Words Containing AZ
Explore a range of words that include the letter AZ, showcasing the diversity and richness of the English language. Enhance your vocabulary with interesting and unique terms featuring AZ.
3 letter words
Word | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
waz | 15 | - | - |
azo | 12 | relating to or containing the azo radical | - |
caz | 14 | - | - |
saz | 12 | - | - |
4 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
lazy | 16 | disinclined to work or exertion | too lazy to wash the dishes |
jazz | 29 | empty rhetoric or insincere or exaggerated talk | don't give me any of that jazz |
nazi | 13 | a German member of Adolf Hitler's political party | - |
gaze | 14 | look at with fixed eyes | - |
maze | 15 | something jumbled or confused | - |
haze | 16 | confusion characterized by lack of clarity | - |
daze | 14 | to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light | - |
hazy | 19 | indistinct or hazy in outline | - |
raze | 13 | tear down so as to make flat with the ground | - |
laze | 13 | be idle; exist in a changeless situation | - |
faze | 16 | disturb the composure of | - |
razz | 22 | harass with persistent criticism or carping | His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie |
spaz | 15 | - | - |
azan | 13 | - | - |
azon | 13 | - | - |
azym | 18 | - | - |
naze | 13 | a cape at the southern tip of Norway | - |
lazo | 13 | - | - |
mazy | 18 | resembling a labyrinth in form or complexity | - |
gazy | 17 | - | - |
kazi | 17 | - | - |
jazy | 23 | - | - |
bazz | 24 | - | - |
cazh | 18 | - | - |
wazz | 25 | - | - |
5 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
crazy | 19 | affected with madness or insanity | - |
razor | 14 | edge tool used in shaving | - |
plaza | 16 | mercantile establishment consisting of a carefully landscaped complex of shops representing leading merchandisers; usually includes restaurants and a convenient parking area; a modern version of the traditional marketplace | a good plaza should have a movie house |
blaze | 16 | move rapidly and as if blazing | The spaceship blazed out into space |
hazel | 17 | Australian tree grown especially for ornament and its fine-grained wood and bearing edible nuts | - |
amaze | 16 | be a mystery or bewildering to | - |
craze | 16 | state of violent mental agitation | - |
graze | 15 | scrape gently | graze the skin |
dazed | 16 | in a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock | he had a dazed expression on his face |
lazar | 14 | a person afflicted with leprosy | - |
azure | 14 | a light shade of blue | - |
nazir | 14 | - | - |
jazzy | 33 | (used especially of clothes) marked by conspicuous display | - |
topaz | 16 | a light brown the color of topaz | - |
razed | 15 | torn down and broken up | - |
glaze | 15 | become glassy or take on a glass-like appearance | Her eyes glaze over when she is bored |
kazoo | 18 | a toy wind instrument that has a membrane that makes a sound when you hum into the mouthpiece | - |
bazar | 16 | a shop where a variety of goods are sold | - |
ghazi | 18 | - | - |
fazed | 18 | caused to show discomposure | refused to be fazed by the objections |
gazer | 15 | - | - |
braze | 16 | solder together by using hard solder with a high melting point | - |
mazer | 16 | a large hardwood drinking bowl | - |
zazen | 23 | - | - |
wazoo | 17 | - | - |
wazir | 17 | - | - |
peaze | 16 | - | - |
toaze | 14 | - | - |
teaze | 14 | - | - |
tazza | 23 | - | - |
tazze | 23 | - | - |
spazz | 25 | - | - |
spaza | 16 | - | - |
smaze | 16 | - | - |
sazes | 14 | - | - |
seaze | 14 | - | - |
razoo | 14 | - | - |
razes | 14 | - | - |
razer | 14 | - | - |
razee | 14 | - | - |
pzazz | 34 | - | - |
agaze | 15 | (used of eyes) open and fixed as if in fear or wonder | - |
bazoo | 16 | - | - |
azyms | 19 | - | - |
azyme | 19 | - | - |
azygy | 21 | - | - |
azury | 17 | - | - |
azurn | 14 | - | - |
azuki | 18 | - | - |
azoth | 17 | - | - |
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6 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
