5-letter words containing OP

Embark on an exploration of 5-letter words that contain the letter OP. This segment uncovers the diverse range of words that incorporate OP within this specific length, revealing the versatility and richness of language. Ideal for vocabulary enthusiasts and word-game aficionados.

stops 7
opera 7
drops 8
topic 9
adopt 8
scoop 9
troop 7
poppy 14
chops 12
whoop 13
scope 9
opium 9
slope 7
props 9
snoop 7
moped 10
stoop 7
hoops 10
elope 7
swoop 10
dopey 11
optic 9
grope 8
poppa 11
doped 9
loopy 10
topaz 16
droop 8
sophy 13
soppy 12
roper 7
mopes 9
mopey 12
slops 7
bebop 11
sloop 7
strop 7
doper 8
popsy 12
hoper 10
kopek 15
copse 9
goopy 11
estop 7
epopt 9
elops 7
flops 10
galop 8
goops 8
gopak 12
gopik 12
gloop 8
glops 8
hoped 11
hopes 10
hoppy 15
jalop 14
knops 11
kophs 14
kopje 18
koppa 13
loped 8
loper 7
lopes 7
loppy 12
loops 7
myopy 15
myops 12
myope 12
moops 9
moper 9
moppy 14
mopsy 12
mopus 9
dropt 8
dopas 8
dopes 8
bloop 9
cloop 9
clops 9
crops 9
coops 9
coopt 9
copsy 12
copra 9
coppy 14
copal 9
copay 12
coped 10
copen 9
coper 9
copes 9
atopy 10
apoop 9
plops 9
poops 9
popes 9
qophs 19
preop 9
psyop 12
rebop 9
quops 16
roops 7
roopy 10
roped 8
ropes 7
ropey 10
scopa 9
scops 9
salop 7
shope 10
shops 10
soops 7
sophs 10
sopor 7
sopra 7
slopy 10
stope 7
stopt 7
sysop 10
swops 10
swopt 10
topee 7
topos 7
topoi 7
topek 11
toper 7
topes 7
tophe 10
tophi 10
tophs 10
topis 7
toped 8
trope 7
ooped 8
opahs 10
opals 7
netop 7
noops 7
nopal 7
opens 7
opter 7
opepe 9
opine 7
oping 8
oppos 9
opsin 7
opted 8
orlop 7
whops 13
yoops 10
woops 10
zoppa 18
zoppo 18
boppy 14
poopy 12
hopak 14
woopy 13
toppy 12

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