13-letter words ending with C

Dive into the specific realm of 13-letter words that conclude with the letter C. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with C, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.

schizophrenic 34
intergalactic 18
materialistic 17
psychosomatic 27
hypochondriac 29
opportunistic 19
semiautomatic 19
transatlantic 15
nationalistic 15
philanthropic 25
unsympathetic 25
oceanographic 23
idiosyncratic 21
imperialistic 19
hydroelectric 24
electrostatic 17
cannibalistic 19
socioeconomic 21
anachronistic 20
antipsychotic 25
posttraumatic 19
thermodynamic 26
anticlimactic 21
monochromatic 24
deterministic 18
probabilistic 21
psychokinetic 29
seismographic 23
hydrocephalic 29
macroeconomic 23
encyclopaedic 25
phallocentric 22
rationalistic 15
spectroscopic 23
paternalistic 17
leukaemogenic 22
hydroxyacetic 34
hydroxycitric 34
hypocalcaemic 29
normoglycemic 25
nonhaemolytic 23
arachnophobic 27
cryptesthetic 25
galactosaemic 20
unsymptomatic 24
hyponatraemic 25
hysteroscopic 25
holoparasitic 20
eudaimonistic 18
bioinformatic 22
rheumatologic 21
parthenogenic 21
preelectronic 19
tautosyllabic 20
neoscholastic 20
paleoclimatic 21
uncharismatic 22
trophallactic 22
trophoblastic 22
trigonometric 18
triploblastic 19
ultraromantic 17
turbidimetric 20
turboelectric 19
unphilosophic 25
unproblematic 21
viscosimetric 22
voluntaristic 18
urethroscopic 22
xerophthalmic 32
zoogeographic 31
zooplanktonic 30
phlebographic 28
pharmacopoeic 26
phellogenetic 21
phelloplastic 22
pharmacologic 25
photoperiodic 23
photobiologic 23
photogeologic 22
photoelectric 22
pentadactylic 23
pentasyllabic 22
personalistic 17
polyphloisbic 27
polysynthetic 26
polarographic 23
pointillistic 17
polyembryonic 27
polycistronic 22
polychromatic 27
postepileptic 21
postembryonic 24
piezoelectric 28
piezomagnetic 29
phreatophytic 28
physicalistic 25
physitheistic 26
physiographic 29
pneumogastric 20
pneumatolytic 22
plagioclastic 20
plectognathic 23
platinocyanic 22
platycephalic 27
primitivistic 22
prescientific 22
progestogenic 19
preanesthetic 20
preganglionic 19
pteridophytic 26
psychrometric 27
psychrophilic 30
quasiperiodic 27
pyrosulphuric 25
pseudoclassic 20
pseudomorphic 25
psychodynamic 31
psychogenetic 26
psychognostic 26
psilanthropic 22
psychasthenic 28
psychographic 31
protohistoric 20
proteoclastic 19
regionalistic 16
radioisotopic 18
radiobiologic 19
respirometric 19
scintigraphic 23
schizogenetic 30
schizomycetic 36
selenocentric 17
selenographic 21
scapulimantic 21
scapulomantic 21
sociologistic 18
siphonostelic 20
somatoplastic 19
somatopleuric 19
somatotrophic 22
sensitometric 17
semiparasitic 19
semisynthetic 23
stereographic 21
steroidogenic 17
streptococcic 23
stratospheric 20
stromatolitic 17
stratigraphic 21
spectrometric 21
spermatogenic 20
superromantic 19
telencephalic 22
telegrammatic 20
teleutosporic 17
tetrasyllabic 20
sympatholytic 28
superterrific 20
suprachiasmic 24
syringomyelic 24
synaposematic 22
synallagmatic 21
synchronistic 23
syndicalistic 21
triboelectric 19
tricarboxylic 29
transthoracic 20
thermoplastic 22
thermographic 26
thermochromic 27
thermogenetic 21
thermospheric 25
theriomorphic 25
thiosulphuric 23
overenergetic 19
onomatopoetic 19
odontoblastic 18
oligopolistic 18
orthocephalic 25
ornithomantic 20
orthotungstic 19
oscilloscopic 21
orchidomaniac 23
organogenetic 17
organographic 22
parasitologic 18
parasymbiotic 24
parasynthetic 23
parallelistic 17
pedantocratic 20
pathognomonic 23
panpsychistic 27
pantisocratic 19
palaeobotanic 19
palaeocrystic 22
palaeographic 23
paleobiologic 20
paleoecologic 20
paleomagnetic 20
paleontologic 18
extragalactic 25
ferroelectric 20
ferromagnetic 21
ferrosoferric 21
ferrimagnetic 21
eudaemonistic 18
ethnohistoric 21
frontogenetic 19
gastroenteric 16
genetotrophic 21
galvanometric 21
galvanoscopic 23
galvanotropic 21
formularistic 20
fluorographic 24