brazil | 17 | the largest Latin American country and the largest Portuguese speaking country in the world; located in the central and northeastern part of South America; world's leading coffee exporter | - |
amazed | 18 | filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock | an amazed audience gave the magician a standing ovation |
amazon | 17 | a large strong and aggressive woman | - |
hazard | 19 | take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome | - |
crazed | 18 | driven insane | - |
sleazy | 18 | morally degraded | sleazy characters hanging around casinos |
gazing | 17 | - | - |
dazzle | 25 | to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light | She was dazzled by the bright headlights |
bazaar | 17 | a shop where a variety of goods are sold | - |
glazed | 17 | having a shiny surface or coating | glazed fabrics |
grazed | 17 | scraped or touched lightly in passing | his grazed and bleeding arm proved he had been in the line of fire |
blazes | 17 | - | - |
blazer | 17 | lightweight single-breasted jacket; often striped in the colors of a club or school | - |
ablaze | 17 | lighted up by or as by fire or flame | forests set ablaze (or afire) by lightning |
brazen | 17 | unrestrained by convention or propriety | brazen arrogance |
piazza | 26 | a public square with room for pedestrians | - |
azalea | 15 | any of numerous ornamental shrubs grown for their showy flowers of various colors | - |
razzle | 24 | any exciting and complex play intended to confuse (dazzle) the opponent | - |
snazzy | 27 | flashily stylish | a snazzy outfit |
sleaze | 15 | tastelessness by virtue of being cheap and vulgar | - |
hazing | 19 | - | - |
hazmat | 20 | an abbreviation for `hazardous material' used on warning signs | - |
gazebo | 18 | a small roofed building affording shade and rest | - |
shiraz | 18 | a city in central southwestern Iran; ruins of ancient Persepolis are nearby | - |
lazing | 16 | - | - |
ghazal | 19 | - | - |
razing | 16 | the event of a structure being completely demolished and leveled | - |
grazer | 16 | - | - |
lazily | 18 | in an idle manner | - |
blazon | 17 | the official symbols of a family, state, etc. | - |
glazer | 16 | someone who cuts flat glass to size | - |
hazily | 21 | through a haze | we saw the distant hills hazily |
hazier | 18 | - | - |
lazier | 15 | - | - |
chazan | 20 | - | - |
mazing | 18 | - | - |
amazes | 17 | - | - |
abrazo | 17 | - | - |
agazed | 17 | - | - |
bezazz | 35 | - | - |
blazed | 18 | - | - |
bizazz | 35 | - | - |
baraza | 17 | - | - |
begaze | 18 | - | - |
bazoos | 17 | - | - |
bazazz | 35 | - | - |
bazars | 17 | - | - |
bedaze | 18 | overcome as with astonishment or disbelief | - |
ceazed | 18 | - | - |
ceazes | 17 | - | - |
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7 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
amazing | 19 | inspiring awe or admiration or wonder | New York is an amazing city |
blazing | 19 | shining intensely | the blazing sun |
crazier | 18 | - | - |
grazing | 18 | the act of grazing | - |
gazelle | 17 | small swift graceful antelope of Africa and Asia having lustrous eyes | - |
bazooka | 22 | a portable rocket launcher used by infantrymen as an antitank weapon | - |
dazzled | 27 | having vision overcome temporarily by or as if by intense light | she shut her dazzled eyes against the sun's brilliance |
gazette | 17 | a newspaper or official journal | - |
crazily | 21 | in an insane manner | he behaves crazily when he is off his medication |
brazier | 18 | large metal container in which coal or charcoal is burned; warms people who must stay outside for long times | - |
pizzazz | 45 | the activeness of an energetic personality | - |
palazzo | 27 | - | - |
glazing | 18 | - | - |
azimuth | 21 | the azimuth of a celestial body is the angle between the vertical plane containing it and the plane of the meridian | - |
fazenda | 20 | - | - |
mazurka | 22 | a Polish national dance in triple time | - |
laziest | 16 | - | - |
unfazed | 20 | - | - |
dazzler | 26 | - | - |
razzing | 26 | a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt | - |
