7-letter words containing X

Embark on an exploration of 7-letter words that contain the letter X. This segment uncovers the diverse range of words that incorporate X within this specific length, revealing the versatility and richness of language. Ideal for vocabulary enthusiasts and word-game aficionados.

exactly 19
explain 16
example 18
excited 17
express 16
complex 20
extreme 16
explode 17
exposed 17
anxious 14
relaxed 15
maximum 20
examine 16
phoenix 19
anxiety 17
sixteen 14
explore 16
execute 16
expense 16
context 16
exhibit 19
extract 16
extinct 16
expired 17
mixture 16
exploit 16
mailbox 18
dioxide 16
excused 17
maxwell 19
texture 14
exhaust 17
quixote 23
paradox 17
pretext 16
exclude 17
sixties 14
jukebox 27
sexiest 14
textile 14
anthrax 17
foxtrot 17
kleenex 18
equinox 23
sandbox 17
exalted 15
foxhole 20
fixated 18
maximus 18
toolbox 16
expanse 16
fixture 17
coexist 16
spandex 17
shoebox 19
relaxer 14
taxicab 18
noxious 14
phalanx 19
subtext 16
beeswax 19
sexless 14
fixable 19
exhumed 20
gearbox 17
sextant 14
soapbox 18
coaxing 17
asexual 14
abraxas 16
lockbox 22
excerpt 18
lexicon 16
postbox 18
hexagon 18
exclaim 18
pillbox 18
hypoxic 24
expound 17
expunge 17
excrete 16
taxiing 15
pickaxe 22
proxies 16
affixed 21
taxable 16
betwixt 19
hypoxia 22
indexes 15
exigent 15
cashbox 21
fixings 18
relaxin 14
coxcomb 22
digoxin 16
exotica 16
bauxite 16
boxcars 18
maximal 18
excised 17
triplex 16
textual 14
fixedly 21
taximan 16
unfixed 18
hydroxy 24
inexact 16
oxidant 15
pharynx 22
perspex 18
perplex 18
proximo 18
excreta 16
extrude 15
toxemia 16
taxiway 20
untaxed 15
flexion 17
foxtail 17
maxilla 16
minimax 18
oxidize 24
expiate 16
exiling 15
exhaled 18
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exuding 16
saxauls 14
salpinx 16
saltbox 16
saxhorn 17
saxtuba 16
sealwax 17
seedbox 17
showbox 22
sexfoil 17
sexisms 16
sextons 14
sextuor 14
sextile 14
sextett 14
sexists 14
sexpert 16
sexpots 16
sextain 14
sextans 14
sextets 14
simplex 18
sixthly 20
sixaine 14
sixains 14
sixfold 18
silexes 14
sonovox 17
sorexes 14
subtaxa 16
talkbox 20
synaxes 17
synaxis 17
tortrix 14
triaxon 14
treewax 17
trioxid 15
toxines 14
toxoids 15
toxical 16
toxemic 18
telefax 17
tectrix 16
teletex 14
telexed 15
telexes 14
taxying 18
taximen 16
taxings 15
taxites 14
taxitic 16
taxless 14
taxpaid 17
taxably 19
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taxemic 18
taxwise 17
texases 14
texters 14
texting 15
unsexed 15
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unwaxed 18
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uxorial 14
vexedly 21
vexilla 17
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victrix 19
vaudoux 18
vixenly 20
vitexes 17
vitraux 17
waxable 19
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waxbill 19
waxeyes 20
waxiest 17
waxings 18
waxlike 21
waxweed 21
waxwing 21
waxwork 24
woadwax 21
workbox 23
woodbox 20
woodwax 21
tuxedos 15
tubifex 19
unfixes 17
ulexite 14
unboxed 17
unboxes 16
wraxled 18
wraxles 17
xantham 19
xanthan 17
xanthic 19
xanthin 17
xenopus 16
xerafin 17
xerarch 19
xerasia 14
xeromas 16
xeroses 14
xylitol 17
xylogen 18
xylomas 19
xylonic 19
xyloses 17
xysters 17
xylidin 18
xylenol 17
xerosis 14
xerotes 14
xerotic 16
xeroxed 22
xeroxes 21
xeruses 14
xiphoid 20
xylenes 17
