Words Containing LU
Explore a range of words that include the letter LU, showcasing the diversity and richness of the English language. Enhance your vocabulary with interesting and unique terms featuring LU.
3 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
flu | 6 | an acute febrile highly contagious viral disease | - |
lug | 4 | ancient Celtic god | - |
lux | 10 | a unit of illumination equal to 1 lumen per square meter; 0.0929 foot candle | - |
lud | 4 | - | - |
lun | 3 | - | - |
alu | 3 | - | - |
plu | 5 | - | - |
ulu | 3 | - | - |
luz | 12 | - | - |
luv | 6 | - | - |
lur | 3 | - | - |
lum | 5 | - | - |
4 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
luck | 10 | an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favorable outcome | it was my good luck to be there |
blue | 6 | of the color intermediate between green and violet; having a color similar to that of a clear unclouded sky | October's bright blue weather |
club | 8 | golf equipment used by a golfer to hit a golf ball | - |
plus | 6 | involving advantage or good | a plus (or positive) factor |
clue | 6 | a slight indication | - |
slut | 4 | a woman adulterer | - |
luke | 8 | one of the four Gospels in the New Testament; contains details of Jesus's birth and early life | - |
lung | 5 | either of two saclike respiratory organs in the chest of vertebrates; serves to remove carbon dioxide and provide oxygen to the blood | - |
plug | 7 | an old or over-worked horse | - |
lust | 4 | have a craving, appetite, or great desire for | - |
glue | 5 | join or attach with or as if with glue | - |
lulu | 4 | a very attractive or seductive looking woman | - |
luna | 4 | (Roman mythology) the goddess of the Moon; counterpart of Greek Selene | - |
lure | 4 | anything that serves as an enticement | - |
lump | 8 | group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side | - |
plum | 8 | any of several trees producing edible oval fruit having a smooth skin and a single hard stone | - |
slug | 5 | a strip of type metal used for spacing | - |
blur | 6 | make a smudge on; soil by smudging | - |
ludo | 5 | a simple board game in which players move counters according to the throw of dice | - |
luce | 6 | United States publisher of magazines (1898-1967) | - |
slum | 6 | a district of a city marked by poverty and inferior living conditions | - |
lush | 7 | a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually | - |
lube | 6 | apply a lubricant to | - |
glum | 7 | showing a brooding ill humor | a glum, hopeless shrug |
zulu | 13 | a Bantu language of considerable literary importance in southeastern Africa | - |
flux | 14 | (physics) the number of changes in energy flow across a given surface per unit area | - |
lull | 4 | a pause during which things are calm or activities are diminished | - |
lute | 4 | a substance for packing a joint or coating a porous surface to make it impervious to gas or liquid | - |
lurk | 8 | be about | - |
sulu | 4 | - | - |
slur | 4 | a blemish made by dirt | - |
luau | 4 | an elaborate Hawaiian feast or party (especially one accompanied by traditional foods and entertainment) | - |
glug | 6 | make a gurgling sound as of liquid issuing from a bottle | the wine bottles glugged |
lune | 4 | - | - |
alum | 6 | a white crystalline double sulfate of aluminum: the potassium double sulfate of aluminum | - |
flue | 7 | flat bladelike projection on the arm of an anchor | - |
luge | 5 | move along on a luge or toboggan | - |
blub | 8 | cry or whine with snuffling | - |
luxe | 11 | elegant and sumptuous | a deluxe car |
glut | 5 | overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself | - |
lunt | 4 | United States actor who performed with his wife Lynn Fontanne in many stage productions (1893-1977) | - |
luff | 10 | sail close to the wind | - |
luny | 7 | - | - |
pulu | 6 | - | - |
flub | 9 | make a mess of, destroy or ruin | - |
plue | 6 | - | - |
slue | 4 | move obliquely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner | - |
slub | 6 | soft lump or unevenness in a yarn; either an imperfection or created by design | - |
ulus | 4 | - | - |
tolu | 4 | aromatic yellowish brown balsam from the tolu balsam tree used especially in cough syrups | - |
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5 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
lucky | 14 | presaging or likely to bring good luck or a good outcome | lucky stars |
lunch | 10 | a midday meal | - |
value | 8 | regard highly; think much of | - |
flush | 11 | turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame | - |
blues | 7 | a state of depression | he had a bad case of the blues |