jazzman | 34 | a musician who plays or composes jazz music | - |
alcazar | 18 | any of various Spanish fortresses or palaces built by the Moors | - |
sazerac | 18 | a cocktail made with bourbon with bitters and Pernod and sugar served with lemon peel | - |
glazier | 17 | someone who cuts flat glass to size | - |
frazzle | 28 | wear away by rubbing | - |
abrazos | 18 | - | - |
epazote | 18 | - | - |
emblaze | 20 | - | - |
drazels | 17 | - | - |
dopiaza | 19 | - | - |
diazole | 17 | - | - |
diazoes | 17 | - | - |
diazins | 17 | - | - |
diazine | 17 | - | - |
deglaze | 18 | dissolve cooking juices or solid food in (a pan) by adding liquid and stirring | - |
danazol | 17 | - | - |
dazzles | 26 | - | - |
dazedly | 21 | in a daze; in a dazed manner | he wondered dazedly whether the term after next at his new school wouldn't matter so much |
crazing | 19 | - | - |
crazies | 18 | - | - |
outgaze | 17 | - | - |
reglaze | 17 | - | - |
razzles | 25 | - | - |
razzias | 25 | - | - |
razures | 16 | - | - |
razored | 17 | - | - |
pzazzes | 36 | - | - |
pizazzy | 39 | - | - |
piazzas | 27 | - | - |
pheazar | 21 | - | - |
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8 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
magazine | 20 | a business firm that publishes magazines | he works for a magazine |
dazzling | 28 | shining intensely | dazzling snow |
craziest | 19 | - | - |
kamikaze | 27 | a fighter plane used for suicide missions by Japanese pilots in World War II | - |
laziness | 17 | apathy and inactivity in the practice of virtue (personified as one of the deadly sins) | - |
frazzled | 30 | - | - |
hazelnut | 20 | any of several shrubs or small trees of the genus Corylus bearing edible nuts enclosed in a leafy husk | - |
gazpacho | 25 | a soup made with chopped tomatoes and onions and cucumbers and peppers and herbs; served cold | - |
diazepam | 22 | a tranquilizer (trade name Valium) used to relieve anxiety and relax muscles; acts by enhancing the inhibitory actions of the neurotransmitter GABA; can also be used as an anticonvulsant drug in cases of nerve agent poisoning | - |
brazenly | 22 | in a brazen manner | he spoke brazenly |
bedazzle | 29 | to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light | - |
nazified | 21 | - | - |
sleazier | 17 | - | - |
sungazer | 18 | - | - |
sleazing | 18 | - | - |
vajazzle | 36 | - | - |
gazanged | 20 | - | - |
crazings | 20 | - | - |
shirazes | 20 | - | - |
razzings | 27 | - | - |
kazachoc | 28 | - | - |
oxazoles | 24 | - | - |
calabaza | 21 | - | - |
diazoles | 18 | - | - |
diazinon | 18 | - | - |
diazines | 18 | - | - |
denazify | 24 | free from Nazi ideology or detach from Nazi allegiance | - |
dazzlers | 27 | - | - |
deglazes | 19 | - | - |
deglazed | 20 | - | - |
danazols | 18 | - | - |
chazanim | 24 | - | - |
chazzens | 31 | - | - |
chazzans | 31 | - | - |
caziques | 28 | - | - |
chalazae | 22 | - | - |
chalazia | 22 | - | - |
chalazas | 22 | - | - |
chalazal | 22 | - | - |
lazurite | 17 | - | - |
lazulite | 17 | - | - |
lazarets | 17 | - | - |
outblaze | 19 | - | - |
outgazes | 18 | - | - |
outgazed | 19 | - | - |
nazifies | 20 | - | - |
monazite | 19 | a reddish-brown mineral containing rare earth metals; an important source of thorium and cerium | - |
mizmazes | 30 | - | - |
metazoal | 19 | - | - |
menazons | 19 | - | - |
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9 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
amazingly | 24 | in an amazing manner; to everyone's surprise | amazingly, he finished medical school in three years |
paparazzi | 31 | - | - |
craziness | 20 | foolish or senseless behavior | - |
hazardous | 22 | involving risk or danger | skydiving is a hazardous sport |
amazement | 22 | the feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising | - |
balthazar | 23 | (New Testament) one of the three sages from the east who came bearing gifts for the infant Jesus | - |
amazonian | 20 | - | - |
biohazard | 24 | any bacterium or virus or toxin that could be used in biological warfare | - |
lazybones | 23 | a lazy person | - |
