15-letter words ending with R

Dive into the specific realm of 15-letter words that conclude with the letter R. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with R, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.

cinematographer 25
extracurricular 26
vasoconstrictor 22
microcontroller 21
transmissometer 19
ultramarathoner 20
ultramicrometer 21
thermoregulator 21
thermobarometer 24
thalassographer 24
subintelligitur 18
subcommissioner 23
prestidigitator 19
photomultiplier 24
photosensitiser 20
phototransistor 20
phototypesetter 25
photosensitizer 29
phytogeographer 30
radiogoniometer 19
radiomicrometer 22
ungentlemanlier 18
headmistressier 21
grandmotherlier 22
grandfatherlier 23
gentlewomanlier 21
circumambulator 25
circumnavigator 25
chromatographer 28
cerebrovascular 24
counterreformer 22
counterattacker 23
contrapropeller 21
historiographer 24
immunomodulator 22
intertentacular 17
intrafascicular 22
kinematographer 27
katathermometer 26
interfascicular 22
interclavicular 22
microphotometer 26
malpractitioner 21
mechanoreceptor 26
mountainboarder 20
paroemiographer 25
diastereoisomer 18
electroreceptor 21
autotransformer 20

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