10-letter words ending with C

Dive into the specific realm of 10-letter words that conclude with the letter C. This focused section reveals the fascinating ways in which words of this particular length, ending with C, contribute to the richness of the English language. Whether it's for expanding your vocabulary, solving puzzles, or simply for the love of words, discover how these terms uniquely blend length and ending sound.

scientific 17
electronic 14
democratic 17
optimistic 16
diplomatic 17
anesthetic 15
geographic 19
diagnostic 14
arithmetic 17
systematic 17
idealistic 13
workaholic 22
photogenic 18
homophobic 24
simplistic 16
telepathic 17
futuristic 15
antibiotic 14
antiseptic 14
prosthetic 17
pyromaniac 19
altruistic 12
linguistic 13
paraplegic 17
supersonic 14
mathematic 19
scholastic 17
shopaholic 20
egocentric 15
pancreatic 16
orthopedic 18
apologetic 15
cybernetic 19
unromantic 14
monolithic 17
emblematic 18
humanistic 17
hydroponic 21
empathetic 19
telescopic 16
ultrasonic 12
hypodermic 23
unhygienic 19
megalithic 18
hedonistic 16
barometric 16
humoristic 17
homoerotic 17
transgenic 13
sophomoric 19
autocratic 14
hyperbaric 22
telephonic 17
moralistic 14
nihilistic 15
asymmetric 19
fatalistic 15
cataleptic 16
patronymic 19
xenophobic 26
syphilitic 20
talismanic 14
metaphoric 19
concentric 16
autoerotic 12
apoplectic 18
hypersonic 20
hypertonic 20
legalistic 13
pathogenic 18
metaphysic 22
paediatric 15
anxiolytic 22
alphabetic 19
gyroscopic 20
histrionic 15
idiopathic 18
hyperbolic 22
phosphoric 22
pathologic 18
mesenteric 14
metastatic 14
endoscopic 17
eukaryotic 19
cabalistic 16
astronomic 14
allopathic 17
geocentric 15
volumetric 17
biodynamic 20
jingoistic 20
tragicomic 17
pugilistic 15
synchronic 20
sacroiliac 14
neurotoxic 19
epigastric 15
intervalic 15
mesolithic 17
oenophilic 17
phosphinic 22
paraphilic 19
modacrylic 20
bacchantic 21
biocentric 16
epigenomic 17
funkadelic 20
tachypneic 22
videogenic 17
stereoptic 14
fiberoptic 19
carborexic 23
bioplastic 16
glucuronic 15
hemianopic 19
haemotoxic 24
dyspractic 20
erythorbic 20
endamoebic 17
endophitic 18
obesogenic 15
neuraminic 14
unesthetic 15
unsystemic 17
canonistic 14
caoutchouc 19
cacophonic 21
catalectic 16
caryatidic 18
catechetic 19
cataphonic 19
cataphoric 19
catapultic 16
carbonylic 19
carboxylic 26
cardialgic 16
cariogenic 15
chavtastic 20
cenotaphic 19
cellulosic 14
cerebellic 16
choriambic 21
chondritic 18
cholagogic 19
chocaholic 22
chocoholic 22
choliambic 21
chiasmatic 19
cherubimic 21
chemiatric 19
chironomic 19
chiliastic 17
cliometric 16
cinnabaric 16
cinnamonic 16
coloristic 14
collotypic 19
coenobitic 16
coenocytic 19
coelomatic 16
collagenic 15
congeneric 15
congenetic 15
coprolitic 16
copesettic 16
crescentic 16
corybantic 19
cosmoramic 18
cosmologic 17
cosmogenic 17
cosmogonic 17
coumarilic 16
cyclotomic 21
cyclopedic 22
cycloramic 21
cyanogenic 18
cryptozoic 28
cryometric 19
cryophilic 22
cryoscopic 21
cryostatic 17
decimetric 17
decametric 17
cytometric 19
cytopathic 22
cytophilic 22
cytostatic 17
dekametric 19
bolometric 16
bryophytic 25
bronchitic 19
autophytic 20
autoscopic 16
axoplasmic 23
azeotropic 23
astrocytic 17
asymptotic 19
astrologic 13
asyntactic 17
auriscopic 16
austenitic 12
authigenic 16
audiologic 14
audiogenic 14
barbituric 16
baphometic 21
basophilic 19
baroscopic 18
barophilic 19
bacteremic 18
apopemptic 20
apodeictic 17
apolaustic 14
aposematic 16
aphaeretic 17
aphoristic 17
apotropaic 16
antidromic 15
antiemetic 14
antierotic 12
anorthitic 15
antipoetic 14
antithetic 15
antistatic 12
antiheroic 15
antipathic 17
antiphonic 17
ascocarpic 18
ascosporic 16
arthralgic 16
asthenopic 17
astigmatic 15
assertoric 12
archaistic 17
aquaphobic 28
aragonitic 13
arrhythmic 23
