10-letter words containing DET

Embark on an exploration of 10-letter words that contain the letter DET. This segment uncovers the diverse range of words that incorporate DET within this specific length, revealing the versatility and richness of language. Ideal for vocabulary enthusiasts and word-game aficionados.

determined 14
detonation 11
detachment 18
undetected 14
detonating 12
detestable 13
detectable 15
detachable 18
undeterred 12
deterrence 13
detainment 13
detoxified 22
detectably 18
dethatcher 19
detanglers 12
detangling 13
dethronise 14
dethronize 23
sidetables 13
cadetships 18
asyndetons 14
geodetical 14
vendettist 14
sidetracks 17
syndetical 16
detracting 14
detrusions 11
detruncate 13
detraction 13
detractive 16
detractors 13
detractory 16
detraining 12
detraquees 20
detriments 13
detritions 11
detoxifies 21
detachably 21
detectives 16
detentions 11
detentists 11
detergence 14
detergency 17
detergents 12
determents 13
detections 13
detectible 15
detachedly 20
detailedly 15
detailings 12
detainable 13
detasseled 12
determiner 13
determines 13
deterrable 13
detonative 14
detonators 11
detorsions 11
detortions 11
detoxicant 20
detoxicate 20
dethroning 15
dethroners 14
deterrents 11
detersions 11
detersives 14
detestably 16
dethatched 20
dethatches 19
diapedetic 16

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