10-letter words containing CAT

Embark on an exploration of 10-letter words that contain the letter CAT. This segment uncovers the diverse range of words that incorporate CAT within this specific length, revealing the versatility and richness of language. Ideal for vocabulary enthusiasts and word-game aficionados.

medication 15
dedication 14
indication 13
complicate 18
indicating 14
suffocated 19
confiscate 17
implicated 17
uneducated 14
dislocated 14
relocation 12
eradicated 14
fabricated 18
delicately 16
indicative 16
scattering 13
caricature 14
vocational 15
lubricated 15
dedicating 15
advocating 17
syndicated 17
defecation 16
allocation 12
medicating 16
categorize 22
relocating 13
duplicated 16
dogcatcher 19
predicated 16
defecating 17
abdication 15
vindicated 17
replicated 15
invocation 15
intoxicate 19
triplicate 14
rusticated 13
fornicator 15
indelicate 13
desiccated 16
cataleptic 16
abdicating 16
masticated 15
catalyzing 25
applicator 16
allocating 13
adjudicate 21
rededicate 14
categorise 13
bilocation 14
revocation 15
fornicated 16
advocation 16
inculcated 15
reallocate 12
reeducated 14
catafalque 24
catechized 27
demarcated 16
bifurcated 18
tomcatting 15
supplicate 16
lubricator 14
eradicator 13
catawampus 19
catskinner 16
echolocate 17
suncatcher 17
colocation 14
catalognes 13
catarhines 15
catchlines 17
catfishing 19
cathinones 15
catlinites 12
acathisias 15
gaycations 16
glycations 16
haycations 18
daycations 16
incatenate 12
seecatches 17
scatterier 12
uncatchier 17
spycatcher 22
stacations 12
staycation 15
canonicate 14
cataclasis 14
cataclasms 16
cataclinal 14
cataclysms 19
catacumbal 18
catalectic 16
cataclases 14
catabolize 23
catabolise 14
catabolism 16
catabolite 14
catalogers 13
catecheses 17
catechumen 19
categorial 13
categories 13
categorist 13
catenaccio 16
catenarian 12
catechizes 26
catechizer 26
catechesis 17
catechetic 19
catechised 18
catechiser 17
catechises 17
catechisms 19
catechists 17
catenaries 12
catenating 13
catenation 12
cathedrals 16
cathepsins 17
cathetuses 15
cathodally 19
cathodical 18
catholicly 20
catholicoi 17
catholicon 17
cathecting 18
cathartics 17
catenulate 12
cateresses 12
caterwauls 15
catfacings 18
catharised 16
catharises 15
catharized 25
catharizes 24
catholicos 17
catchwords 21
cataloging 14
catamenial 14
catamounts 14
catananche 17
cataphonic 19
cataphoras 17
cataphoric 19
cataphract 19
cataphylls 20
catamarans 14
catalogise 13
catalogize 22
catalogued 14
cataloguer 13
catalogues 13
catalysers 15
catalysing 16
catalyzers 24
cataplasia 14
cataplasms 16
catapulted 15
catchcries 19
catchflies 20
catchiness 17
catchments 19
catchpenny 22
catchpoles 19
catchpolls 19
catchwater 20
catcalling 15
catcallers 14
catapultic 16
catarrhine 15
catarrhous 15
catastases 12
catastasis 12
catatonias 12
catatonics 14
catatonies 12
catchweeds 21
caricatura 14
catholytes 18
catnappers 16
catnapping 17
catoptrics 16
cicatricle 16
cicatrised 15
cicatriser 14
cicatrises 14
cicatrixes 21
cicatrized 24
cicatrizer 23
cicatrizes 23
cicatrices 16
cocatalyst 17
clericates 14
collocated 15
collocates 14
colocating 15
copycatted 20
convocated 18
convocates 17
convocator 17
coradicate 15
cowcatcher 22
corticated 15
coruscated 15
coruscates 14
decathlete 16
decathlons 16
dedicatees 14
defaecated 17
defaecates 16
defaecator 16
defalcated 17
dedicative 17
dedicators 14
dedicatory 17
defalcates 16
demarcates 15
demarcator 15
defalcator 16
defecators 16
busticated 15
busticates 14
brocatelle 14
avocations 15
auspicated 15
auspicates 14
apricating 15
aprication 14
bescatters 14
bifurcates 17
allocators 12
altercates 12
altercated 13
affricates 18
affricated 19
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acatalepsy 17
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advocators 16
advocatory 19
hereticate 15
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imbroccata 18
imbricated 17
indicators 13
indicatory 16
inculcates 14
inculcator 14
imprecated 17
imprecates 16
implicates 16
infuscated 16
irradicate 13
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invocative 18
invocators 15
invocatory 18
judication 20
judicative 23
judicators 20
judicatory 23
judicature 20
lemniscate 14
locateable 14
locational 12
toxication 19
tossicated 13
tosticated 13
toccatella 14
toccatinas 14
trifurcate 15
trisulcate 12
vacationer 15
vacationed 16
urticating 13
urtication 12
upcatching 20
vesicatory 18
vesication 15
vesicating 16
vindicates 16
vindicator 16
vellicates 15
vellicated 16
vocatively 21
wildcatted 17
wildcatter 16
umbilicate 16
truncately 15
truncating 13
truncation 12
pizzicatos 32
placations 14
plicatures 14
plications 14
prelocated 15
prelocates 14
predicates 15
predicator 15
pumicating 17
provocator 17
radication 13
radicating 14
recatalogs 13
recatching 18
reeducates 13
replicates 14
replicator 14
relocatees 12
relocators 12
requiescat 21
scattiness 12
scaturient 12
scattergun 13
scatterers 12
scatheless 15
scathingly 19
scatologic 15
scatophagy 21
seecatchie 17
silicating 13
siccatives 17
sonication 12
sonicators 12
sonicating 13
spiflicate 17
sticcatoes 14
suffocates 18
sulcations 12
supplicats 16
syndicates 16
syndicator 16
ricercatas 14
revocatory 18
rusticates 12
rusticator 12
rubricated 15
rubricates 14
rubricator 14
medicative 18
metricated 15
metricates 14
mislocated 15
mislocates 14
miscatalog 15
miseducate 15
muscatoria 14
nidificate 16
obtruncate 14
obfuscated 18
obfuscates 17
outcatches 17
pacificate 19
magnificat 18
lorication 12
loricating 13
lubricates 14
masticates 14
masticator 14
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dislocates 13
divaricate 16
educatable 15
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duplicator 15
emications 14
emboscatas 16
embrocates 16
embrocated 17
elasticate 12
eradicates 13
equivocate 24
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fabricates 17
fabricator 17
falcations 15
expiscated 22
expiscates 21
explicated 22
explicates 21
explicator 21
extricated 20
extricates 19
exsiccated 22
exsiccates 21
exsiccator 21
flycatcher 23
fricatives 18
formicated 18
formicates 17
fornicates 15
furcations 15
detruncate 13
detoxicate 20
deprecator 15
deprecates 15
deprecated 16
desiccator 15
desiccates 15
dijudicate 21

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