argillitic 13
argonautic 13
bentonitic 14
batholitic 17
bathylitic 20
biospheric 19
blastodisc 15
biographic 20
biogenetic 15
bioplasmic 18
biomimetic 18
biomorphic 21
bioclastic 16
biocenotic 16
bimetallic 16
allergenic 13
allometric 14
allopatric 14
allogeneic 13
allophonic 17
algolagnic 14
alkahestic 19
algorismic 15
allosteric 12
allotropic 14
alphameric 19
alphametic 19
aldermanic 15
agrypnotic 18
albinistic 14
androgenic 14
angiogenic 14
anchylotic 20
anchoritic 17
anchoretic 17
anisomeric 14
annalistic 12
anharmonic 17
anhidrotic 16
amphigoric 20
amphibolic 21
ametabolic 16
anaglyptic 18
anacoustic 14
anacrustic 14
anaglyphic 21
anamniotic 14
anamorphic 19
anapaestic 14
anaplastic 14
anamnestic 14
anaptyctic 19
anaclastic 14
amphoteric 19
anabolitic 14
amylolytic 20
anachronic 17
adrenergic 14
aerostatic 12
aerotactic 14
aerotropic 14
aerobiotic 14
aerophobic 19
aerometric 14
aeronautic 12
acroamatic 16
acrolithic 17
acrophobic 21
acrophonic 19
acolouthic 17
acetylenic 17
achromatic 19
adiactinic 15
activistic 17
hagiologic 17
haemolytic 20
haematuric 17
gyrostatic 16
haematinic 17
haematitic 17
halophilic 20
halophytic 23
halobiotic 17
gynophobic 23
gynophoric 21
gynocratic 18
hemitropic 19
hemiplegic 20
hemostatic 17
hemophilic 22
helminthic 20
heliotypic 20
hemicyclic 24
harmolodic 18
haplologic 18
hippuritic 19
histaminic 17
histolytic 18
histogenic 16
histologic 16
hierologic 16
hippiatric 19
holophytic 23
holosteric 15
homeomeric 19
homeotypic 22
hierodulic 16
hermatypic 22
heroicomic 19
heptapodic 20
heptarchic 22
heptatonic 17
hexametric 24
hexaplaric 24
hierarchic 20
hexaemeric 24
hupaithric 20
hydrolytic 22
hydrologic 20
hydrosolic 19
hyaluronic 18
homocyclic 24
homophonic 22
homorganic 18
horoscopic 19
idiophonic 18
idiolectic 15
iconomatic 16
ichthyotic 23
ideogramic 16
hyperaemic 22
hyperdulic 21
hypergolic 21
hyperbatic 22
hypermanic 22
hyperpneic 22
hydroxylic 29
hypalgesic 21
hymnologic 21
hypostatic 20
hypotactic 22
hyponastic 20
hysteretic 18
iatrogenic 13
hypothetic 23
hypoxaemic 29
hypnologic 21
hypnogogic 22
hypnagogic 22
hypnogenic 21
hypocritic 22
inartistic 12
inharmonic 17
inquilinic 21
infrasonic 15
intragenic 13
interionic 12
ionotropic 14
iodometric 15
isogametic 15
isokinetic 16
isogenetic 13
isoglossic 13
isoglottic 13
isoseismic 14
isomorphic 19
isopiestic 14
isoplethic 17
ischuretic 17
isentropic 14
isodynamic 18
isoenzymic 26
isocaloric 14
isochasmic 19
isocheimic 19
kilometric 18
kiloparsec 18
kinnikinic 20
kerygmatic 22
kabalistic 18
kelyphitic 24
karyotypic 24
karyolytic 22
karyogamic 22
karyologic 20
kaolinitic 16
laryngitic 16
lathyritic 18
laeotropic 14
lactogenic 15
laccolitic 16
limnologic 15
lipophilic 19
lipotropic 16
localistic 14
lithotomic 17
lithologic 16
leukocytic 21
leucopenic 16
leucocytic 19
leukopenic 18
leptosomic 16
glasnostic 13
glucosidic 16
glucosuric 15
glyceridic 19
glycogenic 19
glutaminic 15
genethliac 16
geobotanic 15
genealogic 14
geotechnic 18
geothermic 18
geognostic 14
geodynamic 19
geomorphic 20
granulitic 13
gonophoric 18
gonorrheic 16
gonococcic 19
gneissitic 13
glycolytic 21
glycosidic 19
glycosuric 18
torporific 17
totemistic 14
totalistic 12
tokenistic 16
timocratic 16
tonometric 14
triglyphic 21
trigrammic 17
trigraphic 18
trimorphic 19
trilobitic 14
trichromic 19
tritanopic 14
trithionic 15
tristichic 17
transsonic 12
tribrachic 19
tremolitic 14
telesmatic 14
telophasic 17
tenebrific 17
tasimetric 14
tautologic 13
tautomeric 14
tautonymic 17
taphonomic 19
telechiric 17
teleonomic 14
teleologic 13
telemetric 14
taxidermic 22
thrombotic 19
thiocyanic 20
tholeiitic 15
thymidylic 24
tetratomic 14
tetrameric 14
tetrapodic 15
tetrarchic 17

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