zootaxy 26
zeuxite 23
casemix 18
capexes 18
chillax 19
chemsex 21
boxplot 18
boxties 16
cakebox 22
calixes 16
codexes 17
axelike 18
airprox 16
antivax 17
botoxed 17
handaxe 18
grawlix 18
imposex 18
inboxes 16
exulled 15
extropy 19
exedras 15
fuzzbox 37
faxable 19
orexins 14
oxazole 23
oxherds 18
plexing 17
poorbox 18
pollaxe 16
listbox 16
kylixes 21
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textism 16
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urbexes 16
urtexte 14
asphyxy 25
aruspex 16
apraxic 18
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apteryx 19
apoplex 18
auxinic 16
auxetic 16
auxeses 14
auxesis 14
axillae 14
axillar 14
axillas 14
axinite 14
axolotl 14
axoneme 16
axseeds 15
axially 17
axebird 17
ataraxy 17
ataxias 14
ataxics 16
ataxies 14
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bateaux 16
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biaxial 16
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bemixes 18
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boxiest 16
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boxball 18
boxfish 22
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bolixes 16
boraxes 16
boombox 20
bruxing 17
bruxism 18
braxies 16
broadax 17
buxomer 18
buxomly 21
cachexy 24
cadeaux 17
bureaux 16
carapax 18
calyxes 19
celotex 16
choenix 19
chamoix 21
alexins 14
alexine 14
alexias 14
alloxan 14
annexes 14
annexed 15
anorexy 17
anoxias 14
antefix 17
antisex 14
antitax 14
anaxial 14
forexes 17
flixing 18
flexure 17
flexors 17
flexile 17
flexing 18
fluxing 18
fluxion 17
fluxive 20
flummox 21
funplex 19
fowlpox 22
foxfire 20
foxfish 23
foxhunt 20
foxiest 17
foxings 18
foxlike 21
foxship 22
foxskin 21
gateaux 15
galaxes 15
guanxis 15
gravlax 18
hapaxes 19
helixes 17
hellbox 19
hoaxing 18
homosex 19
hoaxers 17
hexoses 17
hexylic 22
hexosan 17
hexanes 17
hexapla 19
hexapod 20
hexarch 22
hexenes 17
hexerei 17
hexings 18
hexadic 20
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hexacts 19
hexones 17
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humidex 20
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indexed 16
indexer 15
indoxyl 18
infixed 18
infixes 17
immixed 19
immixes 18
ixodids 16
invexed 18
feedbox 20
fedexed 19
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farebox 19
fixates 17
fixatif 20
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firebox 19
flaxier 17
klaxons 18
laxator 14
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laxists 14
laxness 14
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linuxes 14
lexemic 18
lexical 16
lexises 14
lexemes 16
loxygen 18
lixivia 17
malaxes 16
malaxed 17
luxated 15
luxates 14
lurexes 14
maximin 18
meataxe 16
maxixes 23
martext 16
methoxy 22
milieux 16
mixtion 16
mixiest 16
mixable 18
mixdown 20
mixedly 20
mixible 18
minxish 19
mirexes 16
monaxon 16
myxomas 21
narthex 17
murexes 16
nexuses 14
jinxing 22
jambeux 25
kickbox 26
panaxes 16
panchax 21
oxhides 18
oxyacid 20
oxygens 18
oxymels 19
oxymora 19
oxyntic 19
oxyphil 22
oxysalt 17
oxysome 19
oxtered 15
oxtails 14
oxidase 15
oxidate 15
oxidise 15
oxlands 15
oxonium 16
oxslips 16
oxytone 17
oxheart 17
overtax 17
oxalate 14
oxazine 23
oxblood 17
oxcarts 16
oxfords 18

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