5 letter words ending with d

Welcome, word explorers! Ready to dive into the world of five-letter wonders that end with a delightful 'D'? This is your gateway to enhancing your vocabulary and mastering word games. Perfect for Scrabble enthusiasts or anyone looking to sprinkle some linguistic magic into their daily conversations. Let's get started!

would 9
could 8
world 9
found 9
heard 9
child 11
stand 6
blood 8
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third 9
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grand 7
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guard 7
blind 8
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bread 8
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cozed 17
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courd 8
awned 9
axled 13
axoid 13
baled 8
baned 8
baaed 8
aroid 6
arked 10
arled 6
apted 8
aredd 7

Step into the whimsical world where words wear a stylish five-letter coat and sport a dashing "D" as their tail. These verbal gems captivate with their succinctness, offering a delightful dance of sounds and meanings. Whether it's forming the backbone of a conversation or adding flair to a sentence, these words shape language in ways both useful and playful. From the familiar to the fantastical, they hold secrets of pronunciation quirks and etymological surprises. Ready to unravel the charm of these linguistic treasures? Let’s dive in!

About 5 letter words ending with D

In the realm of five-letter words ending with D, the final letter isn’t just a closure; it’s an exclamation mark that alters pronunciation and meaning. The "D" can provide a hard stop or a gentle nudge, giving words a definitive finish that resonates. This linguistic touch creates a unique tension between the word’s body and its tail, making each a distinct auditory experience. For example, consider the difference in sound between "build" and "baked"—the presence of "D" at the end adds a sense of completion and authority.

The position of "D" also influences word formation, lending versatility and function to the English language. Take "blend" and "brand"; one speaks to mixture while the other signifies identity. It’s fascinating how just a few letters before the "D" can lead to entirely different meanings! These words are not only frequent in everyday conversation but also vital in constructing clear communication. From verbs that command action to adjectives adding spice, five-letter words ending with D are indispensable in our daily lexicon.

Popular word examples

Words ending in "D" often pop up in conversations, stories, and even our thoughts. Here are ten popular examples to ponder:


  • Definition: To mix or combine two or more elements.
  • Example in a Sentence: She preferred to blend her morning smoothie with fresh fruits.
  • Fun Fact: The word "blend" comes from Old Norse "blanda," meaning "to mix."


  • Definition: To construct by assembling parts or materials.
  • Example in a Sentence: They decided to build a treehouse over the summer.
  • Fun Fact: In computing, a "build" refers to a version of a software application.


  • Definition: A type of product manufactured by a particular company under a specific name.
  • Example in a Sentence: Nike is a well-known sportswear brand worldwide.
  • Fun Fact: "Brand" originates from the Old Norse word "brandr," meaning "to burn."


  • Definition: To protect from harm or danger.
  • Example in a Sentence: The soldiers stood guard over the castle gates.
  • Fun Fact: The word "guard" shares roots with the French word "garder," meaning "to keep."


  • Definition: Impressive in size, appearance, or general effect.
  • Example in a Sentence: The grand ballroom was decorated with crystal chandeliers.
  • Fun Fact: The term "grand" can also refer to $1,000 in American slang.


  • Definition: An overflow of water that submerges land.
  • Example in a Sentence: After days of rain, the river began to flood the nearby fields.
  • Fun Fact: The word "flood" comes from the Old English "flod."


  • Definition: Constituting number three in a sequence.
  • Example in a Sentence: She finished third in the marathon.
  • Fun Fact: "Third" is derived from the Proto-Germanic "þridjaz."


  • Definition: The earth, together with all its countries, peoples, and natural features.
  • Example in a Sentence: The novel took readers on a journey around the world.
  • Fun Fact: "World" has Old English roots, originally meaning "age of man."


  • Definition: Equipped with or connected to a network of wires.
  • Example in a Sentence: The new office building was fully wired for high-speed internet.
  • Fun Fact: "Wired" can also mean being very nervous or excited.


  • Definition: A prize or other mark of recognition given in honor of an achievement.
  • Example in a Sentence: She received an award for her outstanding volunteer work.
  • Fun Fact: "Award" stems from the Old Northern French "awarder," meaning "to judge."

High-scoring scrabble examples

For Scrabble enthusiasts, five-letter words ending with "D" can score big points. Here are some impressive examples:

Word Scrabble Points Definition
Jived 16 A lively style of dance.
Fjord 15 A long, deep, narrow body of water.
Zoned 15 Designated for specific use.
Vexed 16 Irritated or annoyed.
Waxed 16 Coated or treated with wax.

Popular 5-letter words for Wordle

Wordle lovers know the thrill of guessing the right word. Here are some top choices:

Word Definition
Blend To mix or combine two or more substances.
Guard To watch over in order to protect or control.
Flood An overwhelming quantity of something.
Wired Connected to a network or system.
World The earth and all life upon it.

Unusual and rare word examples

Explore the curious and uncommon side of five-letter words ending with "D":


  • Definition: An organ in the body that secretes particular chemical substances.
  • Interesting Fact: Originating from Latin "glandulae," meaning "acorn-shaped."
  • Example in a Sentence: The thyroid gland regulates metabolism.


  • Definition: A rounded mass projecting above a surface.
  • Interesting Fact: Can refer to both natural and artificial elevations.
  • Example in a Sentence: They climbed the ancient burial mound.


  • Definition: To castrate an animal.
  • Interesting Fact: From Old Norse "gelda," meaning "to castrate."
  • Example in a Sentence: Farmers often geld male horses.


  • Definition: A piece of broken ceramic, metal, glass, or rock.
  • Interesting Fact: The word "shard" is related to the German "Scherbe."
  • Example in a Sentence: She found a shard of pottery in the garden.


  • Definition: To handle a weapon or tool with skill.
  • Interesting Fact: Derives from Old English "wieldan," meaning "to control."
  • Example in a Sentence: The knight could wield his sword with ease.

Final words

Navigating the universe of five-letter words ending with "D" reveals a tapestry of sounds, meanings, and histories woven into the fabric of language. These words are versatile, entertaining, and essential, providing endless opportunities for creativity and expression. So whether you're playing a game, writing a story, or simply chatting with friends, remember the power of these delightful words and let them elevate your linguistic adventures.

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