Wordfeud Cheat Solver
Take your Wordfeud skills to new heights with our helper tool. Discover powerful words, leverage your tile set effectively, and outmaneuver your opponents in every match.

Popular lists of words
High scoring scrabble word of the day
surgical removal of a lobe from any organ of the body (as the lung or brain)
How many points is LOBECTOMY worth in Scrabble?
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Per letter points
How does it work?
Enter your tiles into our tool and get a list of the best words to play for maximum points in Wordfeud.
Strategic word selection
Use your current tiles to find high-scoring words, perfectly fitting your game board.
Board layout consideration
Enhance your gameplay by strategically placing words on premium squares for bonus points.
Quick and Smart
Benefit from an intuitive interface that provides fast and intelligent word suggestions.
We love to help you with any words you might need.
Word Squared to help you with all of your word problems and questions. From dictionaries and definitions to powerful word tools like crossword and Scrabble solvers.