10-letter words ending with RE

Dive into the specific realm of 10-letter words that conclude with the letter RE. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with RE, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.

everywhere 22
atmosphere 17
literature 10
hemisphere 20
silverware 16
prefecture 17
healthcare 18
disclosure 13
repertoire 12
conjecture 21
millimetre 14
caricature 14
forfeiture 16
ionosphere 15
subculture 14
centimetre 14
heretofore 16
cacciatore 16
mesosphere 17
dinnerware 14
underscore 13
embouchure 19
superstore 12
millilitre 12
foursquare 22
threadbare 16
loungecore 13
hangashore 17
pharmacare 19
mumblecore 18
bomboniere 16
censorware 15
centrefire 15
biowarfare 18
couverture 15
tintamarre 12
saddlesore 12
athleisure 13
ecotecture 14
microlitre 14
middleware 17
interfibre 15
ransomware 15
pretheatre 15
podosphere 18
capillaire 14
calliature 12
carpophore 19
carpospore 16
centilitre 12
centromere 14
chromomere 19
cheesewire 18
circummure 18
colorature 12
commissure 16
commixture 23
commeasure 16
compacture 18
compradore 17
composture 16
contexture 19
craquelure 21
couturiere 12
corsetiere 12
courseware 15
crispature 14
ctenophore 17
debonnaire 13
debouchure 18
demeasnure 13
deinothere 14
azygospore 25
avvogadore 18
aviculture 15
attainture 10
barycentre 17
barysphere 20
basaltware 15
apiculture 14
anthophore 18
antinature 10
arthromere 15
archespore 17
bellamoure 14
battledore 13
blastopore 14
blastomere 14
alongshore 14
anemochore 17
androphore 16
aeciospore 14
aerosphere 15
actinomere 14
hectolitre 15
hectometre 17
hectostere 15
headsquare 23
hollowware 19
hydrochore 22
hyperaware 21
hypocentre 20
impressure 14
infosphere 18
jardiniere 18
jasperware 22
judicature 20
kerseymere 19
lavalliere 13
lacklustre 16
leptospire 14
glucophore 18
granophyre 19
teliospore 12
threescore 15
tetraspore 12
uredospore 13
usurpature 12
untreasure 10
vapourware 18
vivandiere 17
willowware 19
whiggamore 20
uintathere 13
tubulature 12
yellowware 19
zooculture 21
woodenware 17
photophore 20
phonophore 20
praemunire 14
prerequire 21
premeasure 14
prefixture 22
projecture 21
pycnospore 19
quadrature 20
reexposure 19
refracture 15
remontoire 12
reioyndure 14
reliquaire 19
rejoindure 18
paradoxure 20
pericentre 14
secretaire 12
smoothbore 17
spongeware 16
sporophore 17
spirophore 17
stavesacre 15
subcalibre 16
subseizure 21
supporture 14
rhizophore 27
rhabdomere 18
roquelaure 19
metacentre 14
minaudiere 13
micrometre 16
microspore 16
microfibre 19
mismeasure 14
misventure 15
misfeature 15
nethermore 15
naviculare 15
necessaire 12
odoriphore 16
nourriture 10
nunciature 12
orthophyre 21
otherwhere 19
outmeasure 12
overmature 15
overinsure 13
macrospore 16
maculature 14
lophophore 20
lusterware 13
lustreware 13
disfeature 14
dumbledore 16
enamelware 15
encincture 14
eightscore 16
entreasure 10
encoignure 13
engendrure 12
escritoire 12
extincture 19
expressure 19
ferroniere 13
fourragere 14
garmenture 13
dextrogyre 22

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