fluid | 9 | affording change (especially in social status) | Britain is not a truly fluid society |
blunt | 7 | make numb or insensitive | - |
flute | 8 | a groove or furrow in cloth etc (particularly a shallow concave groove on the shaft of a column) | - |
pluto | 7 | (Roman mythology) god of the underworld; counterpart of Greek Hades | - |
bluff | 13 | deceive an opponent by a bold bet on an inferior hand with the result that the opponent withdraws a winning hand | - |
lunar | 5 | of or relating to or associated with the moon | lunar surface |
pluck | 13 | strip of feathers | pluck the capon |
glued | 7 | affixed or as if affixed with glue or paste | he stayed glued to one spot |
blush | 10 | turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame | The girl blushed when a young man whistled as she walked by |
lumpy | 12 | like or containing small sticky lumps | - |
plump | 11 | make fat or plump | We will plump out that poor starving child |
lucid | 8 | (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable | lucid directions |
fluke | 12 | a stroke of luck | - |
slump | 9 | fall heavily or suddenly; decline markedly | - |
lupus | 7 | a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Centaurus | - |
flunk | 12 | failure to reach a minimum required performance | he got two flunks on his report |
klutz | 18 | (Yiddish) a clumsy dolt | - |
flung | 9 | - | - |
fluff | 14 | something of little value or significance | - |
slush | 8 | make a splashing sound | - |
lurch | 10 | loiter about, with no apparent aim | - |
plume | 9 | clean with one's bill | - |
cluck | 13 | the sound made by a hen (as in calling her chicks) | - |
plush | 10 | characterized by extravagance and profusion | - |
clung | 8 | - | - |
blurt | 7 | utter impulsively | He blurted out the secret |
bluey | 10 | - | - |
clunk | 11 | make or move along with a sound as of a horse's hooves striking the ground | - |
elude | 6 | avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues) | - |
plumb | 11 | exactly | fell plumb in the middle of the puddle |
lunge | 6 | make a thrusting forward movement | - |
luger | 6 | someone who races the luge | - |
clump | 11 | walk clumsily | - |
lupin | 7 | any plant of the genus Lupinus; bearing erect spikes of usually purplish-blue flowers | - |
lusty | 8 | endowed with or exhibiting great bodily or mental health | - |
slurp | 7 | eat noisily | He slurped his soup |
solus | 5 | - | - |
lurid | 6 | glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism | lurid details of the accident |
slung | 6 | - | - |
bluer | 7 | - | - |
blurb | 9 | a promotional statement (as found on the dust jackets of books) | the author got all his friends to write blurbs for his book |
lumen | 7 | a unit of luminous flux equal to the amount of light given out through a solid angle of 1 steradian by a point source of 1 candela intensity radiating uniformly in all directions | - |
plunk | 11 | pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion | - |
lucre | 7 | the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses) | - |
bolus | 7 | a large pill; used especially in veterinary medicine | - |
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6 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
values | 9 | beliefs of a person or social group in which they have an emotional investment (either for or against something) | he has very conservatives values |
salute | 6 | propose a toast to | - |
luxury | 16 | the quality possessed by something that is excessively expensive | - |
volume | 11 | physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together | - |
column | 10 | an article giving opinions or perspectives | - |
asylum | 11 | a shelter from danger or hardship | - |
clumsy | 13 | showing lack of skill or aptitude | did a clumsy job |
fluffy | 18 | like down or as soft as down | - |
clutch | 13 | a pedal or lever that engages or disengages a rotating shaft and a driving mechanism | he smoothely released the clutch with one foot and stepped on the gas with the other |
valued | 10 | held in great esteem for admirable qualities especially of an intrinsic nature | a valued friend |
plunge | 9 | cause to be immersed | The professor plunged his students into the study of the Italian text |
deluxe | 14 | elegant and sumptuous | a deluxe car |
fluent | 9 | expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively | - |
blurry | 11 | indistinct or hazy in outline | the trees were just blurry shapes |
lumber | 10 | move heavily or clumsily | The heavy man lumbered across the room |
