10-letter words containing IP

Embark on an exploration of 10-letter words that contain the letter IP. This segment uncovers the diverse range of words that incorporate IP within this specific length, revealing the versatility and richness of language. Ideal for vocabulary enthusiasts and word-game aficionados.

friendship 19
discipline 15
leadership 16
transcript 14
manuscript 16
manipulate 14
diplomatic 17
membership 21
worshipped 21
censorship 17
anticipate 14
internship 15
fellowship 21
multiplied 15
striptease 12
battleship 17
dealership 16
peripheral 17
deciphered 19
stipulated 13
omnipotent 14
philippine 19
reciprocal 16
midshipman 20
penmanship 19
dissipated 14
worshipper 20
diphtheria 19
elliptical 14
readership 16
principled 17
worshiping 19
triplicate 14
mudskipper 21
authorship 18
postscript 16
scriptural 14
sideswiped 17
slipstream 14
participle 16
frangipani 16
bipartisan 14
trippingly 18
emancipate 16
harelipped 18
hippodrome 20
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slipperier 14
pinstriped 15
unequipped 24
worshipful 21
ovipositor 15
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hippogriff 24
unscripted 15
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nifedipine 16
drainpipes 15
flippantly 20
descriptor 15
lipoidoses 13
lipoidosis 13
nippleless 14
caipirinha 17
chipmaking 24
cedarstrip 15
deputyship 21
slipstitch 17
chipperest 19
chipmakers 23
antiporter 12
anguipedes 14
blockships 23
flipboards 18
flipcharts 20
gossipiest 13
diplospeak 19
oojamaflip 24
multipoint 14
insipidest 13
lipglosses 13
reeveships 18
rechipping 20
overequips 24
tripperier 14
tripmeters 14
triplexing 20
turnipiest 12
silvertips 15
stripogram 15
whipcracks 26
ziplocking 28
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cadetships 18
caliphates 17
callipered 15
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centipedes 15
centipoise 14
chelaships 20
chipboards 20
chipochias 22
chipolatas 17
chippering 20
chippiness 19
chiefships 23
coachwhips 25
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clipshears 17
clipsheets 17
clomiphene 19
cipherings 18
ciphertext 24
cipollinos 14
cirripedes 15
cirrhipede 18
clerkships 21
clientship 17
coliphages 18
colestipol 14
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concipient 16
consulship 17
constipate 14
cousinship 17
coverslips 17
cowardship 21
coscripted 17
countships 17
courtships 17
curateship 17
cypripedia 20
crippledom 19
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decipherer 18
dandiprats 14
deaconship 18
demipiques 24
butlership 17
bursarship 17
augurships 16
audiphones 16
bashawship 23
bagpipings 18
bailieship 17
anticipant 14
antiplaque 21
antipodals 13
antipodean 13
antipoetic 14
antipolice 14
antiproton 12
antipyrine 15
antiplague 13
antipastos 12
antipathic 17
antiphonal 15
antiphoner 15
antiphonic 17
antipiracy 17
ascriptive 17
ascription 14
archonship 20
archiplasm 19
arhatships 18
armipotent 14
beadleship 18
bedellship 18
bedelships 18
bipedalism 17
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bipinnaria 14
bipolarise 14
bipolarity 17
bipolarize 23
biparietal 14
biparental 14
bipyramids 20
altiplanos 12
airmanship 17
ancipitous 14
amphiphile 22
amphiploid 20
accipitral 16
accipiters 16
abbotships 19
aedileship 16
aeolipiles 12
aeolipyles 15
adipoceres 15
adipocytes 18
grippingly 19
gunmanship 18
gunnership 16
guardships 17
guideships 17
guildships 17
hectorship 20
hemiplegia 18
hemiplegic 20
hemipteral 17
hemipteran 17
hemipteron 17
helipilots 15
hawsepipes 20
hippocampi 23
hipsterism 17
hippuritic 19
hippurites 17
hippodames 20
hippogryph 26
hippomanes 19
hippophagy 26
hippophile 22
hippophobe 24
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hippiatric 19
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hetmanship 20
horsewhips 21
ignipotent 13
imipramine 16
incipience 16
incipiency 19
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inshipping 18
insipidity 16
insipience 14
jacksnipes 25
jockeyship 31
iprindoles 13
iproniazid 22
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kinesipath 19
kniphofias 22
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kaisership 19
legateship 16
lectorship 17
lairdships 16
lipsticked 19
lipreading 14
lipography 21
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lipophilic 19
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liposucked 19
lipotropic 16
lipotropin 14
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lipochrome 19
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lightships 19
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glycolipid 19
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unciphered 18
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xiphopagus 25
xiphopagic 27
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pipsissewa 17
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pipeclayed 20
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polydipsic 20
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pluriparas 14
pretorship 17
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precipiced 19
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primiparas 16
primiparae 16
priestship 17
principium 18
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principial 16
principate 16
princeship 19
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priorships 17
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pupilships 19
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proscripts 16
queenships 24
quadripole 22
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receiptors 14
recipients 14
recipiency 19
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rantipoles 12
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rajahships 25
rangership 16
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regentship 16
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reshipment 17
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pastorship 17
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paralipsis 14
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peripeties 14
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peripetias 14
pedipalpus 17
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sideswiper 16
sincipital 14
sipunculid 15
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siphonogam 18
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shipboards 18
shipbroker 21
shipfitter 18
shiplapped 20
shipmaster 17
shipowners 18
shippounds 18
shipwrecks 24
shipwright 22
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solipedous 13
stipellate 12
stipplings 15
stipulable 14
stipulates 12
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standpipes 15
squireship 24
steamships 17
striplings 13
strippable 16
strippings 15
stripiness 12
stripeless 12
stripagram 15
subahships 20
storeships 15
stovepipes 17
sultanship 15

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