5-letter words containing AP

Embark on an exploration of 5-letter words that contain the letter AP. This segment uncovers the diverse range of words that incorporate AP within this specific length, revealing the versatility and richness of language. Ideal for vocabulary enthusiasts and word-game aficionados.

happy 15
paper 9
apart 7
cheap 12
japan 14
shape 10
apple 9
apply 12
raped 8
traps 7
strap 7
adapt 8
scrap 9
rapid 8
taped 8
grape 8
kappa 13
chaps 12
maple 9
apron 7
pappy 14
flaps 10
lapse 7
graph 11
nappy 12
craps 9
heaps 10
vapor 10
leapt 7
recap 9
kaput 11
capri 9
sappy 12
tapas 7
soapy 10
caper 9
papal 9
drape 8
lapel 7
apnea 7
scape 9
aptly 10
tapir 7
taper 7
vapid 11
appro 9
apace 9
haply 13
agape 8
aping 8
lapis 7
caput 9
aport 7
staph 10
lapin 7
capon 9
raper 7
gaper 8
appal 9
appel 9
uncap 9
etape 7
apish 10
aphid 11
tapis 7
gapes 8
gapos 8
gappy 13
gaped 9
frape 10
fraps 10
grapy 11
hapus 10
hapax 17
hanap 10
heapy 13
igapo 8
inapt 7
japed 15
japer 14
japes 14
jalap 14
jaaps 14
koaps 11
klaps 11
knaps 11
kapas 11
kaphs 14
kapok 15
khaph 17
lapje 14
leaps 7
mapau 9
napas 7
naped 8
napes 7
napoo 7
nappa 9
nappe 9
neaps 7
draps 8
capes 9
caphs 12
capiz 18
caple 9
capos 9
capot 9
caped 10
capas 9
capul 9
carap 9
claps 9
clapt 9
coapt 9
chape 12
chapt 12
crape 9
crapy 12
apses 7
apsis 7
apsos 7
apted 8
apter 7
apres 7
appay 12
appui 9
appuy 12
ataps 7
attap 7
bapus 9
becap 11
apage 8
apaid 8
apian 7
apiol 7
apism 9
apode 8
apods 8
aphis 10
apayd 11
apays 10
apeak 11
apeek 11
apers 7
apert 7
apery 10
apgar 8
apoop 9
aheap 10
alapa 7
alaap 7
alaps 7
plaps 9
remap 9
reaps 7
rapes 7
raphe 10
rappe 9
sapan 7
sapid 8
sapor 7
scapi 9
scapa 9
shaps 10
soaps 7
slaps 7
sneap 7
snaps 7
staps 7
tappa 9
tapus 7
tapet 7
tapen 7
tapes 7
swaps 10
swapt 10
unapt 7
trape 7
trapt 7
okapi 11
papas 9
papaw 12
papes 9
pappi 11
whaps 13
watap 10
yrapt 10
zappy 21
wrapt 10
wraps 10
yapon 10
yapps 12
yappy 15
yapok 14
capex 16
qapik 20
kapus 11
kapow 14
happi 12
vaped 11
vaper 10
vapes 10

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