slutty | 9 | - | - |
plural | 8 | the form of a word that is used to denote more than one | - |
unplug | 9 | pull the plug of (electrical appliances) and render inoperable | unplug the hair dryer after using it |
deluge | 8 | an overwhelming number or amount | - |
lunacy | 11 | obsolete terms for legal insanity | - |
eluded | 8 | - | - |
flunky | 16 | a person of unquestioning obedience | - |
sludge | 8 | any thick, viscous matter | - |
luring | 7 | - | - |
flurry | 12 | a rapid active commotion | - |
influx | 16 | the process of flowing in | - |
beluga | 9 | valuable source of caviar and isinglass; found in Black and Caspian seas | - |
allure | 6 | dispose or incline or entice to | - |
luster | 6 | a quality that outshines the usual | - |
bluish | 11 | of the color intermediate between green and violet; having a color similar to that of a clear unclouded sky | - |
lumbar | 10 | of or relating to or near the part of the back between the ribs and the hipbones | lumbar vertebrae |
reflux | 16 | the outward flow of the tide | - |
plucky | 17 | marked by courage and determination in the face of difficulties or danger; robust and uninhibited | - |
delude | 8 | be false to; be dishonest with | - |
gluten | 7 | a protein substance that remains when starch is removed from cereal grains; gives cohesiveness to dough | - |
lustre | 6 | a quality that outshines the usual | - |
callus | 8 | an area of skin that is thick or hard from continual pressure or friction (as the sole of the foot) | - |
dilute | 7 | corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones | - |
slushy | 12 | effusively or insincerely emotional | slushy poetry |
clucky | 17 | - | - |
gluing | 8 | - | - |
bluest | 8 | - | - |
lummox | 17 | an awkward stupid person | - |
clunky | 15 | lacking grace in movement or posture | - |
lumpen | 10 | mentally sluggish | - |
sluice | 8 | conduit that carries a rapid flow of water controlled by a sluicegate | - |
allude | 7 | make a more or less disguised reference to | He alluded to the problem but did not mention it |
slurry | 9 | a suspension of insoluble particles (as plaster of Paris or lime or clay etc.) usually in water | - |
lucent | 8 | softly bright or radiant | the lucent moon |
lunate | 6 | resembling the new moon in shape | - |
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7 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
failure | 10 | a person with a record of failing; someone who loses consistently | - |
luggage | 10 | cases used to carry belongings when traveling | - |
include | 10 | allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of | - |
luckily | 16 | by good fortune | - |
lunatic | 9 | insane and believed to be affected by the phases of the moon | - |
unlucky | 16 | marked by or promising bad fortune | the unlucky prisoner was again put in irons |
plumber | 13 | a craftsman who installs and repairs pipes and fixtures and appliances | - |
lucifer | 12 | lighter consisting of a thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped with combustible chemical; ignites with friction | as long you've a lucifer to light your fag |
flushed | 14 | having the pinkish flush of health | - |
plugged | 12 | completely obstructed or closed off | the drain was plugged |
lullaby | 12 | a quiet song intended to lull a child to sleep | - |
slumber | 11 | be asleep | - |
elusive | 10 | making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe | - |
cluster | 9 | come together as in a cluster or flock | - |
blurred | 10 | unclear in form or expression | the blurred aims of the group |
exclude | 17 | put out or expel from a place | The unruly student was excluded from the game |
plucked | 16 | having the feathers removed, as from a pelt or a fowl | a plucked chicken |
surplus | 9 | more than is needed, desired, or required | surplus cheese distributed to the needy |
flutter | 10 | the motion made by flapping up and down | - |
deluded | 10 | - | - |
plunder | 10 | goods or money obtained illegally | - |
blunder | 10 | commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake | I blundered during the job interview |
recluse | 9 | one who lives in solitude | - |
hoodlum | 13 | an aggressive and violent young criminal | - |
luckier | 13 | - | - |
clutter | 9 | fill a space in a disorderly way | - |
lustful | 10 | vigorously passionate | - |
glutton | 8 | a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess | - |
glucose | 10 | a monosaccharide sugar that has several forms; an important source of physiological energy | - |
pollute | 9 | make impure | The industrial wastes polluted the lake |
