15-letter words ending with C

Dive into the specific realm of 15-letter words that conclude with the letter C. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with C, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.

electromagnetic 22
sadomasochistic 25
cinematographic 27
impressionistic 21
individualistic 22
anthropomorphic 29
expressionistic 26
microelectronic 23
exhibitionistic 29
enterotoxigenic 25
antioestrogenic 18
trichloroacetic 24
ultrademocratic 22
symptomatologic 27
thalassographic 26
thanatognomonic 23
ventriloquistic 29
xylotypographic 38
schizophrenetic 36
semilogarithmic 25
roentgenoscopic 22
sympathomimetic 31
spermatogenetic 22
spermatoblastic 23
sociolinguistic 20
stereoisometric 19
staphyloplastic 27
stoicheiometric 24
posthemorrhagic 28
postapocalyptic 28
photoelectronic 24
photogrammetric 27
phenylketonuric 29
phenomenalistic 24
phonautographic 28
platyhelminthic 30
phytogeographic 32
phytopathogenic 31
phytoplanktonic 31
radiotelephonic 23
radiotelemetric 20
pseudepigraphic 28
progressivistic 23
psychotomimetic 31
psychosomimetic 31
psychogeriatric 28
overpessimistic 24
haemoglobinuric 25
dysmorphophobic 35
chronogrammatic 27
chromatographic 30
chorioallantoic 22
commercialistic 25
brachiocephalic 31
boustrophedonic 25
centrosymmetric 26
cephalothoracic 29
chemautotrophic 29
cytophotometric 29
crosslinguistic 20
conductiometric 24
conceptualistic 23
contortionistic 19
hendecasyllabic 28
gynandromorphic 29
heterochromatic 27
heteroscedastic 23
histopathologic 26
historiographic 26
feuilletonistic 20
extralinguistic 25
gastroenteritic 18
functionalistic 22
indeterministic 20
hypercatalectic 29
hystricomorphic 32
irrationalistic 17
interscholastic 22
kinematographic 29
interferometric 22
interelectronic 19
micropegmatitic 26
microaerophilic 26
micrometeoritic 23
magnetoelectric 22
lignocellulosic 20
nonrelativistic 20
nonphotographic 28
ophthalmoscopic 31
nucleoplasmatic 23
nucleosynthetic 25
nemathelminthic 27
noncarcinogenic 22
neuroscientific 22
neurolinguistic 18
neuropathologic 23
nonantagonistic 18
nonaristocratic 19
parasympathetic 29
parthenogenetic 23
particularistic 21
paleogeographic 26
paraheliotropic 24
peroxysulphuric 34
pharmacognostic 27
pharmacokinetic 30
pharmacodynamic 32
pharmacogenomic 29
perissodactylic 25
perfectionistic 24
perissosyllabic 24
orthophosphoric 30
palaeoanthropic 24
diffractometric 28
eleutherophobic 27
endocrinopathic 25
endonucleolytic 23
encephalopathic 29
exoerythrocytic 35
ethnolinguistic 21
dolichocephalic 30
electrodialytic 23
electroanalytic 22
electroacoustic 21
electrophoretic 24
achondroplastic 25
acetylsalicylic 27
atherosclerotic 22
bibliophilistic 26
autoschediastic 23
anthropogenetic 23
anthropocentric 24
allotriomorphic 24
antiperistaltic 19
anticholinergic 23
antiaphrodisiac 23
anthropopsychic 32
antilogarithmic 23

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