | 9 | - | - |
zoaria | 15 | - | - |
thoria | 9 | - | - |
sheria | 9 | - | - |
scoria | 8 | the scum formed by oxidation at the surface of molten metals | - |
pteria | 8 | - | - |
pyuria | 11 | presence of white blood cells in the urine; symptom of urinary tract infection | - |
agyria | 10 | - | - |
7 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
malaria | 9 | an infective disease caused by sporozoan parasites that are transmitted through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito; marked by paroxysms of chills and fever | - |
sangria | 8 | sweetened red wine and orange or lemon juice with soda water | - |
rosaria | 7 | - | - |
solaria | 7 | - | - |
armeria | 9 | shrubby or herbaceous low-growing evergreen perennials | - |
ciboria | 11 | - | - |
emporia | 11 | - | - |
dysuria | 11 | painful or difficult urination | - |
decuria | 10 | - | - |
deliria | 8 | - | - |
dataria | 8 | - | - |
conaria | 9 | - | - |
olearia | 7 | large genus of Australian evergreen shrubs or small trees with large daisylike flowers | - |
puparia | 11 | - | - |
propria | 11 | - | - |
peloria | 9 | - | - |
mudiria | 10 | - | - |
lipuria | 9 | - | - |
filaria | 10 | European weed naturalized in southwestern United States and Mexico having reddish decumbent stems with small fernlike leaves and small deep reddish-lavender flowers followed by slender fruits that stick straight up; often grown for forage | - |
fimbria | 14 | thin projections forming a fringe (especially around the ovarian end of the Fallopian tube) | - |
imperia | 11 | - | - |
fusaria | 10 | - | - |
angaria | 8 | - | - |
bothria | 12 | - | - |
asteria | 7 | - | - |
aquaria | 16 | - | - |
apteria | 9 | - | - |
argyria | 11 | - | - |
ulnaria | 7 | - | - |
vivaria | 13 | - | - |
velaria | 10 | - | - |
talaria | 7 | a winged sandal (as worn by Hermes in Graeco-Roman art) | - |
sudaria | 8 | - | - |
8 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
victoria | 13 | queen of Great Britain and Ireland and empress of India from 1837 to 1901; the last Hanoverian ruler of England (1819-1901) | - |
bacteria | 12 | (microbiology) single-celled or noncellular spherical or spiral or rod-shaped organisms lacking chlorophyll that reproduce by fission; important as pathogens and for biochemical properties; taxonomy is difficult; often considered to be plants | - |
criteria | 10 | - | - |
hysteria | 14 | state of violent mental agitation | - |
pizzeria | 28 | a shop where pizzas are made and sold | - |
euphoria | 13 | a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation | - |
galleria | 9 | a genus of Pyralidae | - |
wisteria | 11 | any flowering vine of the genus Wisteria | - |
santeria | 8 | - | - |
progeria | 11 | a rare abnormality marked by premature aging (grey hair and wrinkled skin and stooped posture) in a child | - |
listeria | 8 | any species of the genus Listeria | - |
septoria | 10 | - | - |
calvaria | 13 | the dome of the skull | - |
caldaria | 11 | - | - |
calcaria | 12 | - | - |
dentaria | 9 | usually included in genus Cardamine; in some classifications considered a separate genus | - |
collyria | 13 | - | - |
chyluria | 16 | - | - |
cercaria | 12 | tadpole-shaped parasitic larva of a trematode worm; tail disappears in adult stage | - |
oliguria | 9 | abnormally small production of urine; can be a symptom of kidney disease or obstruction of the urinary tract or edema or an imbalance of fluids and electrolytes in the body | - |
nocturia | 10 | excessive urination at night; especially common in older men | - |
montaria | 10 | - | - |
miliaria | 10 | obstruction of the sweat ducts during high heat and humidity | - |
martyria | 13 | - | - |
manubria | 12 | - | - |
glyceria | 14 | manna grass | - |
gematria | 11 | - | - |
gesneria | 9 | any plant of the genus Gesneria | - |
krameria | 14 | - | - |
ischuria | 13 | - | - |
hetairia | 11 | - | - |
herbaria | 13 | - | - |
hatteria | 11 | - | - |
aciduria | 11 | - | - |
adularia | 9 | - | - |
azoturia | 17 | excess of urea in the urine | - |
polyuria | 13 | renal disorder characterized by the production of large volumes of pale dilute urine; often associated with diabetes | - |
plumeria | 12 | deciduous shrubs and trees of tropical America having branches like candelabra and fragrant white or pink flowers | - |
planuria | 10 | - | - |
planaria | 10 | free-swimming mostly freshwater flatworms; popular in laboratory studies for the ability to regenerate lost parts | - |
sorbaria | 10 | - | - |
signoria | 9 | - | - |
septaria | 10 | - | - |
sensoria | 8 | - | - |
sacraria | 10 | - | - |
triforia | 11 | - | - |
troparia | 10 | - | - |
tentoria | 8 | - | - |
terraria | 8 | - | - |
taqueria | 17 | - | - |
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9 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
cafeteria | 14 | a restaurant where you serve yourself and pay a cashier | - |
porphyria | 19 | a genetic abnormality of metabolism causing abdominal pains and mental confusion | - |
trattoria | 9 | - | - |