bluntly | 12 | in a blunt direct manner | he spoke bluntly |
blubber | 13 | utter while crying | - |
helluva | 13 | - | - |
slugger | 9 | a boxer noted for an ability to deliver hard punches | - |
prelude | 10 | something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows | - |
plunger | 10 | someone who risks losses for the possibility of considerable gains | - |
diluted | 9 | reduced in strength or concentration or quality or purity | diluted alcohol |
phallus | 12 | the male sex organ (`member' is a euphemism) | - |
plummet | 13 | drop sharply | The stock market plummeted |
lugging | 10 | - | - |
mollusk | 13 | invertebrate having a soft unsegmented body usually enclosed in a shell | - |
eluding | 9 | the act of avoiding capture (especially by cunning) | - |
plumage | 12 | the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds | - |
splurge | 10 | any act of immoderate indulgence | a splurge of spending |
potluck | 15 | whatever happens to be available especially when offered to an unexpected guest or when brought by guests and shared by all | having arrived unannounced we had to take potluck |
slurred | 8 | spoken as if with a thick tongue | his words were slurred |
saluted | 8 | - | - |
plugger | 11 | someone who is an active supporter and advocate | - |
angelus | 8 | the sound of a bell rung in Roman Catholic churches to announce the time when the Angelus should be recited | - |
soluble | 9 | (of a substance) capable of being dissolved in some solvent (usually water) | - |
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8 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
solution | 8 | a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem | they were trying to find a peaceful solution |
absolute | 10 | not capable of being violated or infringed | - |
valuable | 13 | having worth or merit or value | a valuable friend |
illusion | 8 | an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers | - |
included | 12 | enclosed in the same envelope or package | the included check |
cellular | 10 | characterized by or divided into or containing cells or compartments (the smallest organizational or structural unit of an organism or organization) | the cellular construction of a beehive |
conclude | 13 | come to a close | - |
plumbing | 15 | utility consisting of the pipes and fixtures for the distribution of water or gas in a building and for the disposal of sewage | - |
aluminum | 12 | a silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite | - |
clueless | 10 | totally uninformed about what is going on; not having even a clue from which to infer what is occurring | - |
blushing | 14 | having a red face from embarrassment or shame or agitation or emotional upset | the blushing boy was brought before the Principal |
delusion | 9 | (psychology) an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary | - |
evaluate | 11 | form a critical opinion of | How do you evaluate this grant proposal? |
excluded | 19 | - | - |
flushing | 15 | - | - |
luckiest | 14 | - | - |
polluted | 11 | rendered unwholesome by contaminants and pollution | polluted lakes and streams |
clubbing | 15 | a condition in which the ends of toes and fingers become wide and thick; a symptom of heart or lung disease | - |
bluebird | 13 | fruit-eating mostly brilliant blue songbird of the East Indies | - |
clucking | 17 | the sound made by a hen (as in calling her chicks) | - |
clutches | 15 | the act of grasping | - |
secluded | 12 | hidden from general view or use | a secluded romantic spot |
luscious | 10 | having strong sexual appeal | - |
alleluia | 8 | - | - |
luncheon | 13 | a midday meal | - |
resolute | 8 | characterized by quickness and firmness | - |
calculus | 12 | a hard lump produced by the concretion of mineral salts; found in hollow organs or ducts of the body | - |
sluggish | 13 | slow and apathetic | a sluggish worker |
alluring | 9 | highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire | an alluring prospect |
luminous | 10 | softly bright or radiant | a sky luminous with stars |
pendulum | 13 | an apparatus consisting of an object mounted so that it swings freely under the influence of gravity | - |
stimulus | 10 | any stimulating information or event; acts to arouse action | - |
fluently | 14 | in a fluent manner | she speaks French fluently |
slumming | 13 | - | - |
affluent | 14 | having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value | an affluent banker |
lukewarm | 17 | moderately warm | he hates lukewarm coffee |
plunging | 12 | - | - |
saluting | 9 | - | - |
lunching | 14 | the act of eating lunch | - |