gynaecocratic 23
granodioritic 17
gerontocratic 18
geohydrologic 24
geoscientific 21
gonadotrophic 22
gluconeogenic 19
glyptographic 27
glyphographic 30
homopolymeric 27
homoscedastic 23
holometabolic 22
homalographic 26
homoiothermic 25
homochromatic 27
homoeomorphic 27
homoeothermic 25
homolographic 26
hydromagnetic 25
hydrotherapic 27
hydrothoracic 27
heptadecanoic 23
heptasyllabic 25
heteroblastic 20
heterochronic 23
hemiparasitic 22
hematopoietic 22
hematoblastic 22
hematogenetic 21
histaminergic 21
heteromorphic 25
heteroplastic 20
heterographic 24
heterogametic 21
heterogenetic 19
heterothallic 21
heterotrophic 23
immunogenetic 20
illusionistic 15
immanentistic 19
hyperromantic 25
hypnoanalytic 26
hypercalcemic 29
hyperesthetic 26
hypereutectic 25
hypermetropic 27
hyperglycemic 31
idioplasmatic 20
idiorrhythmic 27
ideogrammatic 21
hypoglycaemic 31
hyposulphuric 28
infraspecific 25
indolebutyric 21
intraspecific 22
intratelluric 15
intragalactic 18
intrathoracic 20
interspecific 22
iontophoretic 20
intermetallic 17
interpandemic 20
interepidemic 20
leucaemogenic 20
leptocephalic 24
lexicographic 30
laryngoscopic 23
logogrammatic 21
lipogrammatic 22
lithontriptic 20
isobarometric 19
isoelectronic 17
isogeothermic 21
keratoplastic 21
kaleidoscopic 24
medievalistic 21
megaloblastic 20
maternalistic 17
metachromatic 24
meningococcic 24
mesencephalic 24
magnetometric 20
magnetostatic 18
lymphopoietic 27
lymphotrophic 30
lymphographic 31
lymphocytotic 30
lymphoblastic 27
macrocephalic 26
macroclimatic 23
macrodactylic 25
mastigophoric 23
monoaminergic 20
monomorphemic 26
monogrammatic 22
microclimatic 23
microcephalic 26
microanalytic 22
microbiologic 22
microgranitic 20
microeconomic 23
microfelsitic 22
metencephalic 24
miniaturistic 17
nephelometric 22
neurastheniac 18
neuroanatomic 17
monosymmetric 24
monopsonistic 19
morphogenetic 23
myelofibrotic 25
multimetallic 19
multiorgasmic 20
multisyllabic 22
noradrenergic 17
nonsystematic 20
nonparametric 19
nonpathogenic 21
nonscientific 20
nucleoplasmic 21
objectivistic 29
nonallergenic 16
nonalphabetic 22
nonantibiotic 17
noncellulosic 17
nonlinguistic 16
nondiplomatic 20
nondemocratic 20
nonelectronic 17
electrochemic 24
ebullioscopic 21
dysmenorrheic 24
ectoparasitic 19
epidemiologic 21
epeirogenetic 18
ergatomorphic 23
epileptogenic 20
equilibristic 26
endosymbiotic 23
embryogenetic 23
electrometric 19
electrophilic 22
electrophonic 22
electroscopic 21
elephantiasic 20
endosmometric 20
endoparasitic 18
endolymphatic 26
enantiodromic 18
enantiotropic 17
amphistomatic 24
amphitheatric 25
allelomorphic 22
anisometropic 19
anaphrodisiac 21
adventuristic 19
adiaphoristic 21
actinomorphic 24
actinomycotic 24
ailourophobic 22
ailourophilic 20
archbishopric 27
archaeometric 22
architectonic 22
antiepileptic 19
anthelminthic 23
antiarthritic 18
antiasthmatic 20
anthropogenic 21
antiballistic 17
antisymmetric 22
antispasmodic 20
apophlegmatic 25
apheliotropic 22
antiscorbutic 19
antinephritic 20
antimetabolic 19
antiparasitic 17
antirheumatic 20
chromatolytic 25
chrestomathic 25
chromonematic 24
chronographic 26
chromospheric 27
chalcographic 28
chartographic 26
cephalometric 24
chloroplastic 22
choreographic 26
communalistic 21
colonialistic 17
corticotropic 21
conglomeratic 20
consumeristic 19
cycloolefinic 25
cytotaxonomic 29
countertactic 19
cryptanalytic 25
cryptoclastic 24
cryptographic 28
creationistic 17
densitometric 18
dermatophytic 26
diachronistic 21
diaphragmatic 24
dichloracetic 23
dichroiscopic 25
dichrooscopic 25
dextrocardiac 26
deuteroscopic 20
benthopelagic 23
bibliographic 25
bathylimnetic 25
behavioristic 23
biogeographic 24
bioscientific 22
biosystematic 22
biotelemetric 19
bimetallistic 19
autocatalytic 20
bacteriolytic 22
bacteriologic 20
categorematic 20
cardiographic 24
blastogenetic 18
bronchoscopic 26
abyssopelagic 23

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