10-letter words ending with INE

Dive into the specific realm of 10-letter words that conclude with the letter INE. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with INE, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.

discipline 15
adrenaline 11
quarantine 19
guillotine 11
borderline 13
tambourine 14
clementine 14
trampoline 14
philistine 15
philippine 19
serpentine 12
strychnine 18
turpentine 12
aquamarine 21
florentine 13
fettuccine 17
intertwine 13
timberline 14
plasticine 14
streamline 12
saccharine 17
mousseline 12
creatinine 12
unfeminine 15
sertraline 10
brigantine 13
scaloppine 16
subroutine 12
meperidine 15
nifedipine 16
nevirapine 15
chiltepine 17
cetirizine 21
didanosine 12
ranitidine 11
morpholine 17
tennessine 10
capitoline 14
cadaverine 16
carthamine 17
catarrhine 15
chatelaine 15
centerline 12
centreline 12
chloramine 17
cimetidine 15
cinchonine 17
cloacaline 14
citrulline 12
cispontine 14
colchicine 19
coregonine 13
corydaline 16
cysteamine 17
branchline 17
bufotenine 15
brigandine 14
aventurine 13
avanturine 13
barkentine 16
barkantine 16
anopheline 15
antipyrine 15
antilopine 12
asparagine 13
arvicoline 15
benzocaine 23
bellarmine 14
amarantine 12
amantadine 13
alpestrine 12
alabandine 13
amianthine 15
amygdaline 17
aberdevine 16
adulterine 11
adamantine 13
hydrastine 17
homolosine 15
imipramine 16
iridosmine 13
isoleucine 12
isabelline 12
laurustine 10
lacustrine 12
leucomaine 14
lignocaine 13
limicoline 14
glyoxaline 21
tourmaline 12
travertine 13
tartrazine 19
tetracaine 12
tetractine 12
univoltine 13
vespertine 15
tyrocidine 16
tryptamine 17
zidovudine 24
phenacaine 17
piperazine 23
piperidine 15
polyactine 17
polylysine 18
porpentine 14
predestine 13
primaquine 23
psittacine 14
putrescine 14
quinacrine 21
pyroxyline 25
pyrrhotine 18
pyridoxine 23
pyrimidine 18
reillumine 12
paroxetine 19
sapphirine 17
saxicoline 19
selegiline 11
semidivine 16
smaragdine 14
sourdeline 11
speakerine 16
staphyline 18
strobiline 12
strandline 11
sylphidine 19
rosaniline 10
rupicoline 14
mefloquine 24
methedrine 16
methionine 15
microcline 16
muscardine 15
nalbuphine 17
nalorphine 15
nonroutine 10
orthocaine 15
overrefine 16
palustrine 12
pantherine 15
papaverine 17
lymphokine 24
margravine 16
disentwine 14
disimagine 14
disincline 13
earthshine 16
ensanguine 11
ergotamine 13
ergonovine 14
euchlorine 15
ethylamine 18
euryhaline 16
farrandine 14
exsanguine 18
fescennine 15
ferrandine 14
fluoxetine 20
diamantine 13
dessiatine 11
dessyatine 14
didelphine 17

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