plugging | 13 | - | - |
gluttony | 12 | eating to excess (personified as one of the deadly sins) | - |
fluoride | 12 | a salt of hydrofluoric acid | - |
lucidity | 14 | free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression | - |
calluses | 10 | - | - |
slurring | 9 | - | - |
lustrous | 8 | reflecting light | lustrous auburn hair |
ablution | 10 | the ritual washing of a priest's hands or of sacred vessels | - |
nautilus | 8 | cephalopod mollusk of warm seas whose females have delicate papery spiral shells | - |
blurring | 11 | - | - |
allusion | 8 | passing reference or indirect mention | - |
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9 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
including | 13 | - | - |
influence | 14 | induce into action by using one's charm | - |
evolution | 12 | (biology) the sequence of events involved in the evolutionary development of a species or taxonomic group of organisms | - |
volunteer | 12 | a person who performs voluntary work | - |
exclusive | 21 | not divided or shared with others | they have exclusive use of the machine |
nightclub | 17 | a spot that is open late at night and that provides entertainment (as singers or dancers) as well as dancing and food and drink | the gossip columnist got his information by visiting nightclubs every night |
pollution | 11 | the act of contaminating or polluting; including (either intentionally or accidentally) unwanted substances or factors | - |
concluded | 15 | having come or been brought to a conclusion | - |
lunchtime | 16 | the customary or habitual hour for eating lunch | he observed a regular lunchtime |
voluntary | 15 | (military) a person who freely enlists for service | - |
reluctant | 11 | unwillingness to do something contrary to your custom | a reluctant smile |
luxurious | 16 | displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses | enjoyed a luxurious suite with a crystal chandelier and thick oriental rugs |
clubhouse | 16 | a building that is occupied by a social club | the clubhouse needed a new roof |
lucrative | 14 | producing a sizeable profit | - |
blueberry | 16 | any of numerous shrubs of the genus Vaccinium bearing blueberries | - |
plutonium | 13 | a solid silvery grey radioactive transuranic element whose atoms can be split when bombarded with neutrons; found in minute quantities in uranium ores but is usually synthesized in nuclear reactors; 13 isotopes are known with the most important being plutonium 239 | - |
ludicrous | 12 | broadly or extravagantly humorous; resembling farce | ludicrous green hair |
blueprint | 13 | something intended as a guide for making something else | a blueprint for a house |
lubricant | 13 | a substance capable of reducing friction by making surfaces smooth or slippery | - |
influenza | 21 | an acute febrile highly contagious viral disease | - |
columbine | 15 | a plant of the genus Aquilegia having irregular showy spurred flowers; north temperate regions especially mountains | - |
cellulite | 11 | lumpy deposits of body fat especially on women's thighs etc. | - |
excluding | 20 | - | - |
plundered | 13 | wrongfully emptied or stripped of anything of value | people returned to the plundered village |
unplugged | 14 | - | - |
flustered | 13 | thrown into a state of agitated confusion; (`rattled' is an informal term) | - |
evaluated | 13 | - | - |
inclusive | 14 | including much or everything; and especially including stated limits | an inclusive art form |
seclusion | 11 | the quality of being secluded from the presence or view of others | - |
exclusion | 18 | the act of forcing out someone or something | - |
polluting | 12 | - | - |
columnist | 13 | a journalist who writes editorials | - |
interlude | 10 | a brief show (music or dance etc) inserted between the sections of a longer performance | - |
aluminium | 13 | a silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite | - |
bluebeard | 14 | (fairytale) a monstrous villain who marries seven women; he kills the first six for disobedience | - |
reclusive | 14 | withdrawn from society; seeking solitude | lived an unsocial reclusive life |
sugarplum | 14 | any of various small sugary candies | - |
valuation | 12 | an appraisal of the value of something | he set a high valuation on friendship |
collusion | 11 | agreement on a secret plot | - |
bloodlust | 12 | a desire for bloodshed | - |
inclusion | 11 | the relation of comprising something | he admired the inclusion of so many ideas in such a short work |
bluegrass | 12 | an area in central Kentucky noted for its bluegrass and thoroughbred horses | - |