gazillion | 19 | a very large indefinite number (usually hyperbole) | - |
paparazzo | 31 | a freelance photographer who pursues celebrities trying to take candid photographs of them to sell to newspapers or magazines | - |
lorazepam | 22 | tranquilizer (trade name Ativan) used to treat anxiety and tension and insomnia | - |
stargazer | 19 | someone indifferent to the busy world | - |
haphazard | 27 | without care; in a slapdash manner | the Prime Minister was wearing a grey suit and a white shirt with a soft collar, but his neck had become thinner and the collar stood away from it as if it had been bought haphazard |
bazillion | 20 | a very large indefinite number (usually hyperbole) | - |
razorback | 26 | a mongrel hog with a thin body and long legs and a ridged back; a wild or semi-wild descendant of improved breeds; found chiefly in the southeastern United States | - |
trazodone | 19 | oral antidepressant (trade name Desyrel) that is a nontricyclic drug used as a sedative | - |
azygously | 25 | - | - |
bizzazzes | 47 | - | - |
bazzazzes | 47 | - | - |
euthanaze | 21 | - | - |
hazelwood | 25 | reddish-brown wood and lumber from heartwood of the sweet gum tree used to make furniture | - |
gazanging | 21 | - | - |
sungazing | 20 | - | - |
sungazers | 19 | - | - |
uncrazier | 20 | - | - |
unfazable | 23 | - | - |
vajazzled | 38 | - | - |
vajazzles | 37 | - | - |
stargazey | 22 | - | - |
razorfish | 24 | - | - |
razorclam | 22 | - | - |
pizazzier | 38 | - | - |
kazachoks | 31 | - | - |
kazachocs | 29 | - | - |
amazonite | 20 | - | - |
alcarraza | 20 | - | - |
alguazils | 19 | - | - |
azeotrope | 20 | - | - |
azedarach | 24 | tree of northern India and China having purple blossoms and small inedible yellow fruits; naturalized in the southern United States as a shade tree | - |
azeotropy | 23 | - | - |
azimuthal | 23 | of or relating to or in azimuth | - |
azoturias | 18 | - | - |
azotizing | 28 | - | - |
azotising | 19 | - | - |
azotemias | 20 | - | - |
azotaemic | 22 | - | - |
azotaemia | 20 | accumulation in the blood of nitrogenous waste products (urea) that are usually excreted in the urine | - |
atrazines | 18 | - | - |
chazzenim | 34 | - | - |
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10 letter words
View allWord | Points | Definition | Sentence example |
stargazing | 21 | observation of the stars | - |
sleazeball | 21 | - | - |
alprazolam | 23 | an antianxiety agent (trade name Xanax) of the benzodiazepine class | - |
dazzlingly | 33 | in a manner or to a degree that dazzles the beholder | - |
diltiazems | 22 | - | - |
diazotizes | 29 | - | - |
diazotized | 30 | - | - |
diazotises | 20 | - | - |
diazotised | 21 | - | - |
diazoniums | 22 | - | - |
diazeuctic | 24 | - | - |
gazundered | 22 | - | - |
gazillions | 20 | - | - |
gazetteers | 20 | - | - |
gazehounds | 24 | - | - |
gallinazos | 20 | - | - |
fazendeiro | 23 | - | - |
emblazoner | 23 | - | - |
emblazoned | 24 | - | - |
emblazonry | 26 | - | - |
embrazures | 23 | - | - |
lorazepams | 23 | - | - |
magazinist | 22 | - | - |
overglazed | 24 | - | - |
overglazes | 23 | - | - |
overgrazed | 24 | - | - |
overgrazes | 23 | - | - |
outdazzles | 29 | - | - |
outdazzled | 30 | - | - |
outbrazens | 21 | - | - |
outblazing | 22 | - | - |
nitrazepam | 23 | a hypnotic and sedative drug of the benzodiazepine type | - |
mazinesses | 21 | - | - |
mazarinade | 22 | - | - |
salmanazar | 21 | - | - |
superbazar | 23 | - | - |
stramazons | 21 | - | - |
stargazers | 20 | - | - |
spetznazes | 30 | - | - |
spetsnazes | 21 | - | - |
sleaziness | 19 | a lack of elegance as a consequence of wearing threadbare or dirty clothing | - |
sleazebags | 22 | - | - |
snazziness | 28 | - | - |
shlimazels | 24 | - | - |
schlimazel | 26 | (Yiddish) a very unlucky or inept person who fails at everything | - |
scazontics | 23 | - | - |
pavonazzos | 33 | - | - |
razzmatazz | 48 | any exciting and complex play intended to confuse (dazzle) the opponent | - |
razorbills | 21 | - | - |
razorbacks | 27 | - | - |
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