urticaria | 11 | an itchy skin eruption characterized by weals with pale interiors and well-defined red margins; usually the result of an allergic response to insect bites or food or drugs | - |
dysphoria | 18 | abnormal depression and discontent | - |
acroteria | 11 | - | - |
anarthria | 12 | partial or total loss of articulate speech resulting from lesions of the central nervous system | - |
alfileria | 12 | European weed naturalized in southwestern United States and Mexico having reddish decumbent stems with small fernlike leaves and small deep reddish-lavender flowers followed by slender fruits that stick straight up; often grown for forage | - |
alfilaria | 12 | European weed naturalized in southwestern United States and Mexico having reddish decumbent stems with small fernlike leaves and small deep reddish-lavender flowers followed by slender fruits that stick straight up; often grown for forage | - |
araucaria | 11 | any of several tall South American or Australian trees with large cones and edible seeds | - |
auditoria | 10 | - | - |
cineraria | 11 | herb of Canary Islands widely cultivated for its blue or purple or red or variegated daisylike flowers | - |
cafetoria | 14 | - | - |
calandria | 12 | - | - |
epineuria | 11 | - | - |
franseria | 12 | - | - |
fumatoria | 14 | - | - |
exosporia | 18 | - | - |
echeveria | 17 | - | - |
haustoria | 12 | - | - |
hematuria | 14 | the presence of blood in the urine; often a symptom of urinary tract disease | - |
luminaria | 11 | - | - |
lacunaria | 11 | - | - |
laminaria | 11 | type genus of the family Laminariaceae: perennial brown kelps | - |
latimeria | 11 | type genus of the Latimeridae: coelacanth | - |
laquearia | 18 | - | - |
ketonuria | 13 | excessive amounts of ketone bodies in the urine as in diabetes mellitus or starvation | - |
infusoria | 12 | in some recent classifications, coextensive with the Ciliata: minute organisms found in decomposing infusions of organic matter | - |
honoraria | 12 | - | - |
rancheria | 14 | - | - |
psalteria | 11 | - | - |
puerperia | 13 | - | - |
polyparia | 16 | - | - |
sudatoria | 10 | - | - |
uncinaria | 11 | - | - |
tepidaria | 12 | - | - |
synandria | 13 | - | - |
synaxaria | 19 | - | - |
sticharia | 14 | - | - |
spermaria | 13 | - | - |
seaquaria | 18 | - | - |
sanitoria | 9 | - | - |
sanitaria | 9 | - | - |
saponaria | 11 | mostly perennial Old World herbs | - |
sanatoria | 9 | - | - |
vomitoria | 14 | - | - |
zoolatria | 18 | - | - |
militaria | 11 | - | - |
melanuria | 11 | - | - |
osmeteria | 11 | - | - |
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10 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
diphtheria | 19 | acute contagious infection caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae; marked by the formation of a false membrane in the throat and other air passages causing difficulty in breathing | - |
crematoria | 14 | - | - |
equilibria | 21 | - | - |
gaultheria | 14 | widely distributed genus of creeping or upright evergreen shrubs | - |
formicaria | 17 | - | - |
frigidaria | 15 | - | - |
eubacteria | 14 | a large group of bacteria having rigid cell walls; motile types have flagella | - |
epigastria | 13 | - | - |
endometria | 13 | - | - |
endoneuria | 11 | - | - |
dysarthria | 17 | impaired articulatory ability resulting from defects in the peripheral motor nerves or in the speech musculature | - |
lubritoria | 12 | - | - |
maggotoria | 14 | - | - |
ophidiaria | 16 | - | - |
ostensoria | 10 | - | - |
muscatoria | 14 | - | - |
ministeria | 12 | - | - |
syllabaria | 15 | - | - |
subdeliria | 13 | - | - |
sericteria | 12 | - | - |
scriptoria | 14 | - | - |
perineuria | 12 | - | - |
pararthria | 15 | - | - |
polyzoaria | 24 | - | - |
planetaria | 12 | - | - |
persicaria | 14 | - | - |
zoodendria | 21 | - | - |
washeteria | 16 | - | - |
washateria | 16 | - | - |
termitaria | 12 | - | - |
glycosuria | 16 | the presence of abnormally high levels of sugar in the urine | - |
glucosuria | 13 | the presence of abnormally high levels of glucose in the urine | - |
leprosaria | 12 | - | - |
lactosuria | 12 | presence of lactose in the urine; can occur during pregnancy or lactation | - |
insectaria | 12 | - | - |
groceteria | 13 | - | - |
haematuria | 15 | the presence of blood in the urine; often a symptom of urinary tract disease | - |
acetonuria | 12 | excessive amounts of ketone bodies in the urine as in diabetes mellitus or starvation | - |
adversaria | 14 | - | - |
alcaiceria | 14 | - | - |
allochiria | 15 | - | - |
bipinnaria | 14 | - | - |
armillaria | 12 | genus of edible mushrooms having white spores an annulus and blue juice; some are edible; some cause root rot | - |
aspersoria | 12 | - | - |
bacteruria | 14 | - | - |
bacilluria | 14 | - | - |
crotalaria | 12 | any of various plants of the genus Crotalaria having inflated pods within which the seeds rattle; used for pasture and green-manure crops | - |
cystinuria | 15 | - | - |
cowfeteria | 18 | - | - |
columbaria | 16 | - | - |
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