dissolute | 10 | unrestrained by convention or morality | - |
affluence | 17 | abundant wealth | - |
lubricate | 13 | apply a lubricant to | lubricate my car |
lumbering | 14 | slow and laborious because of weight | moved with a lumbering sag-bellied trot |
glutinous | 10 | having the sticky properties of an adhesive | - |
cluttered | 12 | filled or scattered with a disorderly accumulation of objects or rubbish | his library was a cluttered room with piles of books on every chair |
superglue | 12 | - | - |
celluloid | 12 | artificial as if portrayed in a film | a novel with flat celluloid characters |
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10 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
absolutely | 15 | completely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers | an absolutely magnificent painting |
revolution | 13 | a single complete turn (axial or orbital) | the revolution of the earth about the sun takes one year |
hallelujah | 23 | a shout or song of praise to God | - |
conclusion | 14 | event whose occurrence ends something | - |
influenced | 16 | - | - |
resolution | 10 | the trait of being resolute | it was his unshakeable resolution to finish the work |
evaluation | 13 | act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of | - |
delusional | 11 | suffering from or characterized by delusions | - |
curriculum | 16 | an integrated course of academic studies | - |
invaluable | 15 | having incalculable monetary, intellectual, or spiritual worth | - |
illuminate | 12 | make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear | - |
fluttering | 14 | the motion made by flapping up and down | - |
salutation | 10 | (usually plural) an acknowledgment or expression of good will (especially on meeting) | - |
conclusive | 17 | forming an end or termination; especially putting an end to doubt or question | conclusive proof |
absolution | 12 | the act of absolving or remitting; formal redemption as pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance | - |
illustrate | 10 | clarify by giving an example of | - |
voluptuous | 15 | (of a woman's body) having a large bosom and pleasing curves | - |
reluctance | 14 | a certain degree of unwillingness | a reluctance to commit himself |
plundering | 14 | the act of stealing valuable things from a place | the plundering of the Parthenon |
evaluating | 14 | - | - |
lumberjack | 27 | a short warm outer jacket | - |
lubricated | 15 | smeared with oil or grease to reduce friction | - |
illuminati | 12 | - | - |
reevaluate | 13 | revise or renew one's assessment | - |
concluding | 16 | occurring at or forming an end or termination | his concluding words came as a surprise |
clumsiness | 14 | unskillfulness resulting from a lack of training | - |
cerebellum | 16 | a major division of the vertebrate brain; situated above the medulla oblongata and beneath the cerebrum in humans | - |
resolutely | 13 | with firmness | - |
homunculus | 17 | a person who is very small but who is not otherwise deformed or abnormal | - |
gluttonous | 11 | given to excess in consumption of especially food or drink | over-fed women and their gluttonous husbands |
metallurgy | 16 | the science and technology of metals | - |
convoluted | 16 | highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious | convoluted legal language |
wanderlust | 14 | very strong or irresistible impulse to travel | - |
luminaries | 12 | - | - |
lackluster | 16 | lacking brilliance or vitality | a dull lackluster life |
halleluiah | 16 | - | - |
confluence | 17 | a coming together of people | - |
overvalued | 17 | - | - |
salubrious | 12 | promoting health; healthful | the salubrious mountain air and water |
cellulitis | 12 | an inflammation of body tissue (especially that below the skin) characterized by fever and swelling and redness and pain | - |
lumberyard | 18 | a workplace where lumber is stocked for sale | - |
unluckiest | 16 | - | - |
fluctuated | 16 | - | - |
plutocracy | 19 | a political system governed by the wealthy people | - |
unplugging | 15 | - | - |
landlubber | 15 | an inexperienced sailor; a sailor on the first voyage | - |
luminosity | 15 | the quality of being luminous; emitting or reflecting light | its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun |
nonplussed | 13 | filled with bewilderment | - |
bluebottle | 14 | an annual Eurasian plant cultivated in North America having showy heads of blue or purple or pink or white flowers | - |
clustering | 13 | a grouping of a number of similar things | - |
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