10-letter words ending with ITE

Dive into the specific realm of 10-letter words that conclude with the letter ITE. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with ITE, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.

marguerite 13
indefinite 14
underwrite 14
plebiscite 16
stalactite 12
ghostwrite 17
stalagmite 13
paperwhite 20
kryptonite 19
calaverite 15
catabolite 14
carnallite 12
chalcocite 19
chrysolite 18
chessylite 18
cheesemite 17
cofavorite 18
colemanite 14
coquimbite 25
cordierite 13
convertite 15
cylindrite 16
crocoisite 14
cryoconite 17
australite 10
bastnasite 12
ballistite 12
anthracite 15
antimonite 12
asphaltite 15
arragonite 11
argyrodite 15
benedicite 15
bisulphite 17
alabandite 13
andalusite 11
actinolite 12
achondrite 16
halloysite 16
heulandite 14
ignimbrite 15
inapposite 14
indicolite 13
indigolite 12
kimberlite 18
kersantite 14
laurdalite 11
laurvikite 17
lithotrite 13
lherzolite 22
lepidolite 13
limburgite 15
glauberite 13
glauconite 13
graptolite 13
trailerite 10
topazolite 21
torbernite 12
troctolite 12
triphylite 18
tripartite 12
televerite 13
tennantite 10
thorianite 13
tiemannite 12
thaumasite 15
teschenite 15
thenardite 14
theodolite 14
unipartite 12
unfavorite 16
urostegite 11
vanadinite 14
whewellite 19
zinckenite 25
wolframite 18
phlebolite 17
phlogopite 18
phosgenite 16
perquisite 21
perovskite 19
piemontite 14
polybasite 17
polyhalite 18
preadamite 15
porphyrite 20
pyroxenite 22
pyrrhotite 18
pyrolusite 15
redruthite 14
retinalite 10
paragonite 13
peridotite 13
saussurite 10
sexpartite 19
siderolite 11
smaragdite 14
sombrerite 14
sporozoite 21
sperrylite 15
sphalerite 15
spherulite 15
stephanite 15
staurolite 10
superelite 12
riebeckite 18
romanicite 14
ripidolite 13
samarskite 16
metabolite 14
melaconite 14
odontolite 11
novaculite 15
overexcite 22
pandermite 15
palagonite 13
martensite 12
dopplerite 15
dithionite 14
dyophysite 22
dyothelite 17
dyscrasite 16
endopodite 14
erubescite 14
epidiorite 13
exurbanite 19
forsterite 13
galleryite 14
garnierite 11
gadolinite 12
diophysite 19
diothelite 14

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